Generous, expansive fairways impart a feeling of openness as the layout unfolds over the rolling hills and natural wetlands common in this area of Placer County.

SPECIAL WGANC BRING A FRIEND DAY – WGANC encourages you to invite one female NON-WGANC member to be your “guest partner” to play on this day. This guest invitation will apply only to this day and course. Your guest must have a recognized golf handicap index of 40.4 or lower. Her fees will be the same as yours and she will get to play on a fun and unique course.

Maximum USGA Handicap Index: 40.4

Course Handicap Limit: 42

Course Rating/Slope: 69.5/117

Tee Name:Red – Hills Course

Course Field Limit: 60

Handicap Revision Date:March 1, 2016

Shotgun Starting Time:8:30 a.m.

Check-in Time:7:00 a.m.

Tournament Fee:$55.00 CASH

(Includes breakfast, lunch, cart and sweeps)

LAST CANCELLATION DATE:Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Special Instructions:None.

Send Entries On:February 16, 17, 18

(Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)

Send Entries To:Director in Charge: Kim Algren

Telephone: (530) 878-3859


The Director in Charge will notify your Open Day Chair at least 10 days prior to the open day (February 29th)of all entrants accepted or not accepted. Open Day Chair must report cancellations or names of substitutes to Director in Charge personally. Messages on answering machines can be lost. E-mails and/or fax messages will not be accepted.

Players who cancel after Tuesday, March 1st, and do not provide an approved substitute, must pay food and cart fees. Call the DIC prior to the open day. In case of rain, do not assume the Open Day is cancelled. For information on the morning of the Open DayONLY call the Pro Shop (916) 543-9200.

A “No-Show” is a player who fails to notify the Director in Charge prior to the Open Day that she must cancel. To avoid being a “No-Show,” a player may also call the host club Pro Shop to cancel on the morning of the Open Day only before the start of play. A “No-Show” will not be allowed to play in Open Day events for six months from the date the Director in Charge receives payment for the cart and food.

PROPER GOLF ATTIRE at LINCOLN HILLS GOLF CLUB: No denim of any kind, no tank or halter tops. Shorts should have a 6” inseam and skirts should be of similar length. Soft spikes only.