

The firstassignmentinMECHxxxconcentrates onwritingCNCcode forthemanufactureofaprototypeGear-boxcoverasshowninthedrawingbelow.

Workinginagroupoftwoorthreestudents(youarestronglyencouragedtoworkwithstudents fromyour own Prac Session), analyse the givendrawing and complete the following tasks:

1.ModelthecomponentinSolidWorksoryourCADsystemofchoice.(Ignoreinternalandexternal filletsonthe surface aswellasthetapped hole in its external bulge). Your group’s aimis toproduce a prototype CNC programfor evaluation, notthefinishedproduct.

2.Collaboratewithgroupmembersinasuggestedworkbreakdownpergroupasbelow(fairlyflexible)towriteCNCcodeto machine theinside and outside of the Gear-box cover.

Member / Task / Comment
1 / Modelling / Member 1 modelsthe CoverinCADsystemof choice.
2 / CNC Coding / Member 2 writesCNC Code for the Outside of theCover (Program1).
3 / CNC Coding / Member 3 writesCNC Code for the Inside of theCover (Program2).
1 / CNCChecking / Integration / ChecksbothprogramsandensuresthattheTemplateisintegrated.


1.The tool used must be a T2 (5mm Long SeriesSlotDrill)notool changing is allowed.


3.The CNC programmust be integrated into theMoriSeikiTemplate.


5.All dimensionsmust have a decimal point with nomore than two decimal places.

6.All major steps must be fully documented with comments.

7.Theworkload must bedividedequallyand fairly.

8.Assume all machiningoperationsonly require one cut. Notmultiplecutsincreasing in depth.