MCC Careers Newsletter Week 10 2017


Worldwide Med - A free resource for aspiring medical students.

Recently launched by a medical graduate from The University of Sydney, Worldwide Med is an online platform that aims to help prospective medical students make better decisions about studying Medicine in Australia and around the world.

UNSW Indigenous Winter School for Years 10, 11 and 12

Apply by 7 April for 3 to 8 July

Experience university life, go to lectures and tutorials, presentations and meet students at Uni. No cost. Accommodation provided.

Macquarie University Actuarial Experience Day

20 April. 8.30am

This is your opportunity to find out about the exciting and rewarding aspects of a career as an actuary, as well as learn about our new Co-op program available in 2018 through our Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/Bachelor of Professional Practice. This highly competitive program combines industry experience with study, while providing a scholarship for the duration of the course. For students doing 4 Unit(Extension 2) HSC Mathematics (or IB Higher LevelMathematics).

The University of Notre Dame Young Achievers Early Offer Program

Applications for the 2018 Young Achievers Early Offer Program will open soon. Applications will close at the end of July so there’s plenty of time to submit your application. Applications can be submitted once you receive your mid year Year 12 report.

Applicants are able to apply in one of four categories:

  • Category One: Commitment to community and/or church
  • Category Two: Commitment to and excellence in cultural pursuits
  • Category Three: Commitment to and excellence in sporting achievements
  • Category Four: Academic Excellence

Register now to receive the information when applications open.

US College Fair

4 May . 5.30pm to 7.30pm

Redlands Hall, 272Military Road, Cremorne.

University ofColorado,Boulder, University of South Carolina, Whitworth University, Arizona State University, Central Penn College, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Fairleigh Dickinson University, University at Buffalo,State University of New York.Contact Simone Salier()

UMAT Preparation Workshops

Established in 1999, the National Institute of Education (NIE) conducts UMAT Preparation courses aimed at developing the knowledge, skills and strategies required to maximise your entry potential. NIE is supported by expert staff and advisors including teachers accredited by the Department of Education and Training, a range of Health Care Professionals, Social Workers, Academics and Practicing Clinicians. Our UMAT teaching staff have all sat the UMAT and have an academic background directly relevant to the three respective sections of the UMAT.

Sydney–9 April, 20 May or 12 July

Newcastle–1 July

Canberra–30 April or 13 July


Preparation for the UMAT Test.

Sydney on 8+9 April, 10+11 April, 12+13 April, 24+25 April, 3+4 June, 1+2 July, 22+23 July

Coffs Harbour and Armidale. 8+9 July

UNSW Art & Design School Holiday Workshops

Monday, 10 April 2017 - 10:00amtoWednesday, 19 April 2017 - 4:00pm

Free hands-on studio workshops for high school students during the April holidays

University of New South Wales: through engineer’s eyes: free online course

Starts: 24th April

An innovative way to learn engineering mechanic’s and start to experience what it is like to be an engineer. This is a free 7-week online course that will teach the techniques of engineering mechanics, show you how to use them and apply them to design.

Australian Catholic University: University Experience

Tuesday 4th July 2017 in Canberra & North Sydney

Thursday 6th July 2017 in Strathfield

University Experience is a free program that gives you the opportunity to sample the degree of your choice. Get a taste of life at ACU by meeting academic staff and current students – and trying out the course you’re interested in.

Campion College Australia: Winter program

Campion College’s winter program provides the opportunity for students to engage with the academic staff, use facilities and resources as well as attending seminars across history, philosophy, theology and literature within a theme that is chosen each year. In addition to the academic lifestyle, students will also experience the hospitality Campion College provides. The program is available to people ages 16 to 20 and runs for one week in winter.

Charles Sturt University: alternative entry

There are a range of pathway programs that can help you get a degree. Pathways at CSU include guaranteed entry to most CSU Bachelor degrees through theDiploma of General Studies.

Macquarie University: Bonus Points.

