Media League Division D

AGM minutes for 2016

Teams in Attendance


I’d hit that

Master Batters

2015 Friendship club

Mind the Gaps

Canadian Armed forces


Teams Absent

Red Rockets

Who’s on first

East coast fireballs

Off behind the Bleachers


Executive Update – There are no changes in executive members for the 2016 Season

Budget Update – the budget was presented to the teams in attendance and approved.

Registration update – the registration for 2016 will be $1000 per team again. However , with the party money not spent from last year , those funds will be used to cover the additional costs incurred by the HST increase july 1st as well as increasing the regular season games from 16 to 18 games per team. The payment schedule is the same as last year which is 50% percent prior to first games and last 50% due by the end of june. If teams require invoices or receipts please let us know so we can get those to you via email as soon as possible.

Team updates

Delts – not returning

The bandits – not returning

The blowouts – moved to C

The alcobalics – Moved to B

Off behind the bleachers , Celtics , ballesprofondes & Canadian armed forces – all come in from the waitlist.

Waitlist update

as of may 2 there 8 teams on the waitlist

Time slot updates

Sunday – Banerman and mundy pond 5-7:30

Tuesday – 6-8:30 huck Williams

Thursday – Conway glenn (new for 2016) & huck Williams 6- 8:30

Projected season start date

Sunday may 29th

Scheduling requests

due to issues last year with large numbers of scheduling requests after the season started, the league will allow teams to make up to 2 requests prior to May 9th 2016 for a change in schedule on a particular day ( teams cannot specfify which time slot they want to play in only which day they cant play that they are currently scheduled for ). After that date an email will be sent out confirming that the posted schedule is considered final…teams will have ether the option to default the games or try and pick up players from the league facebook in order to field a team.

Roster deadline

All teams must have teams must have there online roster completed by Friday may 20th, all players must have accept the wavier agreement on the website.

Rules and equipment changes for 2016

The walk rule has now changed and will be the same as the SPN rule..when a guy takes a walk and a female is on deck then the walk is a double otherwise it is a single. The ball/strike count no longer matters.

Ladies will no be allowed to bring in there own bats to use in the league. the bat must be presented to the umpire at the beginning of the game so it can be properly label ( ie different color tape placed on it) so it can be indicated that it is a ladies only bat. The bat must be shared between the teams, if it is not shared then it cannot be used.

Injury reports

Any injury to a player must be reported within 48hours of the occurrence to the league, so the proper paperwork can be filled out and sent to SPN head office.

League shutdown

Due to the SPN nationals the league will be ether shutdown or a large number of games will be rescheduled for the weekend of july 29 to aug 1

Any games scheduled for the tely 10 will ether be cancelled and rescheduled or moved to another field based on availability of fields

Updates on this will be provide as we get closer to the dates.

Playoff format

No changes from last year 8-4 split

Playoff eligibility

Players have to have played approx. 40% of games to be legal to play in the playoffs.