MCAS 2.0 High School Testing Workgroup
Hilton Garden Inn, Ballroom, 59 Andrews Pkwy., Devens, MA 01434
Thursday, February 5, 2016, 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
KEY QUESTIONS (mixed group)
Desired claims of graduates re: CD & CCR
- What claims about students’ qualities or abilities should MCAS maketo conveystudents’ readiness to graduate high school or to advance to post-secondary opportunities?
- For the CD, are we ok with a claim about progress toward CCR, or should the claim be about CCR?
- For CCR, is the key claim about placement in introductory college courses?
- Should we move toward a single expectation of student achievement for both graduation and college/career readiness?
- If so, when should that assessment be taken (or is it an aggregation of different assessments)?
- If not, do we need to have two separate assessments at two different grades, or can each be determined with 2 different benchmark scores on the same assessment?
Program uses of data
- To what extent should schools and districts rely on MCAS data for program evaluation and improvement? And/or for student placement in subsequent courses?
- Is it ok ifhigh school programs receive state-generated data several times a year (following each test administration), or does the data need to be provided all at once (at one time in the year)?
- Should schools and districts receive data every year, grades 9-11?
- Should all students demonstrate their ability to transfer and apply learning from prior grades to later grades or contexts?
Retest opportunities
- How many opportunities should every student have to take and pass the CD assessment?
- Should there be a differentiation based on need (e.g., ELL, SWD)?
- Should we provide a different assessment schedule or structure to allow for greater flexibility and opportunities to take each assessment?
- Should we give every (full operational) assessment two times per year?
- Should we provide the option for students to take any assessment in 9th grade, then require it in 10th or 11th?
MCAS 2.0 High School Testing Workgroup
Hilton Garden Inn, Ballroom, 59 Andrews Pkwy., Devens, MA 01434
Thursday, February 5, 2016, 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
KEY QUESTIONS (by discipline)
- Should we assess speaking and listening standards?
- If so, should there be a performance-based component?
- Should we assess standards for literacy in history, science, and technical subjects and/or civics applications in the context of ELA?
- If so, how might that best be done?
- Should Algebra (I and/or II) and Geometry be assessed in an integrated assessment, or in separate assessments?
- Should there be a performance-based component focused on the Mathematical Practices?
- Should we assess standards for literacy in history, science, and technical subjects and/or civics applications in the context of math?
- If so, how might that best be done?
- Which end-of-course STE options should we maintain?
- Should there be a performance-based component focused on the Science and Engineering Practices?
- Should we assess standards for literacy in history, science, and technical subjects and/or civics applications in the context of STE?
- If so, how might that best be done?
- What should the high school HSS assessment(s) be?
- Should it be an end-of-course assessment of a particular discipline or integrated in some way?
- Should there be a performance-based component?
- Should we assess standards for literacy in history, science, and technical subjects and/or civics applications in the context of HSS?
- If so, how might that best be done?