Medium Term planning Raven Class (Year 5) Theme ‘Anglo Saxons and Vikings’ 4thJanuary to 9th February 2018

Subject / Wk/beg 01/01 / Wk/beg 08/01 / Wk/beg 15/01 / Wk/beg 22/01 / Wk/beg29/01 / Wk/beg 05/02
Science / Consider balanced and unbalanced forces, identifying forces such as gravity which act on objects. / Explain that unsupported objects fall towards earth by investigating gravity. / Identify the effects of air resistance. / Create boats to identify the effects of water resistance. / Examine effects of friction on moving objects. / Look at how levers, pulleys and gears allow small forces to produce a great effect.
Geography / - / - / - / - / - / -
History / Examine when, where and why the Vikings raided Britain. / Consider how some Anglo-
Saxon kings influenced Britain and how they fought against the Vikings. / Investigate King Ethelred II and when/why Danegeld was introduced.
‘Anglo-Saxons and Vikings Day’ at Norwich Castle. / Identify and explain key aspects of Viking life. / Compare and contrast Anglo-Saxon law with its modern equivalent. / Consider the effect of the reigns of the last Anglo-Saxon kings on modern Britain.
RE / - / - / - / - / - / -
PSHE / - / - / - / - / - / -
Music / - / - / - / - / - / -
MfL / - / ‘Rigolo’ / ‘Rigolo’ / ‘Rigolo’ / ‘Rigolo’ / ‘Rigolo’
Forest School / - / Thursday p.m. / Thursday p.m. / Thursday p.m. / Thursday p.m. / Thursday p.m.
Art / - / Chn look at Anglo-Saxon clothing and design an outfit. / Chndesign an Anglo-Saxon brooch to fasten their clothing. / Chn start to create an Anglo-Saxon brooch using papier maché. / Chn continue with their designs. / Chn paint and glaze their brooches.
PE / - / Gymnastics / Gymnastics / Gymnastics / Gymnastics / Gymnastics
Computing / - / Digital Literacy - Pupils explore what it means to be responsible to and respectful of their offline and online communities as a way to learn how to be good digital citizens / Digital Literacy - How can you protect yourself from online identity theft? Pupils think critically about the information they share online. / Digital Literacy - Pupils consider that they may get online messages from other kids that can make them feel angry, hurt, sad, or fearful. Pupils identify actions that will make them Upstanders in the face of cyberbullying. / Digital Literacy - Pupils learn strategies to increase the accuracy of their keyword searches and make inferences about the effectiveness of the strategies / Digital Literacy - Safer Internet Day (6th February) Theme: “Create, Connect and Share Respect: A better internet starts with you”