This is an information resource intended to assist meet administration in handling any Safe Sport related issue that may come up during a meet. Please feel to add to this guide as you see fit for your meet.
Safe Sport Meet Standard
- The Meet Director, Meet Referee, andFacilityManagement (if indicated), shall worktogether to ensure compliance with the USA Swimming Code of Conduct and AthleteProtectionPoliciesduring swimmeets forthe protection of Athletes and Non-AthleteMembers of USA Swimming.
- Consultation during the meetmay beobtained, if available, with the USA SwimmingSafe Sport Office, LSC Safe Sport Chair/Coordinator, LSCGeneralChair,ortheMeetCommittee at the venue.
Meet Director: Safe SportProtocol
Priortothe meet
- IdentifyEmergencyServicesand their contactinformation forthefacility(ifotherthan911):
- Law enforcement
- Medical services
- Address and phone number of the facility
- Information to be carried by the Meet Director, and MeetReferee.
- Determine responsibility for enforcing USASwimming Code of Conduct(Article 304)andAthleteProtection Policies (Article305),suchasdeckaccess, camera use,etc.
- IfitisFacility Management:
- Obtain names and contactinformation of facilitystaff for use by MeetManagement, Officials and Meet Marshals during the meet.
- EstablishaChainofCommand.
- IfitisMeet Management:
- Usethisguidetodevelopaplanfor handling situationsthat might occur.
- EstablishaChainofCommandatthe meet.
- Confer with the Meet Referee:
- Discuss how Code of Conduct and Athlete Protection Policy violationswillbemanaged during the meet.
- Have a clear reporting structure for all members oftheMeetstaffandvolunteersthatcanbeeasilycommunicated to all workers at the meet. For example:
- Volunteers such asConcessions,Admissions,MeetManagement, etc.reporttotheMeet Director. Timers, Meet Marshals, andOfficials report tothe Meet Referee.
- MeetRefereeandMeet Directorshall confer witheachotheronallreportsreceived.
oDetermine ifthe MeetReferee or MeetDirector will brief Officials, MeetMarshals and Timers on Safe Sport policies and Best Practices.
- Prepare briefing sheetsforMeet Marshals, Officials, Timers,Coaches and otherVolunteersregarding Safe Sportpoliciesand Best Practices, orusethose located intheSafe Sport Handbook.
- Check the USA Swimming “IndividualsPermanently Suspended or Ineligible” list forindividualsfromyourarea:
- Individuals permanently suspended or ineligible areallowedtobespectatorsata meet and may beinthestands.
- Theycannotbepresentondeck,coach,or perform any function at the meetrequiring USA Swimming Membership, and violators shall be reported to the Meet Director or Meet Referee.
At the meet
- Ensurevolunteercoachesbriefing sheets are distributed appropriately.
- Encourage the meet announcer to remind all attendees about Safe Sport policies eg., deck changing, photography, massage, etc.
- Meet Referee, Meet Director, or designee:
- BriefMeet Marshals prior to each session or change of staff.
- Participate in Official’s/Timer’sbriefings as determined by your pre-meetmeetings.
- Meet presence:
- Be visible and active on deck as much as possible.
- Be proactive: interact with athletes andcoachesregarding rules and policies of themeet.
- Setan example ofpositivebehaviorfor all Volunteers of the Meettoemulate.
Remember,the Meet Director and Meet Referee must, together, usecommon sense andconsistent application of USA Swimming Rules and Safe Sport Policies for the protection ofallUSA Swimming Members, volunteers and spectators of themeet.
What if youreceive a report that someone in the stands isacting suspiciously?
Go directly to the individual and politely ask themwhotheir swimmer is,andtheirteamaffiliation. Determine the purpose of their attendance. If theyare taking pictures, ask to see theirpictures.Explainthatyourconcern is athlete safety. You havenowputthepersononnoticethat theyarebeingwatched.Iftheanswersyougetarenotsatisfactory,takethe appropriate action, up to and including contacting authorities.
