Michigan 4-HMeatsJudging Contest/ FFA MeatsEvaluationTechnology CareerDevelopmentEvent


Tuesday, May 15, 2018



Therules andentryforms forthis contest are also located on the:

Michigan 4-H:


MSU Department of Animal Science -Youth Extension:

All entries areto bereceivedby May1, 2018. No late registrations willbe accepted. Entriessent in without entry fees will notbeaccepted.Contestants will notbeable to participate unless allentry fees havebeen paid prior to the contest.If you have questions please contact State FFA Executive Secretary Dave Wyrick at 517-353-9221 or . Pleasemailentries and fees ($15 per contestant) to Michigan FFA Association, Rm. 108 Nat. Res., 480 Wilson Rd., EastLansing, MI48824. Pleasemake checks payable to: Michigan StateUniversity - FFA.

TheMichigan 4-H MeatsJudgingContest/FFA Meats Evaluation and TechnologyCareer Development Event, is acollaborativeeffort betweenMichigan 4-H and MichiganFFA. By participating,contestantsshow their abilityto evaluate carcasses and identifymeats.This contest willincludeindividual and team competition.The contest will include threebeef classes,three pork classes, identification of 20 retail cuts,yieldgrade and qualitygradethreebeefcarcassesand answer oneset of questions. Additionally, 4-H members willgive oneset of oral reasons andFFA members will completeamultiple choicetest.


TheJunior 4-H Division is open toyouth ages9 to13 as of January 1 of the currentyear.


TheSenior 4-H Divisionis open toyouth ages 14 to 19 as of January 1 of the currentyear.

*To compete at theNational 4-H Meat JudgingContest, contestants must be ages 14-18*


TheFFA Middle SchoolDivision is open toyouththat just completed their7thand 8thgradeyear.

Awards will onlybegiven to teams in the FFA division.


TheFFA High School Division is open toyouth that just completed their 9th, 10th, 11thand 12th

gradeyear. Awards willonlybegiven to teams in the FFA division.

MSU is anaffirmative-action,equal-opportunityemployer. MichiganState UniversityExtension programs andmaterials are open to allwithout regardto race,color, national origin, gender,gender identity,religion,age,height,weight,disability, politicalbeliefs,sexual orientation,marital status, familystatusor veteranstatus.Accommodations for persons withdisabilities maybe requestedbycontactingDave Wyrick at 517-353-9221byMay 1, 2018to makearrangements. Requests receivedafter thisdatewillbe fulfilledwhen possible.


1. Contestantsmustcomeprepared to work in a freezer storage areafor two hours (0-3 Celsius). Heavysweaters,coats, head cover and other warmattire arehighlyrecommended.Inaddition, contestantsmust provide their ownhard hats andclean, whitelab coats towear whileworking inthe cold storagearea.Contestant’s footwearmust also be clean and freeof any mud or foreignmaterial before entering the coolers.Clipboards are also usefuland contestantswillbe required to use#2 pencils.

2. Anycontestant participatingis eligibleto compete as an individual. 4-Hcontestantsare eligiblefor individualand teamawards. Onlyteams willberecognized in the FFA divisions.

3. Each teamcan bemadeup ofthreeor four members. When four areentered, the threeteam members with the highest scorewillmakeup the team total.All members of a4-H team must be registered 4-H membersenrolled in thesamecounty.All members ofa FFAteam must be from the same FFAchapter.

4. Each contestant will be assigned anumber andgiven his or her judgingsupplies. Contestants maynot leaveoncethe contest hasbegun. Contestants mayusea clipboardand notebook paper of their choice, but cannot usebulletins or anyother resourcematerial duringthe contest.

5. Whilethe contest is inprogress, no talkingor anyothertypes of communication between contestantsand/or coacheswillbepermitted. Anyviolation ofthis rulewillresultin the disqualification ofthe offendingindividuals or teams.

6. Team members must be approved bythe 4-H team coach or FFA Chapter Advisor.

7. Byparticipatingin thecontest,contestantsareauthorizingMichigan StateUniversity Extension/4-H to recordtheir image and/or voicefor usebyMichigan StateUniversityExtension or its assignees inresearch, education, and promotional programs. Byparticipatingin the contest, contestants understandand agreethat these audio,video, film, and/orprint images maybe edited, duplicated, distributed, reproduced, broadcasted, and/or reformatted in anyform and manner withoutpayment offees in perpetuity.

Coaches andchapteradvisorsareexpected toassist in supervisingtheirstudents and maintaining order.Ifitis determinedthat anyindividuals thatareinvolved with anydestruction ofpropertyor criminal activity, which includes activatingfire alarms, such individuals will facestrict disciplinaryaction, and possible criminal charges. Inaddition, coachesmaybe asked to assist officials with the contestwhich includes servingas groupleaders,time keepers, scorers, etc.


