Mediapolis Education Foundation Scholarships
The following scholarships are available through the Mediapolis Education Foundation. Please read the descriptions of scholarships and check the ones for which you would like to apply. Then, complete the application and return it to the counseling office byApril 26. You will only be considered for the scholarships that are checked..
(Note many of these scholarships are based on yields from investments. Amounts listed are based on previous performances and may vary)
Mediapolis Education Foundation
($500) (Two) seniors (1 male and 1 female)atMediapolis high school planning to continue their education at the post-secondary level. Check here to apply for this scholarship ______.
Mediapolis Education Foundation
($500) (Two) seniors at Mediapolis High School. Qualifications include: Plan to attend a community college or technical school and have a GPA of 2.5 higher. Special consideration may be given to students who have participated in Career Technical Education courses through Mediapolis Schools.
Check here to apply for this scholarship ______.
The Anonymous Scholarship
($500) (Four)seniorsat Mediapolis High School. Qualification include: Plan to attend a 2 or 4-year college or technical school in the fall. This is a one time donation.
Check here to apply for this scholarship______.
MTC Technologies
($1000) Student or parents must be a subscriber of MTC Technologies and have a GPA 2.5 or better after 7 semesters. (two to be awarded) Check here to apply for this scholarship ______.
Dr. W.L. & Grace Stewart
($250) Mediapolis graduate with averageor better academic ability. Preference given to business majors. Check here to apply for this scholarship ______.
Diane Sue Petersen Memorial
($250) Awarded to a female Mediapolissenior who is interested in a business career.
Check here to apply for this scholarship ______.
Manfred A. Nordstrom
($500) A graduating Mediapolis senior who shows academic potential and financial need.
Check here to apply for this scholarship ______.
Roy H. & Joan Gerling
($1250) A Mediapolis graduate with financial need who shows academic potential and who has been active in bettering their community and school. (one boy & one girl)
Check here to apply for this scholarship ______.
Ellen Hutchcroft Memorial Scholarship
($1500) A Mediapolis graduate must plan a career in education.
Check here to apply for this scholarship ______.
Student Name
Phone number
Information on this page must be printed or typed. Students may use and attach computer printouts. Be sure to include the questions as well as the answers and make sure your name is on all pages if you choose to use this option.
What is was your grade point average and class rank at the last grading period?
Where do you plan to attend school next year?
What will be your major or program of study?
Why are you continuing your education?
List the activities in which you have participated while in high school and indicate any offices you have held.
How have you contributed to the betterment of your school and community?
What do you hope to be doing in 10 years?
What financial obstacles have you or are you facing that might hinder your future education?
List either your estimated family contribution from the latest FAFSA you filed or your parent’s adjusted gross income on their last tax return.
EFC ______AGI ______
I verify that the information contained in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Student SignatureDate