McCormickMileBeach Club

Board Meeting 11/01/2006

In attendance:

Ed Siedel-President

Debbie Jarvis-Vice President

Jim Weege- Treasurer

Hans Kahlert-Secretary

Zoanne Hennigan

Douglas Hauck

Joelen Merkel

Mark Dagnan


Treasurer’s Report:

Jim Weege stated that The Club currently had $22,174 in its savings account. The checking account registered a balance of $3,605. There were no new expenditures pending.

Old Business:

Club House Keys and Usage

Discussion resumed concerning the abusive use of the clubhouse privileges by former paying members who continue to use the property. At the close of the previous meeting (5/24/2006), Jim Weege was asked to get a proposal from a locksmith to re-key the property. This effort would be to encourage all unpaid members to reinstate their dues paying status with the club. The current lock brand installed on the club is Medeco. This lock system is considered to be high security as the keys can only be duplicated by a professional locksmith and only if the person requesting the key is authorized on the account.

Jim reported that the total Medeco cost would be $1000.00 dollars. Two deadbolts are required at $150 each, keys are $10 each with 70 keys included in the proposal to provide for the 70 paid members. An alternative was suggested in Schlage brandlocks, these would cost less (though the amount was never finalized) but would be easily duplicated anywhere keys are made.

A motion was made by Mark Dagnan to “Re-key the property with the less expensive Schlage brand locks”.Discussion followed . Ed Siedel suggested that the Medeco keys lent a certain “exclusivity” to the club and that the new keys should be distributed at the forthcoming Holiday Party. Doug Hauck asked for clarification as to why the club was re-keying. Jim Weege offered an explanation re-stating that the number of members paying dues had declined over the years. Currently there were 38 members that after two mailed requests, still refused to pay. This coupled with the continued abuse of the property necessitated a change that would encourage all to pay their share. Doug followed that if the goal was to increase the base revenues from membership collection then he would support the idea of some form of direct mailing advertisement; there was no further discussion of any additional mailings.After several minutes of further discussion Mark withdrew the motion.

A secondmotion was made by Mark Dagnan to “Re-key the property with Medeco brand locks”. Based on the prior discussion the motion passed by vote unopposed. Ed Siedel followed up with another motion to “instate a $50.00 (fifty dollar) fee/charge to replace lost keys”. A second was made by Mark Dagnan. Discussion followed where various amounts for the penalty fee were discussed ranging from $25 to $150. A vote was held, those opposed were Joelen Merkel, Debbie Jarvis, and Zoanne Hennigan. The motion passed 5 to 3.

Hans Kahlert suggested that a letter be sent out with the forthcoming mailer to include an explanation of the key change and the newly created key replacement fee.

Zoanne Hennigan made a motion to “combine the letters to include the key notice, the 2007 dues request, and the Holiday Party date”. Second-Mark Dagnan. Discussion followed that the letter about the Holiday party should go out sooner. The motion was amended that Debbie Jarvis would send out separate ‘party only’ notice asap. That motion passed unanimously.

Party Update.

The party date was set for the week following Thanksgiving. Zoanne noted a conflicting Ocean Ridge “Light the Lights” event on Dec 1. A motion and second was made that the date be set to Dec 3, 5:00PM . Discussion followed and the motion was amended that the event also be a ‘toys for tots’ drive, and would have a total budget not to exceed $750

New Business:

Ted explained that the building was once the sales office for the development company during the late 60’s. It was turned over, after a fairly intense legal tiff, to the newly established Board and its membership. Zoanne commented that several neighbors had complimented her on the excellent condition of the newly restored house.

Jim Weege suggested that the club furnish and install a plastic bag dispenser on the exterior wall, to encourage the users to clean up after themselves. A plaque with the instructions was also suggested. Doug Hauck made the motion , following a quick second, it passed the vote.

Next Meeting:

A date was not set for the following meeting. It would be determined as necessary.