The following proposed activities are over and above the ongoing activities and process development related to conventions, volunteer awards and new / changed member groups.
Topic / Activity / Who / WhenVolunteer Portal /
- Populate with guidance, linked to rules, and other documents / processes / collateral, to cover main topics of relevance to member group committees (the topics we have reviewed plus any new high priority ones)
- Get buy-in to the content - use consultation and/or advisory group approach
- Mechanism so that content can be improved with input from member groups
- Use spring convention as launch-pad
Ian to investigate priorities for missing guidance - Specific areas to be agreed / allocated at May meeting
Role-based communities /
- establish role based communities for key member group committee roles (using portal), taking the ideas from Spring 2011 convention forward
- establish a network and facilitate its use (e.g. on LinkedIn and/or the portal)
- communicate with member groups so they are involved
- specifically role-based working groups (mainly online) to develop induction / role-based training modules
- consider, and if appropriate facilitate physical meetings (say once a year, potentially linked to convention)
Further activities will be allocated later
Induction training
e:learning framework for volunteers - with potential for link to professionalism programme in future /
- Develop induction training - role-based and generic for committee member - audio + slides
- During 2012 establish an approach and pilot at least one training module
- Role-based induction training (see above) would be the start-point for a potential e:learning framework
- Involve e:learning SG and YPG
- Initiate this as a programme (longer-term - with links to membership and professionalism)
This would be a focus to start Q3 - with the aim of piloting one training module by end 2012
Professional Evangelism /
- Develop TOR
- Establish a working group
- Use a softly-softly approach linking with other activities, involving CITP for example
- This is a longer-term initiative
- Follow up focus at each convention
Draft TOR to be reviewed in May
This is a long-term culture change initiative
Recording /
- Establish a working group and TOR
- Run session / workshop at convention to get buy-in, feedback, progress
- Develop 'solutions' for recording and broadcasting
- Develop guidance
- Provide improvement recommendations for Tricaster
Started Jan 2012 and planned to take 6-12 months
Member welcome letters /
- Mechanism to facilitate welcome letters
- rules and guidance