1. A group leader will beprovided foreachgroupof contestants.Theleader's dutywillbeto enforcethe contestrulesand to keep theexhibitsof thecontest in their orderlyarrangement. Contestants areto staywith their assignedgroupunless given permission bythegroup leader.

2. Ties willbebroken based on retail cut identification scores. Additional ties willbebroken based on reasons/exam scores and then byquestions scores.

3. Contestantsmustfollow allrules in the contestrules section. Additionally,contestants will notbepermitted to:A. Handle ortouch cuts; B. Monopolize anyexhibit for anunreasonablelengthof time; C.In anywaywillfullyobstruct thework ofother contestant.


PlacingClasses:Possible Score

Beef – 3 Classes:

A. Carcass50

B. Wholesale: Wholesaleclass willbe either rounds, loinsor ribs.50

C. Retail:Example: T-BoneSteaks50

Pork – 3 Classes:

A. Carcass50

B. Wholesale: Wholesaleclasswillbe either hamsorloins.50

C. Retail:Example:PorkLoin Chops50

Beef CarcassGrading:

Total judging scorepossible:300

Beef Yield Grading24

Beef QualityGrading24

Total grading scorepossible:48

Identify20 Retail Cuts:Beef, Pork andLamb-Fresh, Processed or Variety:

A. Name ofSpecies (1 pointeach) / 20
B. NameofPrimal Cut (3 points each) / 60
C. Name of Retail Cut (4 points each) / 80
D. Recommended CookeryMethod (1 point each) / 20

Total identificationscorepossible:180

Questions on aPork andBeef class (10questions total)50

Total scorepossible beforespecialized:578

FFAContestants Only:*

Written Exam (25 multiple choicequestions)50


4-H Contestants Only:*

Oral Reasonson aPork or Beef class50


* Contestants arestillableto compete in both theFFAand 4-H divisions ifdesired.Ifa contestant is competingin both the4-H andFFA divisions, theywillfirst complete the10 questionsthat will count towards both scores. Theythen willcomplete the oneset of 4-H oralreasons andcomplete the FFA written exam.


1. Contestants aretodetermine theirplacingand identification withouthandlingthe meat.

2. Ribeyes maybe"shaded"withaclipboard forqualitygrading.Scratchingorfeelingof buttons with fingernails willalso be allowed.

3. Hands maynot be used on orover theribeyes in theyieldgradingclasses.Feelingof kidney knobs will be permitted.

4. Contestant shall not use anymechanical aid such as agrid, ruler, tape, light, etc., inarrivingat theirdecisions.


1. All exhibits in thejudgingclasses areto be selected from the top fourgrades.

2. All exhibits willbe cut and trimmed exactlyas the committeespecifies.The contestants will not be expected to makeallowance for faultywork or differences in trim.

3. An effort will be madeto select meats that will hold their characteristicsforthe duration ofthe contest.

4. All exhibits within oneclass willbeof about thesame weight, so that thesizeof the exhibit is not a major factor in determiningthe placing.

5. A special effort will bemadeto avoid unusual conditions in the contest areawhichwould tend to changetheappearanceof the exhibits duringthe contest.

6. A checkwillbemadeto seethat allhangingexhibits in one class areonabout thesame length hooks and at aheight forbest observation. Additionally, acheck willbemadeto seethat identification marks (such as plant or official federal grades or tags)are removed from every exhibit beforethe start ofthe contest.

7. Theretail cuts usedforthe identification portion ofthe contest will be arandom selection of retail meat cuts commonlyfoundin most retail stores. Steaks will be cut 1inch orless in thickness;roastswillbe cut 2 inches thick or thicker. Each cut will be packaged on atraywith a clear wrappingcover with the most identifiable sidedisplayed. Contestants maynot touch retail cuts at anytime.

A scantron will be used to collect all contestant judging information. Contestants willbe asked to usea#2 pencilandcompletelymark the appropriate bubble. The scantron will be run as submitted bythe contestantwithoutcorrections. Specificinstructions on how to usethe scantronwilloccur beforethe start of the contest as wellasimagesat each station to remindyouth which section theyare completing.

Some sections of thescantron may notbeutilized (Meat Formulations, Keep/Cull, and Team



1. Contestants willbe allowed10 minutes in thecoolerto placeeach judgingclass and takenotes forreasonsand/or questions.

2. One10-minute periodwillbe allowed for identifyingeach set of 10 retailcuts. Therewillbe two rotations forretail cut identification.


