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<Insert Name of Company>
<Insert Phone Number>
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<Insert Name of Company>Celebrates National Music Day with Event
<Town/community name>participates in global celebration
of making music taking place on the longest day of the year
<CITY>, <State> (<Date>)— <Name of Company> joins the National Music Day <If there is a local Make Music City event in your area, mention it here as well> celebration with a <Insert brief event description> on Friday, June 21, 2013. National Music Day is a one-day event where free, live musical performances, opportunities to make music and other musical events take place in the streets, parks, businesses and anywhere else people feel like playing or listening to music. Musical festivities will happen on the longest day of the year in more than 514 cities around the world – a global celebration of music making inspired by France’s Fête de la Musique. The day brings communities together in celebration of making music and its many benefits.
Name of Companyinvites everyone from professional musicians to people who have never picked up an instrumentto join in the global music celebration by attending <event.> <Insert details about event, place, time it begins and ends, and what participants can expect to see/hear/do.>
Insert “QUOTE” from company spokesperson about Company’s participation in National Music Day and how making music positively affects community.>
Making music has been found to improve students’ scholastic performance, foster camaraderie and motivate them to stay in school. Among teens, making music has been shown to teach self-discipline and serve as a social glue, building connections among people. In adults, making music helps stave off memory loss and reduces stress.
By participating in National Music Day,<Company> and <Town/Community> encourageevery form of music making. <Insert quote from Company here if desired about how Company supports making music, and how EVENT will bring music to the community for National Music Day.
National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Member businesses and partners including <Company> from coast to coast will open their doors joining in their communities’ celebrations of National Music Day. June 21 is the perfect opportunity to stop in to a local music store or get out and play – whether it’s for the first time or the thousandth.
About <Company>
About the National Music Day Foundation
National Music Day held during the summer solstice is a profusion of music pouring out from every sidewalk, stage, park, and shower. This year marks the first truly nationwide music celebration in the U.S. Every June 21, the National Music Day Foundation and its partners will set the scene for all Americans—from Kauai to Bangor—to create, dance to, and enjoy music. A National Music Day affirms the importance of music and its role in building and bridging communities through performance and enjoyment. Join the day by visiting
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