The Center Point City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, October 28,2014 at 6:00 pm in Council Chambers at 200 Franklin Street.

Mayor Paula Freeman-Brown presided.

Council Members present were Matt Brunner, John Stuelke, Paul Mann, Adam Reece

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.

M/S Stuelke/MannTo approve the consent agenda. Aye: 4 Nay: 0Absent: 0Abstention: 0Vacant: 1

Law Enforcement Report, Deputy Johnson

Deputy Johnson reported 141.7 hours for service for September 2014 and 46 calls for service for 10-14-14 thru 10-28-14. Council Member Mann asked what selective enforcement project was, Officer Johnson stated it’s what they use to identify special requests.Johnson also asked everyone to remember that it is deer season and to watch for them on the road.

Public Hearing

The public hearing for the proposed Ordinance 458 An Ordinance Relating to A Cable Franchise Agreement with USA Communications opened at 6:03 pm. Mayor Freeman-Brown asked if there were citizens comments, there were none. Freeman-Brown then asked if the clerk had received any comments, Clerk Atkinson stated none had been received. The public hearing closed at 6:03 pm.

M/SStuelke/Brunner To approve the first reading of Ordinance 458.

Roll Call

Aye: Reece, Mann, Stuelke, Brunner

Nay: None

Absent: None

Abstention: None

Vacant: 1

Petitions and Communications

M/SBrunner/Mann To approve the third and final reading of Ordinance #456 Vacation of Public Alley

Roll Call
Aye: Stuelke, Mann, Brunner, Reece

Nay: None

Absent: None

Abstention: None

Vacant: 1

Speer Financial Representative Maggie Burger reviewed the TIF Overview with the Mayor and Council.

Jerry Michael, Building Inspector

Inspector Michael’s monthly report was reviewed by Council.

Resolution to update the building permit valuation calculationrate was tabled to a later meeting so Building Inspector Michael can review the proposal. Michael explained that construction costs have risen and we have not updated our valuation calculation rates.

Attorney Report, Anne Loomis

Attorney Loomis updated council on her research regarding the proposed Noise Ordinance, Loomis stated that she has reviewed the Hines agreement and answered questions. Stuelke asked if we could get the records from the attorney that handled this issue. Loomis stated that she could not find a municipal infraction for this situation. Stuelke stated that a municipal infraction could be filed but Loomis states a written complaint has to be filed and then brought to Council for discussion. Mann asked if we have any ordinance that will support a municipal infraction, Loomis states that our ordinance is vague but there are issues that can be addressed. Loomis stated that she has searched for municipalities that have ordinances that address running vehicles as a nuisance.Freeman-Brown asked for clarification of the discussion about the Hines property and the relation to the noise ordinance.Members discussed the use and if it has changed.Mayor Freeman-Brown stated that in order to proceed the parties that brought it up file a written complaint if they would like to proceed. She also stated that we need to continue work on the ordinance.

TrueNorth Representative Josh Budkereviewed the plans and the rates for next year. Mayor Freeman-Brown asked how long we can remain grandfathered in our current plan,Budke stated that the deadline has been extended in 2015, he expects them to extend it again. If we remain with our current plan we will experience a 10% increase, if we change plans we would experience a 21% plus increase with less benefits. A review of the dental renewal rates has no increase as long as we don’t change our plan.

M/SStuelke/Brunner Resolution 2014-113A resolution to approve the continuation of the current health and dental plans. Health insurance renewal effective 12/01/2014, 10% increase. Dental insurance renew effective 03/01/2015, no change in rate.

Roll Call

Aye: Mann, Stuelke, Brunner, Reece

Nay: None

Absent: None

Abstention: None

Vacant: 1

Old Business

M/SStuelke/Mann Resolution 2014-114A resolution to award the sewer cleaning/televising contract to Roto Rooter pricing based on their current contract rates not to exceed $25,000.00.

Roll Call

Aye: Reece, Mann, Stuelke, Brunner

Nay: None

Absent: None

Abstention: None

Vacant: 1

M/S Brunner/Mann Resolution 2014-115A resolution to approve the corrected snowmobile route.

Roll Call

Aye: Mann, Stuelke, Brunner, Reece

Nay: None

Absent: None

Abstention: None

Vacant: 1

New Business

Mayor and council reviewed the proposed City of Center Point Retention policy.Mayor Freeman-Brown asked Loomis about the formal/informal opinion under City Attorney records. Loomis stated administrative guidance would be informal. Council Member Stuelke would like to see items to be kept longer for historical values. Council Member Mann recommended scanning documents to keep. City Huisman asked council to make changes on the items they would like to see extended beyond the minimum retention requirements. Resolution to approve was tabled to allow council time to review and make changes.

Deputy Clerk Sarah Tritle reviewed the proposals received for online/credit and debit card payment for utility bills, she provided a brief explanation of what each provider can do. Administrator Huisman asked for council to review the proposals and consider if they would like to proceed with one of the proposals for the next Council meeting.

M/SStuelke/Brunner Resolution 2014-116A resolution to approve City of Center Point Payroll Policy.

Roll Call

Aye: Brunner, Stuelke, Mann, Reece

Nay: None

Absent: None

Abstention: None

Vacant: 1

Mayor Freeman-Brown asked council to review the Linn County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan for the next meeting and let staff know if they have any questions.

M/S Stuelke/Mann Resolution 2014-117A resolution to set Public Works Technician II ~ Marshall Gericke Hourly Rate, $21.24

Roll Call

Aye: Mann, Stuelke, Reece, Brunner

Nay: None

Absent: None

Abstention: None

Vacant: 1

M/S Stuelke/Brunner To appoint Mitch Weideman to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Aye: 4Nay: 0Absent: 0Abstention: 0Vacant: 1

Citizen Comment

Nancy Krapfl provided council with the names of companies that provide projectors; Wolfe Vision and Pratt Visual now CTI. She would like council to review what they offer and consider installing them for the citizens to review what the Council is reviewing at meetings.

Council Comment


Mayor’s Report, Paula Freeman-Brown

Mayor Freeman-Brown thanked Patrick Conway, a Boy Scout that built the benches for City Hall as his Eagle Scout Project.

M/S Stuelke/ Mann To adjourn at 7:29pm. Aye: 4 Nay: 0 Absent: 0 Abstention: 0 Vacant: 1


Paula Freeman-Brown, Mayor



Melissa Atkinson, City Clerk/Treasurer

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