MBA Board Meeting Minutes

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Taken by Jim M. Gappa and Joelle Selk

Meeting Minutes

Previous minutes not available. Roger Peffer requested all minutes be placed on the website for members to see and provide an opportunity for all Board members to make a copy of the previous Board meeting minutes.

Financial Statements

Leah handed out a red folder with current financial information of the MBA. There was very little discussion. The Board decided to leave all money in their current accounts.

Leah Kailey will be stepping down after the 2009 Convention and she knows of an acquaintance who would be interested in the position. Leah was asked to write up a job description of her duties for the next person who fills the position. The position currently pays $500 / month.

Public Relations

Action item: Next time there is an instance of “vandalism” or shooting of domesticated animals, the MBA should put up notices in the surrounding communities of the incident asking for a help in solving the crime and offering a reward for information leading to the arrest of the person(s) responsible.

Brendan Burns spoke to Mark Seacat of Mystery Ranch and Mark is interested in becoming more involved with the MBA. Brendan felt Mark would make a good Public Relations Director. Mark is well spoken and has good writing skills.

Special Olympics solicited the MBA for a donation to their efforts. The Board discussed the issue, but decided to not donate any money due to the lack of direct involvement of archery.

Convention Committee

Jeremy Garness reported on progress. Board members gave suggestions to Jeremy regarding activities and logistics. Jeremy and Don Davidson asked for a start-up fund for purchasing prizes. The Board felt that the current system of the Treasurer setting up an account with each business or cutting a check for requested items was sufficient. Board members agreed to assist convention committee in gathering donations. Jeremy handed out a spreadsheet listing donations already committed/collected.

Membership Committee

Al Kelly spoke of a group out of Region 1 that is in the process of trying to start an archery program. Al wanted to gather more information before making any kind of motion to support such an effort. Steve Halama brought to everyone’s attention the “archery in schools program”. The primary recipients of this program are middle school aged participants. Gary Carvajal pointed out that T.J. Smith is currently running this program through his archery shop in Billings. The startup cost for each school is approximately $3000.

There was discussion on how to improve upon our current membership numbers with membership drives (i.e. Shoots / Jamboree and Sport Shows). Some ideas were discussed like in Region 2, the Regional Reps. ask for cash donation and a banner is made recognizing each donor. Each donation goes towards a “non-profit” organization and event. There is a 50/50 contest where you get to shoot one arrow ($1) at a target and winner get 50% of the pot. If you bring a friend you get to shoot an additional arrow for each friend (non-member) brought to the Regional meeting.

Jeff Noble made a motion that the MBA provide a “marketing packet” consisting of ten T-shirts, five hats w/ MBA logos, etc. limited to $250 per MBA region per year to be given away to “winners” at archery shoots. Amended and final motion by Jeff Noble: The MBA will develop a membership marketing package to include MBA merchandise not to exceed $250 retail value per event and limited to one event per region per year. Motion was seconded by Brent Hunsucker. Motion passed (100%). Marketing packets are on a first come first serve basis per region.

Jeff Noble would like to hold an archery shoot in the Miles City area in the middle of May. This is an attempt to get more interest and membership in the Miles City area. Details will still need to be determined in the coming days and months.

The Board felt it important to make an “auto-renewal” of an MBA’s membership available on line and when someone signs up for a new membership.

Action item: Jim G. will speak with Tracy or Marvin about getting this option available on our website.

Steve Schindler suggested we use the archery stamp list to send out an MBA promotional mailing. There are 7,000 resident bowhunters on the list.

Action item: Brent Hunsucker and Adam Barker will format and price the mailing and present it for board review.

Leah sent out renewals in September. Membership is up to approx. 800, delinquents at around 400. Steve Sukut suggested we send a renewal notice after each convention to the delinquents. Brent and Al suggested a renewal sheet be included in the convention mailing. Motion by Brent Hunsucker: An auto-renewal option will be included on all renewal notices including the website. Motion seconded by Adam Barker and the motion passed.

Steve Kamps asked for clarification that those signed up late in the year would be grandfathered in for the upcoming year. Leah confirmed.

Newsletter & Website Committee

Steve reported on the discrepancy between Century Publishing and the MBA. Overall, all is not forgotten . . . but it is in the past. Century Publishing did offer to republish the newsletter and to discount additional copies of our convention newsletter.

Jim asked that everyone write something of importance for this coming convention newsletter, since additional copies will be sent out to some of the Real Hunting Magazine subscribers. For example, we don’t need to know who shot what in this issue.

