The Mediapolis Fine Arts Boosters are committed to support the music, art and drama programs at Mediapolis Community Schools to the fullest extent possible so that they may continue their tradition of excellence.

One of the financial projects of the Mediapolis Fine Arts Boosters is to sponsor a $250.00 scholarship to two or three individuals. Following are the requirements to receive this scholarship.

1. You must be a graduating senior at Mediapolis High School who has participated in music, art, or drama for at least six semesters during your high school career.

2. You must plan to attend an institution of higher learning. This includes vocational school, technical school, or college.

3. You must complete the attached application, and return it to the Counseling Office by April 27.

The awarding of this Scholarship will be made by a selection committee of three Fine Arts Boosters established by the Mediapolis Fine Arts Boosters Core Committee. No Fine Arts Booster member with a graduating senior will be eligible to serve on the selection committee.

Your list of High School Fine Arts activities and leadership positions will be weighted equally with your essay on how the Fine Arts have affected you and how you intend to apply the Fine Arts in your future plans.

Please put your name on this sheet only. Your application will be given a number, and the attached three pages only will be given to the selection committee. Your name will not appear on the information given to them.

Name: Date:

Vocational School, Technical School or College that you plan to attend next year:

Major or program of study:



This application must be typed or printed legibly. Fill in the high school activity table below

Band / #
# of semesters in band / ____
# of semesters in jazz band / ____
# of semesters in drumline / ____
# of semesters in winter guard line / ____
# of semesters leadership (Section Leader, First Chair, Secretary, drum major, guard captain) / ____
# of summer band camps attended (instrumental, color guard, drum major) / ____
# of solo/ensemble contest entries (1 point each entry up to 2 per year) / ____
# of honor bands/All-State / ____
# of non-school related band activities (refer to attached signature sheet) / ____
Choir / #
# of semesters in choir / ____
# of semesters in Bella Voix/Smooth Harmony/Swing Choir/Caroling / ____
# of semesters in leadership positions (Pres,V. Pres, Sec, Social Chair, Equipment Keeper) / ____
# of summer voice camps attended / ____
# of solo/ensemble contest entries (1 point each entry up to 2 per year) / ____
# of honor Choirs/All-State / ____
# of non-school related choir activities (refer to attached signature sheet) / ____
Art / #
# of semesters in Art Classes / ____
# of semesters in Art Club / ____
# of semesters in leadership positions (Pres,V. Pres, Sec, Co-Sec, Photographer) / ____
# of summer art camps attended / ____
# of Renaissance Fair participation / ____
# of semesters working Kid Art Day / ____
# of Conference Art Show participation / ____
# of semesters set painting for school Musicals/Plays / ____
# of non-school related art activities (refer to attached signature sheet) / ____
Speech/Drama / #
# of semesters in non-required speech/drama classes / ____
# of semesters in school Musicals/Plays (acting, tech crew, stage crew, makeup) / ____
# of summer drama camps attended / ____
# of Large Group Speech Contest entries (1 point each entry up to 2 per year) / ____
# of Individual Speech Contest entries (1 point each entry up to 2 per year) / ____
# of non-school related drama/speech activities (refer to attached signature sheet) / ____
Grand Total / ____

Non-School Related Fine Arts Activities Signature Sheet

In order to obtain credit for participation in an activity that is not school related, you must list the event and have it signed and dated by the event coordinator.

Below is a list of examples of non-school related activities:

Art: Snake Alley Art Fair, 4-H, Set Design for Community Theatre

Band: Playing instrument in church or other community event

Choir: Singing in church or other community event

Speech/Drama: Performing in church, Community Theatre, or other community event


Coordinator Signature/Date______


Coordinator Signature/Date______


Coordinator Signature/Date______


Coordinator Signature/Date______


Coordinator Signature/Date______

Below, describe how participating in Fine Arts activities in High School has impacted your life and how you think that Fine Arts will be part of your future, including college and beyond:




















For Fine Arts Use only: Application Number ______