Bible Concepts

A simple, systematic study of fundamental truths to give disciples insightinto God’s Word with an understanding of why as well as what to believe.


Fayetteville, Arkansas

Discipleship Ministry

Published in the United States in 1981


2006 Mission Boulevard

Fayetteville, Arkansas72703

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Scripture quotations are from the King James Version of the Bible.

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Disney, W. Brian

Briney, Patrick R.

Bible Concepts

1. Bible 2. Doctrine 3. Salvation 4. Discipleship I. Title

Printed in the United State of America

Table of Contents

The Human Design 1

The Law of Sin and Death5

God’s Substitute9

The New Birth15

Christian Growth18

Spiritual Warfare 22

The Human Design

Many people are intrigued with how God designed man. Yet most people do not know what the human design is. More importantly, few people today realize the basic human need for a day-to-day relationship with God. Therefore, it is no wonder so many people are unhappy and unfulfilled. Imagine owning a car and not knowing how to operate it, or what its needs are. The more you know about it the better you can maintain it. In order to maintain our health and well-being we need to know what our needs are and how to fulfill these needs. The best way to determine what our needs are is to understand what our design is - the human design.

Some Food For Thought

Jesus said that, “man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God.” (Luke4:4)

  1. Why do you think man cannot live on bread (i.e., physical sustenance) alone? ______
  2. What need does the Word of God satisfy? (1Peter 2:2) ______
  3. Do you think man can live on God’s word alone? ______

Job said, “I have esteemed the words of His mouth more than my necessary food” (Job 23:12). According to Young’s exhaustive concordance the word esteem means to lay up, hide, or conceal.

  1. Do you think Psalm 119:11 is an example of esteeming God’s words? ______
  2. Explain what you think Job was saying. ______
  3. Why do you think the Lord’s words are more important that “necessary food?” (John 6:68) ______
  4. How can you benefit from believing God’s Word? (John 5:24) ______

The Three Fold Design

Read First Thessalonians 5:23.

  1. What did Paul pray for? ______
  2. What is the physical part of man? ______
  3. What are the non-physical or spiritual parts of man? ______

What is the Soul?

Sometimes the Bible uses the word soul to refer to the entire being of a person (body, soul, and spirit). Other times the word soul refers to the spiritual part of man. This lesson is referring to the soul as the spiritual part of man. The soul is the most important part of a person. It is the part of us which God talks to and wants to change. It contributes to our personality, our emotions and will. The soul exists forever, whether it is in heaven or in hell. It is the heart of your very being. And, the soul can be born again, meaning that it is recreated with a new nature.

What are some of the emotions and attitudes attributed to the soul?

  1. Matthew 26:38______
  2. Acts 2:43______
  3. Psalms 43:5______
  4. Isaiah 61:10______
  5. To whom is the man in Luke 12:19 talking to? ______

According to this example, the soul has: (choose a, b, or c)

a) self-awareness, b) awareness of others, c) other? ______

  1. According to 1 Chronicles 22:19 and Job 7:15, the soul is responsible for ______
  2. Ezekiel 18:4 says that all souls belong to God and that souls which sin shall ____
  3. Do you suppose a dead soul, like a dead body, has no feeling? (Luke 16:23) ____
  4. In hell, the man lifted up his (spiritual) eyes being in ______
  5. Read Daniel 12:2. Unlike the physical body the soul continues forever, experiencing either ______or______
  6. Which death do you think is most serious? Physical or Spiritual? Why? ______
  7. According to John 3:5-7, the soul must be born of the ______
  8. What does this mean? ______
  9. What happens to the soul that is born again of the Spirit?

a)2 Corinthians 5:17 ______

b)2 Corinthians 5:21 ______

c)Ephesians 4:23-24 ______

  1. Describe what the soul is in your own words.______

What does the Bible say about the Body?

  1. According to Genesis 35:18-19 and First Kings 17:20-23, what happens to a person when their soul departs from their body? ______
  2. What happened when the soul came back into the body? ______
  3. In what way is the body unlike the soul according to 2 Corinthians 4:16? ______
  4. Romans 6:12 says that the body is inclined to ______. Do you agree? ______
  5. In Genesis 2:21-23, the body is also called ______
  6. List the senses of your body which help you gain information about your environment. ______
  7. How do you think the soul uses the body to gain and respond to the information detected by the senses of the body? ______
  8. Explain why this statement is true, “The soul can live without the body, but the body cannot live without the soul.” ______
  9. Summarize the attributes of the body and how you think the body is used by the soul. ______

What is the Spirit?