Motion by Rosey: MBA will spend the amount necessary to produce 3500 copies of the convention newsletter. Brent seconded the motion and it passed.

Steve asked that the article from Regional Representatives and Directors-At-Large be about 300 words long. He reminded all board members that the deadline is December 31st.

Craig handed out information regarding the website, for Marvin, for everyone to review. There were no questions regarding the handout.

A comment was made regarding that I was thought that MBA members would be required to use their true names on the website and not their “handles”.

The Board would like to utilize the website forum and more specifically the Board members only area to discuss MBA business. This would cut down on the e-mail traffic coming in and out of everyone’s personal e-mail account.

The question was raised about someone moderating the discussion board? It was thought that Marvin or several individuals should be designated to moderate the discussion board.

Jim would like to use the survey option when asking Board members to vote on a motion presented to the Board. Hopefully the website will be fully functional in the next month.

Survey results/discussion:

Steve Sukut reported a 5% return and Steve Schindler will assist in tabulating the results.

Nominations Committee

It was discussed about filling all the vacant Board positions. Everyone was asked to think about contacting MBA members/friends to serve on the Board.

The Board discussed the vacancies in Region 7. Lloyd Brown stated he will be stepping down after the 2009 Convention. Rex Roger’s name came up again to fill at least one of the vacancies in Region 7.

Jeff Noble offered (and accepted) that he be moved into the Region 7 – Regional Representative position.

Steve Sukut expressed his desire to return to his role as Director-at-Large and newsletter editor. He asked that others on the Board think about taking the 2nd VP position in the organization.

Tentative Committee

The Board discussed what it would take to get an either sex whitetail archery hunt in Region 1. The best means for establishing a hunt would be to include and discuss the idea with the local FWP biologist.

Steve Kamps reported on conversations regarding the “other 23 districts” with Quentin Kujala, FWP, and asked the Board if anyone had any ideas for any tentative proposals. If they did, bring it up now, so that the process can get started.

The subject of the “other 23 hunting districts” came up. Don D. would like to see a choose your weapon (CYW) proposal through the MBA. Don feels the time has come to choose your weapon. Since the new limited archery regulations have been started, we have a de-facto choose your weapon, as well as choose an area. Don spoke of an idea referring to it as the 023 permit that would be applicable in those other 23 hunting district only and does not include the Missouri River Breaks. There would be 6,000 permits, 1st choice only. The 023 permit would not be good in the Breaks, Bear Paws, Elk Horns and any other existing limited entry districts. Don felt it would good to make the other 23 hunting districts options the number one issue on our website.

Jason Tounsely discussed recommendations from the Archery Elk Advisory Committee.

§  OTB 23 – single bundle, with quota set at 150%

§  Limited permits continued in the Breaks

§  A9/B12 tag offered in over-objective areas Outside the Breaks

§  Party apps available for any of the permit areas

Letters of dissent (including ours) sent to the Commission scrapped the recommendations, as they needed a unanimous vote from all parties for passage. Current tentatives proposals by the commission will stand for the 2009 season. Jason recommended we pursue resurrecting the committee for the next tentatives cycle. Gary Carvajal cautioned against limiting ourselves in any other ways. Steve Kamps wants input from the Board to present to the commissioners for the next cycle in 2010.

Legislative Committee

Joelle spoke of some up-coming legislation that is currently on the radar.

Jeff Noble gave an update on the ATV legislation.

The MBA’s sponsored ATV Bill

Montana Wildlife Federation’s Anti-Harboring Bill

Ranching for Wildlife

Add species (black bear, wolf, and mountain lion) to archery season statute

Action item: Joelle will follow up on bill research and will update board throughout the legislative session.

NABC Committee

Steve Halama - The next NABC Convention will be held in Denver in conjunction with the Pope & Young Club’s annual convention. Jeff Noble and Brendan Burns will be attending the Pope & Young Convention. They both offered to attend the NABC Convention. Jeff later expressed that he be listed as an alternate do to his schedule.

Merchandise Committee

Gary Carvajal requeted a current board member take ownership of the merchandise. Brent volunteered to take it.

Bowhunter Education Committee

Steve Halama will be the new Committee Chairman. He replaces Charles Culver.

The Board discussed the issue of more bowhunters (2,800) are taking the online “written” test than previously. It was discussed that the online test is harder. There is a $20 fee involved each time someone tries to pass the test online.

Awards Committee

March 10th is the absolute deadline for entries.

Next Board meeting will be Friday, March 27 at 10:00 AM at the Best Western Heritage Inn in Great Falls.

The meeting was adjourned with a motion by Brent Hunsucker and seconded by someone.