Bonus points are added to your ATAR and allow you to be considered for courses above your official ATAR. In addition to the categories of academic advantage, the rural bonus scheme, educational access scheme, & athletes and performers there is also the big history scheme. Completion of the big history scheme will get an extra 3 bonus points for most degrees.

Macquarie University Actuarial Experience Day

8.30am, 20 April 2017

For 4 Unit (Extension 2) HSC Mathematics (or IB Higher Level Mathematics) students.

The University of Notre Dame: Events

Pathways to University information session - Tuesday 11 April 2017 @ Broadway campus

Parent Information Evening/Early Offer Information Evening - Tuesday, 9 May 2017

The University of Notre Dame: Young Achievers Early Offer Program

Applications for the 2018 Young Achievers Early Offer Program will open soon and will close at the end of July.

Applicants are able to apply in one of four categories:

Commitment to community and/or church

Commitment to and excellence in cultural pursuits

Commitment to and excellence in sporting achievements

Academic Excellence

UTS Discover Nursing & Midwifery

5.30pm, 3 May - Discover Midwifery

5.30pm, 15 June - Discover Nursing

5.30pm, 12 July - Discover Nursing

Western SydneyU Day

Senior high school students can experience a day at Parramatta South campus on Tuesday, 30 May 2017.

TAFE & Apprenticeships

Sydney TAFE Business Info Sessions

6 – 7pm, 26 July @ Gymea

6pm, 23 August @ St George

6 -7pm, 13 September @ St George

TAFE NSW Degrees: Hunter & Central Coast

Accounting is on offeratOurimbahandNewcastleCampuses, Early Childhood atGlendale Campusand Engineering atNewcastle Campus.

Vantage Automotive Apprenticeship Vacancies

Tamworth – Skoda & Volvo

Contact us to find out more:(02) 8014 8990 or

NSW Country Apprentice Scholarship

This Scholarship offers financial assistance to eligible country NSW apprentices to support their apprenticeship training. At least 10 Scholarships are awarded each year. At least two of these are awarded to apprentices of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background.

Worth $5,000 for each year the apprentice is completing training to a maximum of $15,000.

Up to 30 scholarships in any one year distributed evenly across 1st, 2nd and 3rd year apprentices.

Private Colleges

Whitehouse Institute of Design 2017 Graduate Exhibition & Parade

28 November. 11.00am for 12.30pm runway show.

Bookings open in September .

2 Short Street, Surry Hills

Celebrating design thinking, creativity and innovation, showcasing the work of graduating students from across Creative Direction & Styling, Fashion Design and Interior Design disciplines.

JMC Academy Info Session

17 May. 6.00pm to 7.00pm

561 Harris Street, Ultimo, Sydney

Animation, games design, digital design, film, sound, song writing and music performance.

CG Spectrum 2 Week Trial

Begins 18 April

Open Week gives you access to the 2-weeks of anyIndustry Diploma of your choice, letting you interact with the Mentors who could be teaching you, check out the assignments and course content and see whether our online model suits your learning style.

AIE Graduate Success Stories

St Patrick’sInstitute of Education Info Days

11 June. 11.00am

17 September. 11.00am

12 November. 11.00am

Diplomas in Business Admin, Business, Marketing& Communication, Leadership & Management. University pathways to Notre Dame, ACU, CSU &UNE.


Bedford College Open Days

Glebe Campus Open day. 2 September. 9.00am to 3.00pm

Norwest Campus Open Day. 9 September.9.00am to 3.00pm

Business, Child Care, Management, Community Services.

Throughout the year, Bedford College also conducts private tours of the college campus for interested students, families, and teachers. Booking times for tours are available on 1300 174 174.

BMIHMS Career Focus Days

Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School Career Focus Days give prospective students insight into what it’s really like to study at BMIHMS.

Held at our Practical Learning Centre (Leura Campus) and Executive Business Centre (Sydney Campus).

