Medium Term Plan Year 3 /4 SEAL Good to be me Autumn 2010

Week / Learning objectives / Lesson activities / Key Skills / Learning outcomes & Assessment Op
1 / to understand feelings and emotions
to express feelings about
recognise positive aspects
to recognise when a situation is difficult and how to cope /


Begin with a game – place chairs in a circle in the classroom with a spare chair on teacher’s right.
“There’s a chair on my right and I would like …… to sit on it.” The named child moves and leaves an empty space – the child with the empty space on the right will then choose another child to sit on the chair
Continue this for a few rounds.
Key question – what did it feel like to be waiting to be chosen?
Write words on board
What other situations have the children been in when they have been waiting to be chosen? –What did children feel like if they were not chosen? How did they cope?
Explain that the theme for this half term is Good to be Me and we are going to be exploring feelings.
Explain that Being Good to be me – is about feeling proud about the things you are good at and being accepting and realistic about things you find more difficult.
Children work in pairs – choose children to work together – to complete a Good to be me interview
Show questions that could be asked – eg
What things have you done over the last few weeks that you have been proud of? What went well? What helped it to go well? How did you feel? / Communication
Group skills
Speaking an listening / To be encourage positive talk
To be able to talk positively about ones self
2 / Understanding the feelings
hopeful/ disappointed
To learn strategies to cope /


Use the photocards on the screen and ask the children how the characters might be feeling?
Write thought shower ideas – what gives you a clue about how they are feeling
Introduce the words hopeful/ disappointed – can anyone give examples of when they have felt like this?
Read the story “Hopeful” – and ask questions –
Activity – in mixed groups – place a wrapped up present. Children individually write down what they hope would be in it and then what they would NOT want in it. Place them in the middle of the table and take turns to read aloud what has been written.
Place under – Hopeful and Disappointed headings. / Communication
Group skills
Speaking an listening / to understand feelings about hope and disappointment
3 / Understanding the feelings
hopeful/ disappointed
To learn strategies to cope /


Revise the work done I the previous session.

Has anyone been disappointed this week? Take time to go around the circle and share – has anyone been hopeful and not disappointed?
Today we are going to think about how we cope with disappointment?
Sort negative and positive words on IWB using chart – hopeful and hopeless chart
Discuss ways of working together -
Working in mixed groups of 3 produce a hopeful poster – share poster / Communication
Group skills
Speaking an listening / to understand ways of coping with disappointment
4 / to know when to hid
feelings/ when to show feelings /


Revise types of feelings – show word and ask children to freeze frame the emotion –
Key question – what type of feeling is hard to hide – ask children to give some examples….
Show hiding feelings picture – of girl – why did she hide her feelings.
In groups of three complete suggested role play
Extension – can children think of three more scenarios where one might hide feelings. / Communication
Group skills
Speaking an listening / decide when it is good to hide feelings and when not
5 / Understanding a response to a certain situation –
aggressive /


Read the story Lion, Mouse, Fox and Human.


In mixed groups discuss the following questions
What do you think of Human’s way of getting food back?
·  Do you think it would work?
·  Have you ever tried anything like it?
·  Do you think it is ever good to be like Lion. Mouse or Fox?
·  What do you think of Monster?
·  Why do you think that monster took all the food?
·  Have you ever done anything like Monster did?
Encourage children to discuss in group- make contributions such as
I agree with …… because
I disagree ……. Because
match feelings with characters behaviour angry , whiney, sneaky, assertive / Communication
Group skills
Speaking an listening / to be able to respond to situations sensibly
6 / to be able to respond assertively in a variety of ways. /


revise the story read in previous lesson
Show the words
explain what each word means
in pairs brainstorm responses to these responses –
Split the class in half and ask children to adopt an aggressive pose/ passive assertive –
Key question – which response should we take to solve a situation
Activity –
Complete sheet – ways of saying what you want to say
encourage children to read aloud using appropriate voiced tone and body language / Communication
Group skills
Speaking an listening / understanding how to respond assertively
7 / to be able to recognise when the emotions of anger and have ways of calming down
why we feel like fighting or running away
to be able to stop and think
to stop and think before acting. /


Have we had any angry moments? How did you feel and what did you do?
Remind about previous work on being assertive.
Often we feel angry when we are scared or threatened.
What might a threat mean – push/ telling on someone/ picking on a member of your family.
In partners talk about when you have felt scared.
Fill in the thought shower.
Look at picture of a cave dweller – thousands of years ago – what might have happened to make the cave dweller scared? Fire/ wild animals/ getting lost/ no food / a bad storm/ falling rocks/ being attacked by another tribe.
freeze/ fight/ flight/flock ( feeling part of our brain)
Our world is not as dangerous but there are times when we need to react quickly
to keep ourselves out of danger we could run away/ sometimes fight
but better to STOP and THINK!
In class/ playground what things might make us sacred – do we fight/ flight
what might the consequences be?
In groups of three – large piece of paper –
playground class – list what makes us scared -
To use scenarios – fight flight think which response - consequences / Communication
Group skills
Speaking an listening

1a) to talk and write about their opinions and explain their views, on issues that affect themselves and society

1b) to recognise their worth as individuals, by identifying positive things about themselves and their achievements, seeing their mistakes, making amends and setting personal goals

2e) to reflect on spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues, using imagination to understand other people’s experiences

4a) that their actions affect themselves and others, to care about other people’s feelings and try to see things from their points of view

4c) to be aware of different types of relationships, including marriage, and those between friends and families, and to develop the skills to be effective in relationships