The Lake Raponda Association

Meeting Minutes – Stated Meeting

July 9, 2017

LRA Mission Statement:“To preserve and enhance the natural resources and environmental health of Lake Raponda and its surrounding area for the benefit of current and future generations.”

Will Melton, Vice-President LRA, called the meeting to order in place of Jim Shukie, President LRA, who was traveling.The meeting was held at Gail and Craig Llewellyn’s lovely home at 61 Top of Hill Road. A total of 33 LRA members attended the meeting.

Agenda Items:

1)Eric Hanson, Vermont Ecostudies (guest speaker): Eric addressed the group re: “Vermont Loon Conservation Project.” He conveyed many enlightening facts about how the Loon population in Vermont has grown substantially and been maintained over the past 25 years plus fascinating insights of Loon culture, behavior, and migratory practices. To learn more, visit

2)Treasurer’s report: Tom Laughlin reported for Michaelanne Widness (who was unable to make the meeting) that the Association’s cash reserves in the bank totaled a healthy $15,170. This figure was net of the $2,500 the Association has contributed to the 2017 Greeter Program.

3)Clerk’s report: Tom Laughlin addressed three topics: Volunteer programs; the Lake Raponda Health & Well-being Action Plan; and the correct referencing of LRA’s two summer meetings:

Members were encouraged to participate in one or more LRA volunteer programs including the Greeter program; Vermont Federation of Lakes; and the state of Vermont Dept of Environmental Conservation “Lake Wise” program. If interested, any member could follow-up by contacting one of the trustees or sending an email to .

Secondly, Tom reminded all to review our “Lake Raponda Health & Well-being Initiative Action Plan” (on LRA’s website) that is serving as the blueprint for much of the proactive action we are presently pursuing. Results to date and proposed next steps will be discussed at the Annual Meeting August 12.

Thirdly, Tom pointed out that our by-laws clearly specify that LRA’s two summer meetings should be referenced as “the Stated meeting” (second Sunday in July); and “the Annual Meeting of the Corporation” (second Saturday in August). After discussion, there was no motion to change either of these titles, therefore this is how we should reference these two meetings in our communications.

4)Roads and Property Committee report: Bob Bois reported on the status of the Greeter program (for our Water sub-committee), and our continuing initiatives to minimize shoreland erosion:

With regard to the Greeter Program, Bob advised that the program is off to a good start. The Greeter shed was constructed in May, and two part-time Greeters were hired. We are collecting a lot of data on boat use at the lake, and at least one boat was already turned away due to the discovery of invasive milfoil on the boat. On the down side, Bob advised there are significant gaps in coverage as lack of funding does not allow paying for Greeters to work more than about 50% of Lake Raponda’s boat traffic time. Furthermore, many kayaks continue to launch at the Green Mountain Beach where there is no Greeter or supervision. Jack Widness, Tom Grant and Bob have all made concerted efforts to prompt the Town to put up signs at the Beach directingboaters to launch only at the north end boat launch. Interim Town Manager Gretchen Havreluk has committed that two signs will be posted, but no definite date as yet. To help close the coverage gap of our Greeter program, Bob urged LRA members to become involved as volunteer greeters.

Bob also addressed our initiatives re: “minimizing shoreland erosion” and reported that we are working with the State Stormwater Road Improvement program to take actions that will help lower volume of discharge/flow into Lake Raponda. Commenting on that initiative, Gordon Watson suggested that the Town’s efforts over the years to upgrade/raise the height of Lake Raponda Road is partly to blame forincreased harmful discharge from Lake Raponda Road into the lake. Gordon believes if Lake Raponda Road was at its natural levels and untreated, the negative effect from the road would be reduced.

On a related subject, Bob addressed our continuing involvement with Vermont’s “Lake Wise Best Management Practices” program that is designed to help educate Lake Raponda homeowners about various ways to minimize stormwater run-off from respective properties into the lake. Bob advised that Amy Picotte, VT Department of Environmental Conservation, will be a guest at our August 12 Annual Meeting and will again offer to evaluate a number of member properties and recommend enhancements consistent with “Lake Wise” best practices. Amy will be able to do only a limited number of properties, therefore, interested LRA members should sign up ASAP by contacting Bob Bois or emailing us at .

5)Fish and Game Committee: Randy Knaggs reported that the water quality is good, and that in fact all those white mussels (shells) that we see in the water actually indicate a high clarity of water. Randy also commented that the lake had been stocked earlier this year with trout about the same number as the past several years. Randy also advised about two beaver lodges on the lake, so members might want to protect favored trees. Finally, there have been a couple of bear sightings/incidences, so beware of leaving garbage outside.

6)Social and Welfare Committee: In Ben Schlatka’s absence, Linda Schlatka, Ben’s mother, helped immeasurably with the hospitality set-up (thank you Linda!). Also, it was conveyed that we need two volunteers to help Ben with arrangements for the August 12 Annual Meeting. Volunteers: please contact Ben Schlatka or convey your willingness to help via email to .

LRA’s next meeting will be the 2017 “Annual Meeting of the Corporation” that will take place Saturday, August 12, starting at 4 pm. Location for the meeting will be the residence of Marti and Gordon Watson, 294 Lake Raponda Road. The business part of our Annual Meeting will commence at 4 pm, and will be followed by a pot luck dinner social. Per custom, Lake Raponda Road residents should bring appetizers or entrees and West Lake Road residents should bring desserts.

Respectfully Submitted,

Tom Laughlin, LRA Clerk