2017 Career Focus Days Dates: July 11 to 13, November 7 to 9 & November 28 to 30

Cost:AU$325 which includes all transportation, accommodation and three meals a day, & all activities related to the program. This fee will be credited towards tuition coststo attendees who later enrol in a BMIHMS hospitality management degree program.

Contact T +61 2 9307 4600 or email

Endeavour: Being a Sports Nutritionist Q&A

Thu 25th May, 5:30pm AEST

Find out about career opportunities as a sports nutritionist from Kira Sutherland, an experienced sports nutritionist.

CG Spectrum Online Workshops

If you’re considering studying animation, visual effects, game design or anything else at CG Spectrum College, you might want to attend one of their online workshops to get a taste of studying with them.

Sat 22nd April: Introduction to Creature Animation

Sat 29th April: Fundamentals of 3D Modeling

Sat 6th May: You’ve got 2 hours: Let’s make a game!

Other News

ACE the HSC Free Seminars

10am – 12pm, 3 July 2017 @ UTS Haymarket

10am – 12pm, 6 July 2017 @ Macquarie University

10am – 12pm, 10 July 2017 @ University of Newcastle

10am – 12pm, 10 July 2017 @ University of Wollongong

HSC in the Holidays

Preliminary Subject and HSC Subject Lectures in the July holidays.

Focused HSC Lectures in September.

Skillsroad Job Board

For students looking for entry level jobs including part time work, apprenticeships or their first full time job.

UNSW HSC study session - biology

21 April 2017 -10:00amto12:00pm @ Museum of Human Disease, Samuels Building, UNSW Kensington Campus

The John Marsden & Hachette Australia Prize

This prize is open to Australian secondary school students in the categories of fiction, creative nonfiction and poetry. Winners will receive a writing masterclass, a $500 prize and more. Entries open Mon 17th April and close Fri 30th June.


How to write an effective entry-level resume

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Sydney Meet the Business Leader

17 May. 4.30pmto 7.30pm

Luna Park Sydney, Crystal Ballroom, 1 Olympic Drive, Milsons Point

You have big dreams.You've also got some big decisions to make. Engaging with successful people can be helpful, even inspiring. That’s why we’re bringing together some of the most successful Chartered Accountants in the country in one room. You will have the opportunity toask questions and seek advice about the exciting possibilities a career in business offers.

Sydney Writers' Festival student sessions

22 May- Walsh Bay

25 May- Parramatta

SWF and NESA present Student Sessions, a full day of events for Years 9–12 students, featuring some of the world's most engaging minds speaking on topics linked to the NSW school curriculum, including a Shakespeare expert, a renowned economist and a leading writer on climate change.

More info:

UNSW HSC Study Session - Biology

21 April. 10.00am to 12.00pm

Museum of Human Disease, Samuels Building, UNSW Kensington Campus

TSFX Exam/Study Tip 1

The School For Excellence (TSFX) provides educational services designed to help students maximise their Year 11 and 12 scores.

Lattitude Global Volunteering

Lattitude Global Volunteering (formerly known as Gap Activity Projects) is an international youth development charity. Their mission is to educate and develop young people worldwide by providing inclusive opportunities for them to make a positive difference to the lives of others through a challenging and structured international volunteering experience in a culture and community different from their own.

WEP Student Exchange Scholarships

WEP Australia, a not-for-profit student exchange organisation registered with the NSW Education Department, is now accepting applications from year 9 and year 12 students wishing to spend a semester or year overseas from January 2018 onwards. For more information, please visit call 1300 884 733.

Get your School Involved World Challenge

Educational expeditions to over 40 destinations around the world. From the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas to the lush Amazon rainforest and the scorched deserts of Africa, they have the expertise to take you there. They create bespoke expeditions abroad, tailored precisely to your team’s objectives, or you can choose from our range of pre-crafted itineraries.

Minerals Tertiary Education Council

Maybe you’re a high school student trying to figure out what you might like to study at University. is here to help – from offering useful resources through to connecting you with your peers and other professionals within Australia’s minerals industry.

Commonly asked interview questions

Tips for juggling study, work and your passion