Agenda Item:3.5
FWGMedium Term Workplan
Purpose: Consideration
Submitted by: FWG Lead Shepherd
/ Third SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation MeetingSendai, Japan
24 September 2010
(2010 – 2015)
Fisheries Working Group (FWG)
- MEDIUM-TERM GOALS (please provide some explanation/description of the medium term goals that the group will work toward in order to facilitate achievement of APEC-wide strategic objectives )
The FWG’s medium term work plan aims to respond to APEC Leaders/Minister/SOM decisions and SCE priorities, that includes promoting sustainable growth, enhance human security, improve food security and Strengthening Economic and Technical Cooperation and to achieve a well-managed fisheries and aquaculture that yield optimal economic value to support sustainable communities and livelihoods in APEC member economies, while ensuring the long-term conservation and sustainable use of those resources.
Other decisions and priorities outlined by Leaders, Ministers SOM and SCE which relate to the work of the FWG include trade liberalization, climate change and food safety. As Peru is scheduled to host the 3rd APEC Ocean-related Ministerial Meeting (AOMM3) in 2010, the FWG will have to devote substantial attention to those areas that could benefit most from Ministerial support and direction in the mid-term including developing and implementing FWG own Strategic Plan.
goals/objectives (please indicate the ecotech priority workstream that they support) / Action items/Specific processes/activities / Expected Outcomes / Timeframe / Cooperating party (mo/other apec fora)
- Sustainable Growth
Aim: Raise awareness amongst APEC officials of the importance of the fisheries and aquaculture sector for APEC economies.
Outcome: Developed a publication Harvesting Currency: The importance of fisheries and aquaculture for APEC economies available at / Completed / 2009 onwards / MRC
- Enhancing Human Security
Aim: Live reef food fish trade (LRFFT) business is one of the most lucrative businesses in the Coral Triangle (Indonesia, PNG, Malaysia and the Philippines). However, impacts of the LRFFT continue to pose major challenges to the future sustainable use of this marine resource. The project seeks to improve the management of the LRFFT gathering official, business and NGOs representatives to discuss this issue and find alternatives/identify recommendations on this regard and establish collaborative approaches to strengthen existing ‘voluntary’ standards.
Outcome: Workshop scheduled for Oct 2010. / Ongoing / 2010-2011 / MRC
- Human Security: Food Security
- Regional Economic Integration
- Addressing Social Dimension of Globalization (Inclusive Growth)