Whatifyoureceive areportthatthereisa suspicious personinthelockerroom?
Notify facility staff/security ifyouareinasharedusefacility.Ifthefacilitydoesnothaveitsown response procedure, you and another adult and/or facility security should go immediately tothe locker roomand confront this individual. Makesure all athletes in the locker roomare safeand then determine why the individual is in the locker room.Ifthe individualattempts to leave,follow him/her until you have determined there isno further threat and that no further action isnecessary.Remember, youarenotthepolice.Anyhintthatthispersonshouldnotbeinthelocker roomwill likely warrant a call to the authorities.
What if youget a report of a peer to peer incident on deck or in the locker room?
Talkwith all athletes involved to determine whathashappened.Itis important toinvolveparents/guardiansandthecoachinany discussions with athletes.Remind allinvolvedofArticle
304.3.7and Article 304.3.8 (D) which addressesbullying and peer to peer abuse.
- No cameras (includingcellphone cameras) orother recording devicesare allowed behindthe blocks at any time. If you see a camera you should:
- Informthe camera user of the policyandrequestthatitbeputaway.
- Informthe Meet Director or Facility Managerof the camera use.Do this even ifthe camera userputsthe camera awaywhenasked.
- Exception: a credentialed, official Meet Photographer identified by the MeetDirector, stated intheMeet Announcement andavailabletoallathletesisallowedbehindtheblocksafterthestart.
- Good sportsmanship is expected at all times.
- Bullyingortauntingisprohibited at all times on deck. Bullying is defined as anysevere word,act or gesture directed atsomeone that a reasonable person believeshastheeffectofcausing harm, thefearofharmorahostile environment.
Tauntingisdefinedasexpressing contempt orridicule.
- If you see these behaviors:
- Stopthebehavior immediately.
- Informthe Meet Director or Meet Referee andletthemhandlethesituation.
- Deck Changing is prohibitedyousee someone deckchangingyou should inform the Meet Referee or Meet Director of Club involved.
- Rubdowns and massages are not allowed exceptbyaLicensedMassage Therapist orother certified professional who is not acoach.Ifyouseethisbehavioryoushould:
- Ask to see their Meet Deck Credentialor check withthe Meet Director.
- Ask themto leave the deck iftheydonothaveaDeck Credential or if they are notauthorized by theMeet Director.
- Informthe Meet Director or Meet Refereeofanyoneondeckwithout authorization.
- Swimmers are not allowed to sit on the lap ofany coach or other non-athlete member thatis not part oftheir family.Ifyou see this happening you should:
- Remind the adult of Article 305.1 of the Athlete Protection Policy andaskthemtostopthebehavior.Remind theadultthatthisisaCodeof Conduct violation.
- Informthe Meet Director or Meet Referee of the behaviorandthoseinvolved.
- Only registeredcoaches,officials, swimmers and meetvolunteersareallowed on deck.Ifyou see someone who does not appear to belongondeck,askthatperson why he/sheison deck.
- Non-athlete members suchas Coaches andOfficials must have a registration cardor deck credential. If noidentification is produced, escort him/her totheMeet
Director to obtain a DeckCredential.
- Ifhe/shehasnoreason/righttobeondeck, ask him/her to leave and provide anescortoffthedeckifnecessary.Inform the Meet Director orFacility Manager ifthereisany refusal to leave and/or threatening orbelligerentbehavior.
- Remember, youhaveanactiveroleinkeeping the swimmers atthis meet safe.You arenotondecktobeaparent,afanoracoach.Bevigilantinkeepingyourassignedarea safeforallathletes,volunteersand non-athletemembersofUSASwimming.
YouareanOfficialofthe meet.
- Donottextorusecellphonesduringthe meet. Ask the Chief Timer for relief if you needto do so.
- No cameras, cell phone cameras, or otherrecordingdevicesareallowedbehindtheblocks at any time.
