

Medical School Post-Graduate Student Committee

Date: / Tuesday14thApril, 2012
Present: / Ms Claudia Pavia Student Committee Chair
Ms Selina Parmer Infection & Immunity Student Representative
Ms Svenja Dannewitz Infection & Immunity Student Representative
Mr Daniel Cozens Infection & Immunity Student Representative
Ms Monica Neilan Cardiovascular Student Representative
Mr Karl Patterson Oncology Student Representative
Ms Julia HoughHuman Metabolism Student Representative
Ms Ankita Agrawal Human Metabolism Student Representative
Mr Iain Huggins Human Metabolism Student Representative
Mr Jack Pearson Human Metabolism Student Representative
Ms Alifiya KapasiNeuroscience Student Representative
Ms Katie RichardsonNeuroscience Student Representative
Mr David Baker Neuroscience Student Representative
Ms Karima Al-Mansoori Neuroscience Student Representative
Apologies: / Ms Anne RobertsonInfection & Immunity Student Representative
Ms Lorena Preciado LlanesInfection & Immunity Student Representative
Ms Pranvera SadikuInfection & Immunity Student Representative
Ms Rebecca Lowry Infection & Immunity Student Representative
Mr Nikolay OgryzkoCardiovascular Student Representative
Ms Janine BijsterboschNeuroscience Student Representative
Ms Alifiya KapasiNeuroscience Student Representative
Ms Lisa Trollope Neuroscience Student Representative
Welcome and Apologies:
The apologies were noted as above. Amy Shepherd and Selina Parmer have stepped down the MPGS committee due to third year commitments in their PhD studies at the University of Sheffield
Action: No Action
SGRC Update
Nikolay was not present to update the committee
Action: Nikolay to report at next MPGS meeting
Faculty Graduate School Committee
Claudia informed the committee that Prof. Ian Douglas would like to set up a new faculty-wide student committee. Items to be discussed at these meetings would be more for generic, Faculty related issues such as DDP, PebblePad, Uspace etc.One student lead would represent each department and feedback into the Faculty Graduate School Committee (FGSC). Any issues would then be raised at the Faculty graduate research committee (FGRC) and if necessary further forward to the Faculty Executive Board (FEB).
Action: Claudia to represent Infection & Immunity
Karl to represent Oncology
Iain to represent Human Metabolism
Karima to represent Neuroscience
4. / Faculty Graduate Research Committee
Anne Robertson has stepped down as a student representative at the faculty graduate research committee. The committee was approached with regards to replacing Anne’s position and David Baker has volunteered to sit on the committee.
Action: David to represent Medical School PGRs at FGRC
Claudia to update Sara Watkinson of change
5. / 1st Year Oral Presentations
Carol Fidler contacted Claudia to find 2 students to sit in the 1st year oral presentation panel. Selina has volunteered for the 20th of April session whilst Nikolay has volunteered for the May session.
Action: Nikolay and Selina to feedback regarding the running of the sessions
6. / 2nd Year Information Session
Claudia updated the committee about the 2nd year information session. A presentation on the committee and their role will be made in the hope to inform students and recruit new members. A feedback session will also be held by Claudia to try and encourage students to voice any concerns or opinions they may have that could lead to improvements of the PGR provision.
Action: Claudia to do a generic MPGS presentation and run feedback session
7. / Social
The committee brainstormed ideas for a social that would be inclusive of all PGRs. Ideas included trip to Alton Towers, a trip to the seaside (Whitby, Cleethorpes etc.) or a trip to Chatsworth. Proposals are to be drawn up for next meeting detailing costs, numbers and a general breakdown for the plan.
Action: Daniel, Iain, Jack and Dave to draw up proposals for next MPGS meeting.