
May Parent Meeting Notes:

Present: Dave T., Matt Vaugn, Kim Jaeger, Neil Doruff, Yvonne Doruff, Peggy Cooley, Cathy Walker, Debbie Miller and Janeen Noto.

We need an idea for the June COH for Chuck Cressler.

Monday, July 20th will be the Schaumburg Flyers game our Troop will attend - Money will be due by June 15th.

Saturday, June 13th will be Highway Cleanup from 8 am to 10 am. Meet at the Grove along Higgins Road.

Saturday, June 20th is the Village Parade - the theme is the Star Spangled Salute to America - the parade begins at 6 pm. The troop will be participating in the parade.

June 26th to 28th is the IllinoisStateBeach camping trip.

$54 was made from recycling aluminum cans, etc.

The April meeting notes and treasurer’s report was approved.

The check for the bulletin board was returned from Christus Victor, but is not reflected in the April ’09 treasurer’s report.

We talked about the High Adventure Fund and possible future uses for it.

At the June COH we have 3 rank advancements and a ceremony for a Life Scout that was not at the last COH. There are also 7 merit badges that have been earned - the cut off date to turn cards in for merit badges is Monday, June 1st.

Septemberfest, Schaumburg, Illinois we are looking into have a booth to sell something at this festival.

Steve Warnimont has found a company that we can purchase a dining fly form to $80 including shipping - We approved this purchase. Neil Doruff will let Steve W. know.

Pancake Breakfast - our profit was $1,950.26.

Napowan - There are 21 scouts attending - The following trained adult leaders will be attending - Neil Doruff, Kim Jaeger, Dave T., Steve Warnimont, Michael Cooley, and Peter Brand (half of the week).

Recycling - Would anyone like to take this over for Dave T.?

New business: outing finances - we need to either increase costs or decrease spending due to over spending. We agreed to increase camping trip fees to $25 per trip and see if this corrects the issue. It is questionable if food costs or camping fees were the issue.

Sunday, May 31st 12-8 is the Coaches Corner Jamboree Fundraising - 20% of purchases will be given to the Jamboree group. Please come and support our scouts going to Jamboree.

Budgets - Peggy Cooley will bring a form for camping budgeting that can be used again. This form was used in the past.

The Smith COH(Court of Honor) will be on Saturday, September 12th, The troop buys the meat for this event, and each patrol brings sides and families bring their own non-alcoholic drinks.

We are in need of the following positions filled - Webelo Liason, Pancake BreakfastChairs - Yvonne Doruff volunteered, and Wreath Sales Chair/location for distribution- ?/we need to confirm if the Gabzdyl’s/Furreboe’s can still Chair and just need a location for distribution andAdvancements.

Janeen Noto has raffle items that need to be used before September for a fundraising event that we received after the Pancake Breakfast.

The new Senior Patrol Leader , the leader of the troop needs to give a speech and be voted in by the other scouts. The SPL should be at 90% of the meetings and it is preferable that they are a STAR rank or higher.

The SPL chooses the Assistant he will work with. The SPL And Assistant are one year positions.

Other positons are the Quarter Master who is responsible for the trailer on camping trips, and the Troop Guide who is responsible for the new incoming Webelo scouts.

There are other positions that are 6 month positions.

The Assistant Partol Leader does not automatically become the Senior Patrol Leader.