MBE/EDGE Committee Meeting



In attendance: Betty Anzaldua, Sonny Ariss (guest), Lawrence Burns, Shanda Gore, Erik Johnson (guest), Gary Johnson, Kara Mominee, Karl Parker, Jennifer Pastorek, Megan Reichert-Kral, Anthony Slade (guest), Oona Temple, Mark Urrutia, Thomas Winston

Mr. Burns welcomed all in attendance and guests: Dr. Sonny Ariss, Director of the Center for Technological Entrepreneurship and Innovation, and Professor and Chairman of the College of Business and Innovation’s Management Department; Mr. Erik Johnson, Minority Business Assistance Center Coordinator; and Mr. Anthony Slade, sales intern for Ms. Temple’s company, Cosine Technical Group.

Dr. Gore reviewed the minutes from the December 14 meeting.

Action Item: Ms. Pastorek will provide a purchasing update at the February 1 Committee meeting.

Action Item:Mr. Burns will arrange a meeting of the oversight committee for the MBE/EDGE Participation Policy. He asked that any members of the committee that are interested in joining the oversight committee to please contact him at .

Ms. Anzaldua stated that the window is open for the Third Frontier Internship Program. This is a program where the Third Frontier Program matches an intern’s wages up to $3,000 per student per year up to three years. The company has to go online to and fill out an application and describe what they are looking for in an intern. The student also has to go to the website and fill out an application as to what they are looking for. The Third Frontier Internship Program then matches this student with an employer.

Mr. Burns introduced Dr. Ariss from the College of Business and Innovation (COBI).

Dr. Ariss introduced himself and stated that he is the chairperson of the Center for Technological Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CTEI). He added that the CTEI supports the work of the Committee and is willing to help however it may.

Mr. Urrutia commented that many minority businesses have a disadvantage because they are not “plugged in” to programs that may assist them. He added that many minority businesses would like to hire interns, but are often unable to find students who will work in an unpaid position. He asked if Dr. Ariss had any advice or comments on this.

Dr. Arris stated that, while the COBI encourages all students to take on an internship, the ultimate responsibility lies with the students who may decide that they are better served by taking a paying job.

Mr. Parker asked Dr. Ariss if the COBI requires students to have an internship for graduation. Dr. Ariss stated that certain specializations require them, and that 90% of students have internships. He added that about 70% are paid internships.

Mr. Johnson asked how students and companies offer and locate internships. Dr. Ariss stated that this was handled through Business Career Program office in the COBI.

Mr. Slade stated that, as a student in the sales program, he has been allowed access to a website strictly for students in the sales program and businesses who are interested in recruiting students from the sales program. Mr. Slade stated that this website requires special access. On the website, students do role plays and elevator pitches of themselves, and business can also put a thirty second pitch of their company. The website allows businesses to track students that have shown interest in their company along with their resume and contact information.

Mr. Slade stated that if any companies are interested in this to please contact him at .

Mr. Urrutia asked how students received academic credit for an internship. Dr. Ariss stated that students work up to 20 hours for one semester and receive three credit hours in exchange. He added that the average paid intern received about $8-10 an hour.

Dr. Ariss stated that businesses can arrange an internship through the COBI. He stated that committee members would need to contact the Business Career Program office to fill out a form and provide information about their company.

Mr. Burns stated that he has discovered that internships are the most valuable when interns are given specific tasks and networked with others who will help them fulfill their career goals.

Ms. Temple informed the committee about an organization called Perscholas, which provides desktop and laptop computers at low prices to students and families.

Mr. Burns thanked Dr. Ariss for attending and sharing his insights with the Committee.

Ms. Reichert-Kral stated that, in association with Huntington Bank, her office is hosting an event on January 13 to educate and help businesses prepare their credit. She added that, on January 18, in association with Marshall& Melhorn, LLC, they are holding the next installment in the Lunch N’ Learn series. In February, they will be beginning a 6-8 session series on Human Resources.

Ms. Reichert-Kral stated that she and Ms. Skutch were beginning to coordinate event calendars, and stated that it was not necessary for all events to be coordinated perfectly. She added that different businesses will require different information at different times, and that some amount of overlap allows companies to learn as they require information.

Mr. Burns thanked everyone for attending.

The next meeting will be held on February 1, at 12:00 p.m. in the Scott Park VIP Room.

Please mark your calendars with the following 2011 MBE/EDGE Committee meeting dates. All meetings will be held at 12:00 noon in the Scott Park VIP Room.

March 15

April 12

May 10

June 14

July 12