MCO OER Repository Steering CommitteeMeeting NotesMarch 18, 2016
Present: Patti Davidson (West Shore),Regina Gong (Lansing), Brian Newberry (Jackson), Tim Scherer (Kirtland), Deb Shumaker (Kirtland), Bhagya Srinivasan (Lake Michigan), Tina Ulrich (Northwestern Michigan), Meegan Willi (Grand Rapids), Angie Yip (Wayne County),
- Sub Committees Updates
- Library Sub Group – Tina reported that there has been activity on the LibGuide website. She showed analysis of the traffic to the site.
- Bookstore Directors Sub Group – Ronda reported that Cheryl Hogan submitted a report regarding her progress with the Michigan Association of College Stores (MACS).
“Barry Waters, Director of CMU Bookstore and Acting President of MACS responded to my inquiry by stating that they would be delighted to have an OER presentation at an upcoming MACS event. Dates of future meetings are;June 6th hosted by MMCC in Mt. Pleasant and October 9 & 11th at Crystal Mountain in Thompsonville, MI. Concerning the contact information, the directory needs updating and they are working on this now.” Ronda suggested that we do a presentation at one of the two events. She will check her calendar and let the group know what works for her. - Policy Sub Group – Ronda is looking for a CAO to assist with this. She has contacted the Chair of the MCCCAO group to get on their next agenda.
- Survey of Open Textbook Activities –PLEASE COMPLETE if you haven’t already done so. The survey is available at:
- ATD Grant – Three colleges announced their intentions to submit a proposal for the ATD/Z Degree grant. Jackson College is looking at a Business Administration Degree. Lansing Community College is looking at an Associates in Psychology degree and Kirtland Community College is looking at an AA Transfer degree.
- Wiki for sharing documents –
- Repository Platform – The committee discussed the options on the table for the MCO OER Repository Platform. The committee unanimously decided to accept the OER Commons (ISKME) proposal by voice vote. Ronda will ask those who did not attend to send in a vote by a certain date.
- Webinars for Winter/Spring 2016
- How to start an OER initiative at your college – March 29 – noon
- From the Web, to the Shelf, and Back Again; The Story of an OER at Bay College –April 6 – 2pm CONFIRMED
- Student Savings Metric – Ronda requested that the committee consider a consistent metric for reporting savings that students have/will realize with OER use. She would like to regularly report these savings to the MCCA Board of Directors. The group discussed the merits of using a metric that accounts for actual savings per textbook or to use the widely accepted metric of $100 per text that is now being used at many institutions and state systems across the country. Tina indicated that one of her staff participated in a webinar on this topic and she will provide that formula to the group. The committee agreed to review all options and make a decision at the next meeting.
- Call for Proposals – Ronda reviewed the proposed draft posted in the Wiki. Committee suggested that we include the words “Program level” in the description of the proposal’s two options. Additionally we need to include that anything developed will be done in Open Author (The OER Commons authoring platform) and to require everything created to be licensed using Creative Commons. Ronda will update with form and timeline for discussion and approval at our next meeting.
- Next Meeting Date
- Friday, April 15, 2016at 11 am
- Login information: Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Or iPhone one-tap: 16465687788,249121581# or 14157629988,249121581#
Or Telephone: Dial: +1 646 568 7788 (US Toll) or +1 415 762 9988 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 249 121 581