- Ifyouobserve camera usebehindtheblocks,notify the Chief Timer or the nearestOfficial,who will thennotify the DeckReferee.
Thank you for attending our meet.(HOST CLUB NAME orWe) want(s) a successful and safeevent for all teams, coaches, and athletes.Ifyouhaveanyquestionsabout the meet pleasecontact us at any time.
Several reminders toensure everyonecanhave a great experience atthis meet:
- No cameras orotherrecordingdevicesare allowed behind the blocks. If you are going tobe taking video of your swimmers, you muststand onthesideorattheturnendofthepool.
- Deck changing is (prohibited/strongly discouraged) atall times.Please help us by havingyourswimmersusethelocker rooms orotherdesignatedareasforchanging,andsupportourMeetMarshallswhenthey remind your swimmers about this rule.
- Rubdowns or massages are not allowed except byaLicensedMassageTherapist or othercertifiedprofessional, who isnotacoach.Any rubdown or massageperformed at thevenue by a licensed professional must be conducted in open/public locations and mustnever be done with only the athlete and licensed massage therapistinthe room. IfyouplantohaveaMassageTherapistwithyouat the meet, please informthe Meet Directorpriortothe meet anddiscussanappropriateopen/publiclocationfortheirservices.
- Athlete members are not allowed to sit on the laps of coaches and Non-Athlete memberswhoarenot family.Ifyouseethis,please remind theadultofArticle305.1oftheAthlete Protection Policy.This behavior notonly looks inappropriate, but is a violationof the Code of Conduct.
- As we ask all our volunteers and staff, if yousee something suspicious or something thatmakes youuncomfortableinvolvinganyathleteatthe meet, please report thistotheMeetRefereeorMeet Director immediately.
Deck Changing: A Guide for LSC Leadership
If a deck changing incident is not resolved during the meet at which it occurs, the Meet Director or Meet Referee should contact the LSC General Chair and/or Safe Sport Chair. The LSC General Chair and Safe Sport Chair together should decide who should speak with the coach. At that point, the following steps should be taken:
- Obtain information from the Meet Referee and Meet Director as to the situation that occurred, the mentoring steps taken, and the response of the Coach.
- Review the situation with the General Chair.
- Determine who will speak with the coach: the General Chair or the Safe Sport Chair.
- Potential speaking points with the coach:
- This is a rule, a prohibition, which needs to be followed, like any other rule.
- Recognize that it takes time to change behavior, and with athletes, a coach has tremendous influence and respect. If the coach is not supportive of the rule in front of the athlete, it is unlikely that the athlete’s behavior or buy-in will change.
- Younger athletes may pattern their behavior after older teammates or idols such as National Team athletes. The older athletes need to serve as an example of appropriate behavior and decorum for the younger athletes.
- In most municipalities, there are laws/statutes against public nudity (if the body is exposed during deck changing).
- This is a Safe Sport/safety issue for the athlete. People in the stands are more likely to observe deck changing (high bleachers, balcony seating, etc.) and with a more unobstructed view, than Officials, Coaches and Meet Marshals on deck. This increases the potential that an image can be taken, which can then be distributed (rapidly), by social media.
- An image on the internet or through social media (sexting) may be out there forever, bringing lasting ramifications for the athlete.
- A compromising picture of an athlete can be used to blackmail or bully an athlete into a more risky and dangerous situation.
- Knowledge of the possibility of observing deck changing may be an enticement for predators to attend meets, particularly outdoor meets or open water meets where there is more access to viewing and moving more freely throughout the venue.
- Notify the USA Swimming Safe Sport office of initial report to the LSC Safe Sport Officer, and the actions taken.
- This may be an opportunity to involve the Zone Safe Sport Chair/Coordinator:
- Assist the LSC Safe Sport Chair and provide mentoring if needed
- Communicate with the coach in addition to the LSC Safe Sport Chair, or instead of the LSC Safe Sport Chair.