Meet-the-Expert session with
Prof. Dr. Fredrik Pontén and
Prof. Dr. Ruedi Aebersold
Antibody-(in)-dependent assay development
Dear OOA members,
We proudly announce a meet-the-expert meeting with Prof. Dr. Fredrik Pontén and Prof. Dr. Ruedi Aebersold on "Antibody-(in)-dependent assay development".
Attendants of this meeting will be asked to read some papers on this topic as background information. This meeting will be preceded by the symposium “Proteome analysis in translational research”.
Prof. Fredrik Ponten, MD, PhD, received his PhD from UppsalaUniversity in 1996, he did a post-doc at YaleUniversity (New Haven, CT, USA) and became full professor in 2008 at the Department of Genetics and Pathology. He is also a board-certified specialist of Anatomical Pathology at the UppsalaUniversityHospital. He is the Vice-Program Director and Clinical Director of the Human Protein Atlas program (HPR Project), and heads the Human Protein Atlas effort at the Uppsala site. The HPR project involves a large-scale effort to do antibody-based human tissue proteomics. The aim of this project is to generate specific antibodies towards human gene products and to use these to map expression in human tissues and cells.All antibodies are screened on > 700 spots including approx. 50 normal tissues, 20 common forms of cancer and 50 cell lines. All immunostained spots are scanned to produce high-quality images. All data is stored in a web-based which is publically available.
Prof. Ruedi Aebersold obtained his Ph.D. in Cellular Biology at the Biocenter of the University of Basel in 1983. Since that time, he is a faculty member of the Universities of Washington and British Columbia, until 2000, when he co-founded the Institute for Systems Biology in Seattle. In 2004, he accepted a position as full professor at the Institute of Biotechnology at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, where in January 2005, his research group became the first integral part of the newly founded Institute of Molecular Systems Biology.Prof. Dr. Aebersold is one of the pioneers in the field of proteomics. He is known for developing a series of methods for quantitative mass spectrometry. He and his team of researchers use the protein profiles determined by this method to differentiate cells in different states, such as noncancerous versus cancerous cells, and to systematically study how cells respond to external stimuli. These "snapshot" profiles indicate which cells contain abnormal levels of certain proteins. This is expected to lead to new diagnostic markers for disease and to a more complete understanding of the biochemical processes that control and constitute cell physiology.
We hope to see you there!
Date: 4thof October, 2013
Time: 12.00h-13.00h
Target audience: PhD students in oncology VUmc, NKI and AMC. Limited to 12 attendants
Price: Free of charge (lunch included)
Location: VUmc CCA 3.38
Registration: You can register by sending the registration form to before September 27th
Organisation: Dr. Connie R. Jimenez and Dr. Remond J.A. Fijneman
More information: Dr. Esther M. Ruhé: 020-4443113 or