The spirit is the spiritual counterpart of the physical body. The spirit enables our soul to interact with the spiritual world. It has spiritual senses similar to our physical senses. However, it is unlike the body because: 1) it is spiritual, and 2) it exists forever.

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 2:9-16. What does the spirit enable us to do? ______
  2. According to Mark 2:8, how did Jesus discern the “thoughts” of others? ______
  3. Read Isaiah 26:9. Describe how you think the spirit is used by the soul. ______
  4. What are man’s spiritual parts called in Hebrews 4:12 & Romans 7:22? ______
  5. Why do you think Paul experienced a conflict between his physical and spiritual parts as described in Romans 7:22-25? ______
  6. Do all Christians experience this conflict? ______
  7. Do lost people experience this conflict? ______

The Needs of Man

Man has physical and spiritual (non-physical) needs. The Lord teaches us about our spiritual needs by comparing them to our physical needs. Fill in the chart below to compare the physical and spiritual needs of man as described in the Bible.

Verse / Physical / Spiritual
  1. John 6:32-35

  1. John 4:10-14

  1. Psalms 61:2-3

  1. John 1:4

  1. Matthew 11:28

Some needs are essential to maintaining life and others are not.

  1. List some primary needs that are necessary for life. ______
  2. List some secondary needs that aid in the well being of a person. ______
  3. List some developed needs such as habits. ______
  4. How do you think spiritual needs are satisfied? (John 4:34) ______
  5. Which needs do you think are more important, physical or spiritual? (Philippians 4:11- 13) ______
  6. Which do you take care of more often? ______


When our needs are not fulfilled we experience anxiety. This is true for both our physical and spiritual needs. Oftentimes we are aware that something is wrong but we do not know what it is. We may feel empty inside, lonely, or restless. When one understands that they have spiritual needs, they can deal with their anxiety properly. Many times people try to seek temporary relief from their anxiety. This does not solve the problem. Consider some of the ways people try to relieve their spiritual anxiety.

  1. Withdrawal: Try to escape spiritual reality by substituting something in its place. (Buddhism, Hinduism, drugs)
  2. Placation: Try to buy God’s favor. (Islam, Judaism, false Christianity)
  3. Rationalization: Try to pretend that spiritual anxiety is not real. (Atheism, Humanism, Agnosticism)
  4. What is the real way to have peace and fulfillment in your life? (John 14:6)

People are designed with the need for a relationship with God. Without this relationship there is no inner peace or rest in one’s soul. Do you think this explains why so many people are unhappy?


In the previous lesson, we learned that we were created by God to have a close, loving relationship with Him. This type of relationship fulfills our deepest needs. In this lesson, we will learn that our relationship with God is governed by the law of sin and death, which is bad news. Our relationship with God is necessary for life, but we have chosen to rebel against God (Isaiah 59:2).


God is righteous. This means that God’s way of thinking and acting is always right. Based upon this definition and 1 John 5:17, give a definition for unrighteousness.______

Circle the diagram which is best describes the idea of in conformity with God’s righteousness.

According to John 3:16, God loves man very much. However, God hates sin. Sin causes great offense to God because of all the destruction it does to His beautiful creation. Carefully study the following verses, and discover what they reveal about the effects of sin. Write down the important word or thoughts in each verse.

God is righteous and cannot tolerate sin.

  1. Psalms 119:137______
  2. Habbakuk 1:13 ______
  3. Revelation 21:27 ______

Sin prevents fellowship between God and His beloved children.

  1. Isaiah 59:2 ______
  2. Psalms 66:18 ______

Sin causes death and condemnation to God’s beloved creatures.

  1. Romans 5:12______
  2. Romans 6:23 ______

Sin corrupts man’s thoughts and values. It causes mankind to think and behave selfishly and cruelly, and turns mankind against God.

  1. Romans 1:21-32______

Sin causes sorrow, fear, and anxiety in mankind.

