Medical Care Committee Meeting Minutes

Date: July 12th, 2016

Location: Orlando, Florida








Call to Order
Members/Attendees / Dr. Joe Nelson, DO, Interim Chair
Bari Conte, Co-Chair ARNP-C,CNP, CMTE,EMT-P,
Dr. Joe Nelson, Bari Conte, Lynda Rusinowski, Jorge Gonzalez, Patty Byers, Kathy Schrank, Paul Adams, Barbara Uzenoff, Merrill Seabury, Dr. Brad Elias, David Casheman, Jake Blanton, Tom Mc Carthy,Cheryl Rashkin, Dave Dyaz, Robert Moreland, Sandra Savia, John Scott, Joann DeSerio, Pete A. Pappas, Karen Davidson, Jeremy Tinter,Noreen Schramm, Robert Leonard, Debbie Vass, Danny Cribbs, Richard Nettles, Nicholas Namias, Cory S. Richter / Dr. Joe Nelson
Florida Department of Health
Emergency Medical Services State Plan
Rick Scott-Governor
Celeste Philip, MD, MPH-State Surgeon General and Secretary
1.1.3-Reduce EMS Medical Errors
Objective- By December 31st, 2018, implement an anonymous statewide EMS medical error data collection tool and process / 2016-2021
1- Discussed Strategy and Objectives Medical Care Committee is responsible for / Review and Establish Working Groups
1-Look at Hospital Tool and National AdHoc Reporting Tool
2- Review and put together list of parameters and what to report / Dr. Joe Nelson
Bari Conte
Medical Care Group
2.1.2 Improve patient care quality and outcomes /
  1. Increase the percent of non-traumatic cardiac arrest patients who receive bystander CPR from 16% to 20% by December 2018
  2. Increase the percentage of non-traumatic cardiac arrest patients who develop a Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC) both prehospital and upon arrival to ED from 16.32% to 20.34% by December 2018
C. Increase the percentage of STEMI alert events in which the on-scene time is less than or equal to 15 minutes from 61% to 90% by December 2018
D. Increase the percentage of STEMI alert patients that were transported to a Level I or Level II Cardiovascular Hospital from 68% to 90% by December 2018
E. Increase the percent of stroke alert events in which the on-scene time is less than or equal to 15 minutes from 67% to 90% by December 2018 / 1-A&B will form a working group to work on CPR and Cardiac Arrest
Discussed AHA Guidelines to work with us to be a liaison for Cardiac Arrest, CPR and STEMI
2-C&D- Will form a working group to work on STEMI
3-E&F- Will form a working Group to work on Stroke- discussed utilizing the Stoke Coalition
4-G, H &I Trauma - Dr. Byers & Dr. Nettles / Dr. Joe Nelson/Working Group
AHA Liaison TBA
F. Increase the percentage of stroke alert patients that were initially transported to a primary or comprehensive stroke center from 69% to 90% by December 2018
G. Increase the percentage of trauma alert events in which the total on-scene time is less than or equal to 10 minutes from 40% to 90% by December 2018
H. Increase the percentage of trauma alert patients that were initially transported to a trauma center from 57% to 75% by December 2018
I. Decrease the rate of deaths due to motor vehicle crashes by 5 percent statewide in 2016 (from 3.5 in 2012 to 3.4) / Dr. Byers and Dr. Nettles
Increase the percentage of non-traumatic cardiac arrest patients who develop a Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC) both prehospital and upon arrival to ED from 16.32% to 20.34% by December 2018
6.1.2 Promote the ethical and professional practice of prehospital medicine in Florida / B. Decrease the number of administrative complaints pertaining to patient care/violation of protocols by 40% from 5 per year to 3 per year by December 2017 / 1-Ask for Clarification on this is it statistically significant to even keep this in the plan
2-May open up more violations than only 5
3-Ask Steve McCoy to clarify this Goal / Dr. Joe Nelson and Dr. Richard Nettles to bring to the EMS Advisory Council
Future Meetings / Agenda will be provided
Specific Objectives of Medical Care Committee will be established / Bari Conte
Dr. Joe Nelson
Resources for State Plan / Approach State for Data Unit people be assigned to working groups / Work with Data Committee and QM Committee to work together / Dr. Joe Nelson
Adjourned / Will email the group to determine who is interested in working in the 4 groups Medical care is responsible for / Email will be sent to attendees
Phone Conference will be set up TBD / Dr. Joe Nelson
Craig Prusanski
Next Meeting / Phone Conference / TBD / Dr. Joe Nelson
Next Advisory/EMS Meeting / Discussed Next Meeting / Meeting tentative for October 18th, 19th and 20th / Steve McCoy