As soon as the contestants havefinishedgivingoral reasons(4-H)or quiz(FFA), the official placingsand cuts willbeavailable.


Thesection on the scantron to theright of the contestant namewillbeused foridentifying placingsforthe six placing classes. The contest will include threebeef classesand threeporkclasses.

One class ofwholesale pork (fresh hams or loins)and one class of wholesalebeef(ribs, loins, or rounds) will be placed.Each class willconsist of four carcasses or cuts to be evaluated and placed on the basisof their relativemerits in cutability(relativeyield oflean) quality.


This section willbeused toqualitygrade3 beef carcassesto a third of a grade. No Canner or Cutter gradecarcasses willbeused in the contest. This sectionwillalso be used toyieldgrade3beef carcasses to one-tenth (.1)of a grade. Thepossible rangewillbe1.0 to 5.9.

Quality Grade Scoring:A maximumof10 points can bescored for eachcarcass qualitygraded. A deduction ofonepointwillbemadeforeach tenth of agrade aboveor below the official grade. Example:If theofficial is 2.0 and contestant's estimateis 2.4, 6 points would be awarded.

YieldGrade Scoring: Officialyieldgrades willbedeterminedas follows:

1. Fat measurement overthe ribeye converted toaPreliminaryYieldGrade(PYG): FATPYG






.63.50 etc.etc.

2. TheRequired RibeyeArea(RREA) for thecarcass'hot weight will be determined and the Actual RibeyeArea(AREA)measured with agrid and adjustments (=) to0.1yieldgrademade per 0.3squareinch deviation from RREA.


575 / 10.7 / 11.7 / -0.3
600 / 11.0 / 10.0 / +0.3
625 / 11.3 / 11.0 / +0.1
700 / 12.2 / 13.1 / -0.3
725 / 12.5 / 12.5 / -0.0

3. The amountof fataround theKidney, Pelvic, and Heart area(KPH)willbe estimated as a percentageof thehot carcass weight andadjustments (=) to .1 foreach 5%from a baseof 3.5%









4. Oncethe fat (PYG), RREA and %KPH has been estimated,adjustments will be madeon the

PYG as aboveand this willgive theofficial finalYield Grade.


Theback part ofthe scantron will be used to identify20retail cuts from beef, lamb,and pork (curedand smoked, andvarietymeats). Veal cutswillnot be included in the contest. Scoringis specified on the revised form. This class will be divided into 2groups. Onepointis awardedfor correctlyidentifyingthespecies (beef, lamb or pork); threepointsare awarded for correctly identifyingthe primal cut;fourpoints areawardedfor correctlyidentifyingthe retail tradename; and onepointis awardedfor correctlyidentifyingthe recommended cookeryfor atotal often points for eachretail cut.

ALLContestants: QuestionClasses:

1. Each contestant will answer onesetof ten questions ononeortwo different classes foratotal of ten questions. Thequestion classes willbe chosen bythejudges and announced to the contestants at thestart ofthe contest. Contestants maynot usenoteswhileansweringquestions, but theywillbe ableto takenotes duringthe contest to studybeforethe question session begins.

2. After allplacingsand identificationclasses havebeen completed bycontestants;therewillbea

10 minute studyperiod to reviewnotes beforethequestions areasked.

Examplequestions mayinclude:

1. Which beef carcass had the largest ribeye?

2. Which ham was trimmest beneath thebutt face?

3. Which carcass had thehighest cutability?

4. Which carcass had themostmarbling?

4-H ONLY: Oral Reasons:

1. Each 4-Hcontestant willgive oneset of oral reasons. Thereasonsclasseswillbe chosen bythe judges and announced to the contestants at thestart of the contest.Contestants maynot usenotes while givingoralreasons, but theywillbe ableto takenotes duringthecontest to studybefore being called upon tospeak theirreasons.

2. Oral reasons maynot exceed 2 minutes for anyone class.

3. A set of reasons should be given tothe judges in theorder that thecontestant placed the class. Both criticisms andgrantsforplacingeach class should be included in thereasons.

4. After allplacingsand identificationclassesas wellas the questions classhasbeen completed;

therewillbea10 minutestudyperiod beforethe oral reasons sessions is started.

FFA ONLY: WrittenExam:

1. Each FFAcontestantwillcomplete amultiple choicewrittenexam. Contestants maynot use notes of anykind whilecompletingthe exam.Theexam willrelateto meat storage and handling, cookery, nutrition, food safety(HACCPprinciples, bio-securityand personal safety),animal welfare andanimal identification systems. Each questionis worth two points.

