MINUTES – APRIL 12, 2012

Acting Chairman Campilango called the Planning Board meeting of Thursday, April 12, 2012, to order at 8:05 p.m. in the Municipal Building of the Borough of Totowa.


Mayor Coiro Commissioner Campilango Councilman D’Angelo Commissioner Murphy

Commissioner Festa Commissioner Paese William Sarcino, ESQ Nordan Murphy, PE

The clerk read the statement of the meeting as follows: The meeting of the Planning Board to be held on the 12th day of April 2012 is in accordance with the Schedule of Annual Notice, which is posted, and in accordance with Chapter 231 P.L. 1975 of the State of New Jersey. The agenda for this meeting has been prepared and distributed to the members of the Planning Board and a copy has been on file in the Construction Official’s Office.


Sack’s Thrift Avenue Block 105 - Lot 6.01 Minor Site Plan

354 Union Blvd. Certificate of Use

Ms. Laura Lambert, applicant appeared requesting approval to occupy 757 sq. ft. of space to operate a woman’s and children’s consignment store. The operation would consist of taking in gently used clothing, toys and accessories for woman, children and babies.

Acting Chairman Campilango read a letter of intent into the record. The anticipated hours of operation will be Monday thru Friday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Saturday from 11:00am to 4:00pm. There will be one full time employees. There are four off street parking spaces in front of the building for this operation.

Ms. Laura Lambert testified as to the nature of the business. The consigners will receive a portion of the sale price when their items are sold.

A motion was offered by Commissioner Paese and seconded by Commissioner Festa to approve the application for occupancy as presented. This approval is subject to and contingent upon the following conditions and will be memorialized in a Resolution at a future date:

1.  The construction of internal partitions, exits, entrances and fire safety devices are subject to and require the approval of the fire sub-code official, the fire inspector and the building inspector.

2.  The applicant will supply the Chief of Police with an emergency contact list and will also obtain the approval of the Police Chief in regards to all alarms and security devices.

3.  There will be no outside storage or sales of merchandise/equipment/materials.

4.  A design waiver is granted for the size and color of proposed sign.

5.  Hours of operation will be Monday thru Friday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Saturday from 11:00am to 4:00pm.

Six agreed on a roll call vote………6-0

Tape 8– 267




Jaret’s Stuffed Cupcakes Block 145 - Lot 13 Minor Site Plan

181 Union Blvd. Certificate of Use

Mr. Bevere, attorney and Ms. Maureen Jaret, applicant appeared requesting approval to occupy 2,900 sq. ft. of space to operate a retail bakery and baking facility that supplies their store in Nutley as well a their corporate customers, making deliveries to the Tri-State area.

Acting Chairman Campilango read a letter of intent into the record. The anticipated hours of operation will be Monday thru Sunday from 7:00 am to 7:00pm. There will be nine employees. The landlord has allocated four off street parking spaces for this tenant.

Ms. Maureen Jaret testified as to the nature of the business indicating that they bake and sell mainly cupcakes but also do custom cakes as needed. Ms. Jaret also indicate that there sign consists of their corporate colors of black and yellow. There would be a text change only to the existing sign.

A motion was offered by Commissioner Paese and seconded by Commissioner Festa to approve the application for occupancy as presented. This approval is subject to and contingent upon the following conditions and will be memorialized in a Resolution at a future date:

1.  The construction of internal partitions, exits, entrances and fire safety devices are subject to and require the approval of the fire sub-code official, the fire inspector and the building inspector.

2.  The applicant will supply the Chief of Police with an emergency contact list and will also obtain the approval of the Police Chief in regards to all alarms and security devices.

3.  There will be no outside storage or sales of merchandise/equipment/materials.

4.  A design waiver is granted for the black and yellow colors of proposed sign to conform with their other corporate location.

5.  The anticipated hours of operation will be seven days per week from 7:00 am to 7:00.

6.  The landlord has allocated four off street parking spaces for this tenant.

Six agreed on a roll call vote………6-0

Tape 8– 715


VectraCor, Inc. Block 10 - Lot 3 Minor Site Plan

785 Totowa Road suite 100 Certificate of Use

Mr. Brad Schreck, the applicant, appeared requesting approval to occupy 2,415 sq. ft. as office space for the world headquarters for Research & Development, Marketing, Sales, Finance, QC and Shipping.

Acting Chairman Campilango read a letter of intent into the record. The anticipated hours of operation will be Monday thru Friday from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm. The operation will start with three to four employees.

Mr. Schreck testified as to the nature of the business indicating that their technology will have a significant impact on lowering diagnostic costs while improving cardiac diagnosis and patient care in the Cardiovascular Disease sector.

After a discussion, a motion was offered by Commissioner Paese and seconded by Commissioner Festa to approve the application for occupancy as presented. This approval is subject to and contingent upon the following conditions and will be memorialized in a Resolution at a future date:

1.  The construction of internal partitions, exits, entrances and fire safety devices are subject to and require the approval of the fire sub-code official, the fire inspector and the building inspector.



2.  The applicant will supply the Chief of Police with an emergency contact list and will also obtain the approval of the Police Chief in regards to all alarms and security devices.

3.  There will be no outside storage of equipment/materials.

4.  Signage will meet Boro Ordinance..

Six agreed on a roll call vote………6-0

Tape 8– 1071


A motion was offered by Commissioner Campilango and seconded by Commissioner Festa to approve the resolution for Nail Cafe-Blk 96-Lot 1 as presented.

Five agreed on a roll call vote……….5-0

Tape 8 – 1160

A motion was offered by Commissioner Campilango and seconded by Commissioner Festa to approve the resolution for W. Engineering, PC-Blk 174-Lot 12 as presented.

Five agreed on a roll call vote……….5-0

Tape 8 – 1176

A motion was offered by Commissioner Campilango and seconded by Commissioner Festa to approve the resolution for China Town Express-Blk 39-Lot 1 as presented.

Five agreed on a roll call vote……….5-0

Tape 8 – 1187


A motion was offered by Commissioner Paese and seconded by Commissioner Festa to approve a series of vouchers for Weiner Lesniak, LLP Professional services as listed below:

Invoice 150637 TOT-660E 701 Union Acquisition, LLC Blk 173-Lot 17 in the amount of $845.50

Invoice 150638 TOT-664E B&P Industries, LLC Blk 16-Lot 10 in the amount of $192.00

Invoice 150639 TOT-665E Nutrition Zone Blk 145-Lot 13 in the amount of $190.00

Invoice 150640 TOT-666E MJ’s Nutrition Center Blk 40-Lot 20 in the amount of $190.00

Invoice 150641 TOT-667E The Barking Lot Blk 147-Lot 1 in the amount of $190.00

Invoice 150642 TOT-668E Nail Cafe Blk 96-Lot 1 in the amount of $190.00

Invoice 150643 TOT-669E China Town Express Blk 39-Lot 1 in the amount of $190.00

Invoice 150644 TOT-670E W. Engineering PC Blk 174-Lot 12 in the amount of $190.00

Six agreed on a roll call vote………6-0

Tape 8 - 1202

There being no other business, a motion was offered by Commissioner Paese and seconded by Commissioner Festa to adjourn the meeting.

All in favor………6-0

Tape 8 - 1236

Respectfully submitted,

Pete Campilango, Secretary

Patricia Paulson

Planning Board Clerk Date Approved