Dear Sir /Madam
Measures to mitigate non-point source water pollution in China
1 Day Workshop
Friday 18th March. Time: 09.00−16:30h
We would like to invite you to this workshop, which is to be held at the University of East Anglia, Norwich on Friday 18thMarch 2011. We very much hope you will be able to attend.
This workshop is part of a scoping study to provide guidance on how to implement appropriate land use and land and water management to mitigate non-point source pollution in China. The guidance aims to integrate process, governance and science, enabling an assessment of necessary data and analytical tools to develop a plan, together with supporting stakeholder engagement, education programmes, economic incentives, regulatory instruments and governance arrangements. During the day we plan to share leading examples of UK research and experience with the team from China and to engage in discussion and analysis to further the work of the scoping study.
This scoping study is funded by the UK’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and by China’s Ministry of Agriculture. It is led by Dr Laurence Smith, University of London (School of Oriental and African Studies)and Prof Gao Shangbin, Agro-Environmental Protection Institution, Ministry of Agriculture, China. The project forms part of the UK-China Sustainable Agriculture Network – SAIN (see
We hope you will find this of interest.If you or another colleague from your organisation would like to attend,I would be grateful if you could reply by email to by telephone on 01603 593264.
Yours faithfully
Dr Laurence Smith
SOAS, Project Lead
Dr Yuelai Lu
Head of Secretariat (UK)
UK-China Sustainable Agriculture Innovation Network (SAIN)
Measures to mitigate non-point source water pollution in China
Friday 18th March. Time: 09.00−16:30h
The Colton Room, Norwich Sportspark
University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ
Tel: Organisers: 01603 593264Sportspark: 01603 592398
Provisional Workshop programme:
09:00Arrival and Coffee
UK Research and Experience
09.30Keynote: Sustainable Land and Water Management for the UK and for China
Prof. Jules Pretty (to be confirmed)
09:50Demonstration Test Catchments
Bob Harris, Defra/University of Sheffield
10:10Catchment Science and the Wensum DTC
Dr Kevin Hiscock, UEA
10:30Catchment models, data and uncertainties
Dr Tobias Krueger, UEA
10.50 Discussion
11:00 Break
11:20Lessons from the ChREAM project
Paulette Posen, UEA
11.40The work and experience of the Westcountry Rivers Trust
Dylan Bright, WRT
12.10The England Catchment Sensitive Farming Delivery Initiative
James Grischeff, Natural England
13.00-14.00 Lunch
Progress of the Scoping Study
10 minute presentations summarising progress to date by the scoping study team:
- Principles and experience of Circular Agriculture in UK and China
- Water quality in China – state and data availability
- Vulnerability assessment and modelling tools and their applicability in China
- Policy tools and applicability in China
- Governance for catchment management in the UK and China
14.50 Discussion
15.10 Break
15.30Plenary discussion and planning of next steps and workplan to follow scoping study.
16:30 Close
Useful information:The Sportspark at UEA is situated just off Earlham Road (B1108). A map can be downloaded from
The Sportspark car park is located on the left-hand side of University Drive and is free of charge to our conference users (except to UEA Staff and Students) - subject to availability. Please retain your car park ticket. This ticket can be validated for exit at the Sportspark reception. Additional car parking is available on the main university car park (payable on exit).
All conference delegates are entitled to a free swim in the Olympic size pool. You can obtain a swim-voucher from reception during the lunch or refreshment breaks.