  1. Genesis 37:19______
  2. Isaiah 57:20-21______
  3. Psalms 32:10______

Sin affects all of God’s creation.

  1. Romans 8:22 ______
  2. Genesis 3:17-18 ______

Sin corrupts the social and political systems of the world.

  1. First John 5:19 ______
  2. Second Corinthians 4:3-4 ______


The term law is defined as a constant governing principle. List some physical laws.


Knowing physical laws enables us to predict what will happen in certain circumstances.

  1. For example what will happen if you…
  1. Step off a ten story building? ______
  2. Stand in the path of an oncoming car? ______
  1. Do physical laws apply to everyone regardless of their beliefs or opinions about the laws? ______
  2. Can someone defy the law of gravity by sincerely believing that it does not exist?

God uses the physical world and laws to teach us about the spiritual world. Thus, physical laws help us to understand the spiritual laws which govern the spiritual world.

  1. Can we assume that it is possible to predict what will happen if spiritual laws are violated? ______


Ezekiel 18:20 expresses a spiritual law that, “The soul that sinneth, it shall die”. Explain what you think this verse is saying by using the definitions you have learned for “sin,” “death,” and “law.”

To understand why sin causes spiritual death, we must understand the nature of God. God’s nature determines what He does, how He does it, and what He likes or doesn’t like.

  1. Read Jeremiah 9:24. What three things characterize the nature of God?

a. ______, b. ______, c. ______

  1. Confirm that the following aspects of God’s nature are matched properly with definitions and proof text.

Nature / Definition / Proof Verse
Righteous / Total conformity to God’s / Psalms 119:172
Just / For every wrong there must be a penalty paid exactly as large as the wrong done / Exodus 21:24-25
Love / An unconditional concern for others equal to or greater than concern for self / John 15:13
  1. From what you have learned thus far, explain why God must punish sin.______
  2. List the descriptions used in the following verses concerning the destiny of the condemned and spiritually dead.
  1. Luke 16:19-31 ______
  2. Mark 9:43-48 ______
  3. 2 Thessalonians 1:8 & 9 ______
  4. Revelation 14:10 & 11 ______
  5. Daniel 12:2 ______
  6. Matthew 13:4 ______
  1. Can anyone escape the Law of Sin and Death? ______
  2. Will any sin go unpunished? ______
  3. Can God choose not to punish sin? ______

The Law of Sin and Death is established because of God’s nature.

  1. Is this law still in effect? ______
  2. Write out the words of ideas expressed in the following verses which support the correct answer.
  1. Malachi 3:6&James 1:17 ______
  2. Ecclesiastes 3:14 ______
  1. What does God think about big sins and little sins? Are some sins worse than others in the eyes of God? Read James 2:10 & Matthew 5:21-22 & 27-28.______
  2. Would God punish a person who had never committed sin? (Romans 2:6; Ezekiel 18:19-20; Matthew 19:16-17) ______
  3. Is there anyone, besides Jesus Christ, who has never committed sin? (Romans 3:23; Isaiah 53:6; and Romans 5:12) ______
  4. Is there anyone who does not know that it is wrong to commit sin? (Genesis 3:22 & Romans 2:14-15) ______

Sin is a transgression against God.

  1. Considering the principle of justice and the following verses, explain why the punishment for sin must be eternal. (Exodus 21:24-25; Psalms 90:2; and Psalms 119:142) ______


  1. According to this lesson, what is the fate of all men who do not have a relationship with God? (Romans 6:23) ______
  2. Explain in your own words why people experience anxiety? (Romans 1:18-20 & John 3:18) ______
  3. Describe some of the ways people try to relieve their anxiety.______


In this lesson, we learned that man is separated from God because of sin. This brings about anxiety, a lack of fulfillment, and a sense of condemnation. Man’s vain attempts to resolve this anxiety have resulted in the development of a world of false religions. However, Man can do nothing to reconcile himself to God. Man’s only hope for salvation from unrighteousness and condemnation is through God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.

God’s Substitute

God’s response to sin is determined by His attributes. He is righteous and just. Therefore He cannot tolerate sin nor allow sin to go unpunished. God is eternal and is offended by sin to an infinite degree. Therefore, the punishment for sin must be an eternal payment of infinite value. Man is condemned because he has sinned against God. Eternal separation from God, in the torments of hell, is the punishment for committing sins against a righteous, holy God. It is impossible for a finite man to pay on infinite debt to God, thus no one in hell will ever get out. Man’s dilemma is that he can do nothing for himself to escape God’s just punishment.