2. All questions will be based on materials taken from the “Meat Science and Food Safety”DVD

available through CEVMultimedia as listed on theprintresourcelist.

SampleWritten ExamQuestions:

1. Which Act was originallypassed in 1958, amended in 1978 and required for animals whose meat would be sold to federal agencies?

A. Pure FoodDrug Act

*B. HumaneSlaughter Act

C. WholesomeMeat Act

D. Packersand Stockyards Act

2. What factors arerequired formeat to bedetermined "organic"?

A. The animal is antibiotic free

B. Theanimal has onlyconsumed certified organicfeed

C. Themeat is processedat a facilityapproved fororganic meat processing

*D. Allof the above


A varietyof onlineand print resources existto aidin meat selection and evaluation. The followingresources mayaid in preparingyouth toparticipatein thestatecontest:

BeefMyology(detailed look at muscle and skeletal anatomy):

Texas A &MAggieMeat (images and practiceclasses):

Texas A &MDepartment ofAnimal Science:4-H Meat Judging– OnlineTraining:

University ofFlorida Department ofAnimal Science-Meat Science (judgingclasses andID):


American Meat ScienceAssociation

2441 VillageGreen Place, Champaign,IL61874,(800) 517-2672

Meat Evaluation Handbook:

CEV Multimedia-

1020 SELoop 289,Lubbock, TX79404, (800)922-9965

• Meat Scienceand FoodSafety(PowerPoint)-written exam resource

• Retail CutsIdentification (DVD)

• Meat Judging and Grading(DVD)

Indiana 4-H/FFA

Meat Evaluation andIdentification Contest Coaches Guide(freePDF)-



901 Janesville Avenue, P.O. Box901, Fort Atkinson, WI53538, (800)558-9595

• PreliminaryYield GradeRulers (

• Retail Meat Cut FlashCards (

National Cattlemen's BeefAssociation- onBeef Retail)

9110 E. Nichols Ave. #300, Centennial, CO 80112, (303)694-0305/1-800-368-3138

• USDA MarblingPhotographs

• Cuts Chart

National FFA CoreCatalog–

• Retail MeatInstructional Materials/Instructor Combo Pack

• Retail Meat Team Combo Pack

• Retail Meats Field Guide

• Retail Meats Flash Cards

• MeatIdentification Tutorial CD-ROM

• Meat Buyer’s Guide –8thEdition

• NAMPMeatLambandPork Cut Charts


This contest is designed to provide youth an opportunity to demonstrateabilities needed for

successful meat selection and evaluation. CONTESTANTSSHOULD BEADEQUATELY PREPARED FOR THECONTEST. Theyshould beinstructed on theprocedures forthe contest, meat cut identification, and thefactors considered in grading and placing meat carcasses.


Contest Date: Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Registration must be postmarked by May 1, 2018for theMeats JudgingContest


Pleaseprint thenameofeachcontestant participating ona team. Besureto indicate whether theteamis competing in4-H or FFAas wellas iftheyareintheJunior orSenior division.

ContestantsParticipatingonaTeam / Entry
Fee / Amount
TeamA - / 4-H orFFA / Junior orSenior
1. / $15/ea
2. / $15/ea
3. / $15/ea
4. / $15/ea
TeamB- / 4-H orFFA / Junior orSenior
1. / $15/ea
2. / $15/ea
3. / $15/ea
4. / $15/ea
TeamC - / 4-H orFFA / Junior orSenior
1. / $15/ea
2. / $15/ea
3. / $15/ea
4. / $15/ea
TeamD - / 4-H orFFA / Junior orSenior
1. / $15/ea
2. / $15/ea
3. / $15/ea
4. / $15/ea
TotalAmountDue / $

Individualteammember’snamesmustbelisted! Only onesubstitutionperteamwillbe allowedtheday ofthecontest.Ifyourschool/countywillbesendingstudentstocompeteas individuals,please feelfree tomakeadditional copiesofthisformtoregisterthosecontestants. Registration feeis $15.00 per contestant. Entries sent inwithout entryfees will not be accepted.

Coach/Teacher Name:

Address: City: Zip:

PhoneNumber: E-mail:

Scorers andVolunteersareneeded. Pleaselist thenames of allvolunteershere.

Name: Name:

Name: Name:

Pleaselist individuals not competing ona team / 4-H orFFA Division / Junior or
Senior Division / Entry
Total Fees ($15.00/contestant) / $

Entries must be postmarkedby May 1, 2018.

Pleasesend registration formwith a check payableto

Michigan State University– FFA to:

4-H/FFAMeats Judging Contest

Michigan FFA

Rm. 108 Nat. Res.

480 Wilson Road

East Lansing, MI 48824