Gilbert Softball Little League

12/08/12 BOD Minutes

McQueen Activity Center

Spring Planning and other notes

Attendance: Tim, Dan, Ryan, Al, Gregg, Barry, EZ, Ray, Art, Jr, Tim, Melissa, Gail, Steve

Called to Order: 9:40am

President Comments:

-Reiterated need for BOD members to support each other and resolve issues/complaints asap. If you do not have the answer for a player/parent, do not leave issue/complaint unresolved or unnoticed.

-Attended Presidents Meeting 12/6/12.

-GSLL will be hosting Minors TOC.

-Possible GSLL boundary changes, more information to come.

-Possible merger between Desert Ridge LL and Skyline LL


-Players/Parents are expressing concerns/questions regarding how teams are being put together for Spring

-“Who determines which team my daughter plays on and which coach does she have?”

-“Why are you forcing my daughter to play on a team that she doesn’t like?”

Suggestions for clarification:

-Website “Q & A” page

-Video with situational “What if’s”

-Adding team formation and draft procedure on Registration page

-Sending mass email to parents with a link to website about team formation

-Division Directors meet with teams to disseminate team formation information

ACTION: Dan to put together for review a “Q & A” page

-Art brought forward that a “few families” felt there was favoritism for certain teams and in the league in general. BOD members discussed this issue and determined since most BOD members are also involved on the field that this feeling of “favoritism” will always be an issue. Tim at this point reiterated the need to stay vigilant with supporting the rules and decisions made by the Board in hopes to dispel this feeling. No further discussion or action.

-Barry received comments/complaints regarding the “lack of pitching” in Majors and Juniors.


-Clinics with pitchers and catchers

-Providing 1 night per week all through season for just pitching instruction

-Have coaches come to pitching clinics to learn some basic techniques

TABLED: To be discussed at a future Board Meeting.

-Dan was told by a parent that they felt the league was run well and thanked the league for their work.

-Al was told by parents/coaches “who ever set up the teams, dispersed the talent well.”

**The discussion of hold a Town Hall Meeting was had but no dates were established.

TABLED: To be discussed at a future Board Meeting.

-Tim notified the Board that there are complaints stemming from the 2012 All Star season. Due to the nature of the complaints, it has been escalated to the District Administrator. Once the DA has reviewed said complaints and provided feedback, the Executive Board will move forward, if necessary, with any action DA recommends.

-Al notified the BOD that he will be stepping down from his Board position and just coach for the league.

-Barry’s daughter aging up to Juniors can no longer be Division Director.

-EZ informed the Board he would like to be the Junior Division Director. Barry stated he would like to be the Majors Director.

**Board agreed to have Barry be the Majors Director and EZ to be the Juniors Director starting Spring Season 2013.

Current open positions: Minors Director, Coach Trainer

Spring Season Dates

District TOC: June 3-8

-GSLL to Host Minors Tournament

Local TOC: May 13-22

Regular Season Ends: May 11

Pictures: February 18 & 19 (prior to game start) TBD for Jrs

Regular Season Starts: February 18 (PT/MN/MJ) TBD for Jrs

Opening Day: February 23

Practice Begins: February 19

“Meet the Coach” Night: February 13

Draft Dates: February 11 (MN/MJ) TBD for Jrs

Evaluations: February 9 (MN/MJ) TBD for Jrs

Coach Meeting: February 6 & 7

Coach Selection: February 2

Registration Closes: January 31

Action: Melissa to send coaches names to division directors.

Action: Gregg to call JHS to inquire as to field use for PT games.

Adjourned: 12:15