

(Conducted September 2015-November 2015)

Teachers’ Classes involved in the survey (in alphabetical order): Ms. Barr-Allen, Ms. Clement, Ms. Feinman (5th Period) Ms. Gordon-Gates, Mr. LaCroix (2nd-5th period), Ms. Larkins, Mr. Salomon, Ms. Weatherspoon, Ms. K. Williams (2nd-4th period), Ms. D. Young

Total Survey Responses: 581*

(*three could not be counted due to Survey Monkey restrictions)

Survey Notes: Because the survey is linked on the Destiny homepage and does not require a unique identifier, it is possible that some students may have taken the survey more than once. It is unlikely that a significant number did, however, as it was mainly given during orientations in classes.

Because it was primarily given after orientation, the survey is also not equally representative. For example, six times as many 6th & 9th graders were surveyed as 11th & 12th graders (54% to 9%). Some results also conflict with other results (particularly on Destiny and E-Book usage), due to potential misreading of questions.

Grade Levels

6th Graders: 144(25%)

7th Graders: 57 (10%)

8th Graders: 72 (12%)

9th Graders: 166 (29%)

10th Graders: 84(15%)

11th Graders: 11(2%)

12th Graders: 43 (7%)

Total High Schoolers: 304 (53%)

Total Middle Schoolers: 273 (47%)

(Skipped Question): 1(0.2%)

How often have you used the Media Center since the start of the 2015-16 school year?

Only when my class is in the Media Center: 294 (51%)

Only a few times total: 147 (25%)

Once or twice a week: 79 (14%)

Every day or almost every day: 56 (10%)

(Skipped Question): 2 (0.3%)

What do you usually do in the Media Center? (You can mark more than one answer)

Use the computers for homework: 341 (59%)

Check out Books: 248 (43%)

Print out homework: 246 (43%)

Use the computers for fun: 171 (30%)

Hang out with friends:160 (28%)

I don’t use the Media Center: 104 (18%)

(Skipped Question): 1 (0.2%)

What times do you use the Media Center? (You can mark more than one answer)

During school with a pass: 218 (38%)

Before School: 198 (34%)

During lunch: 149 (26%)

After School: 144 (25%)

I don’t use the Media Center: 144 (25%)

(Skipped question): 3 (0.5%)

Have you used Destiny yet this school year?

No: 424 (73%)

Yes, but only a few times: 118 (20%)

Yes, I use it often: 33 (6%)

(Skipped question): 3 (0.5%)

What ways do you use Destiny?

I don’t use Destiny: 315 (54%)

To acess Dillard and Broward Schools resources: 149 (26%)

To find books: 122 (21%)

To do research using website links: 90 (16%)

To do research using databases: 89 (15%)

(Skipped question): 7 (1%)

When doing schoolwork on the Media Center computers what programs or resources do you use? (You can choose more than one answer)

Websites: 310 (54%)

Microsoft Word: 292 (51%)

Microsoft Powerpoint: 253 (44%)

Destiny: 118 (20%)

I don’t use Media Center computers for schoolwork: 111 (19%)

Databases (SIRS, Britannica Online, Gale, etc.): 73 (13%)

(Skipped question): 2 (0.3%)

Have you checked out e-books from the Media Center before?

No: 396 (69%)

I would, but I don’t know how: 88 (15%)

Yes: 83 (14%)

(Skipped Question): 11 (2%)

How often do you read books for fun? (This question is about how often you read books for fun, not how long it takes you to finish a book. For example: If you read once a week or more, but it takes you more than a month to finish a book, your answer would still be “At least once a week”).

I read a book for fun at least once a week: 197 (34%)

I read a book for a fun a few times a year: 141 (24%)

I don’t read books for fun: 136 (24%)

I read a book for fun at least once a month: 99 (17%)

(Skipped Question): 5 (0.9%)

Total read books for fun at least a few times a year: 437 (76%)

Total Don’t read books for fun: 136 (24%)

Which of the following new Media Center features are you interested in? (You can choose more than one answer)

I’m not interested in any of these: 240 (42%)

Media Center Student of the Week: 204 (35%)

Book of the month: 176 (30%)

Media Center Twitter account: 99 (17%)

(Skipped Question):5 (0.9%)