Since man can do nothing for himself then God must provide a solution. Fortunately, God is also compassionate, merciful, and loving. This is good news! He not only provides a solution, He wants us to benefit from the solution. Second Peter 3:9 says that God is, “…not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” But God is just, and cannot allow sin to go unpunished. He must punish sin. So, what is the solution?

God has provided a Substitute to be punished for us. The Substitute experiences the infinite punishment of God’s wrath against sin. But this Substitute must be qualified. This lesson shows you why Jesus Christ is the only qualified Substitute and how He was punished for our sins.

Jesus Christ is the Substitute

  1. How can God forgive sins if His nature requires that all sins must be punished? (1Peter 3:18) ______
  2. Define the word “atonement”:______
  3. Define the word “sacrifice”:______
  4. If a qualified substitute can be found to suffer the penalty of sin in place of the sinner, then the sinner can be forgiven. God’s justice can be satisfied with payment of the atoning sacrifice. Who is qualified to pay the atoning sacrifice for the sins of another person? Read Isaiah 43:11 ______
  5. Why is God the only qualified substitute? Because only God meets the qualifications necessary to be the sacrifice. From the following verses write down the descriptions of God that corresponds to the given characteristic of a qualified substitute.

The substitute must be sinless, able, and willing.

  • 2 Corinthians 5:21 & Matthew 19:17______
  • Psalms 90:2 & Revelation 1:8______
  • John 10:15-18 & Romans 5:7-8______

To be truly willing to pay the eternal penalty for sin, the substitute must have the capacity to see and understand the eternal consequences of such an action. This requires that the substitute be intelligent and omniscient. Only God is omniscient. In fact, only God is without sin, only God is able to pay for an infinite debt, and only God is capable of comprehending the full punishment of sin in order to be willing.

  1. Why is man not qualified to pay the atoning sacrifice for the sins of another person?
  2. Romans 3:10 ______
  3. Psalms 142:4 ______
  4. Are animas or angels qualified?
  5. Hebrews 10:4 ______
  6. Colossians 1:16 & 20 ______
  7. Read Second Corinthians 5:19. God suffered for man in the person of Jesus Christ. Why is Jesus Christ qualified to pay the atoning sacrifice for the sins of another person?
  8. Hebrews 1:8 ______
  9. John 1:1-3:14 ______
  10. Matthew 1:23 ______
  11. Titus 2:13 ______
  12. Isaiah 9:6 ______
  1. What other evidences do we have that Jesus Christ of Nazareth is God come in the flesh to die for us and to be the atoning sacrifice to redeem us? Read the following verses which support each claim.
  2. Jesus fulfilled the messianic prophecies by birth, life, and death. Matthew 1:20-25; 2:15,23; 8:16-17; 21:4-9
  3. Jesus claimed to be God. John 5:17-18; 10:30-33
  4. The Apostles acknowledge Jesus as God. John 1:1; 20:26-28; Matthew 14:33; I Timothy 3:16
  5. Jesus had miraculous power. John 11:43-44; Matthew 11:4-6
  6. Jesus accepts worship and honor. John 5:23; 20:26-28
  7. Jesus suffered and died for us. Matthew 27:27-54; Mark 10:45
  8. Jesus was raised from the dead. Matthew 28:6; Mark 16:6-10
  9. How could Jesus Christ be God if His Father is God? (John 10:30-33; 14:8-9) ______
  10. Since Jesus Christ died for all, is everyone automatically saved? (John 3:18; 8:24) ______


  1. What two contrasting ideas are represented in the following verses? (Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5; and Romans 11:6) ______

The Biblical term “works” can be defined as any effort or moral behavior which one might view as having merit for acquiring salvation.

  1. Pick the best definition for the term “grace”.
  2. ______A favor we earn for doing something good.
  3. ______A favor God gives us for not doing something wrong.
  4. ______A favor given by God that is totally undeserved and unearned.

The Bible teaches that salvation does not come by works. However, many people still try to get to heaven by their works. Write down examples of what people try to do to get to heaven. ______