LA communications to schools
Title: / Maximising the Impact of Teaching AssistantsSummary: / Details and information regarding Maximising the Impact of Teaching Assistants’ project
Target school(s): / AllSchools
Specific schools
For attention of: / Heads, Teaching Assistants
Author: / Aimee Shaw, Project Manager, Maximising the Impact of Teaching Assistants (MITA) project
Contact: / Aimee Shaw, Project Manager, Maximising the Impact of Teaching Assistants (MITA) project
Email: /
Telephone: / 020 7612 6385
Newsletter date: / 22/05/2017
Action required/
due date: / If you would like your school to be involved, please go to submit anEOI form as soon as possible.
Maximising the Impact of Teaching Assistants
The ‘Maximising the Impact of Teaching Assistants’ project picks-up from the DISS report and subsequent studies that have identified the key principles that underpin effective deployment of TAs, alongside practical strategies for implementing change. It is heavily subsidised by an EEF grant so offers really good value for money in terms of a comprehensive suite of Professional Learning and Development.
An exciting new project is currently being recruiting for, called Maximising the Impact of Teaching Assistants (MITA) project, funded by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF). The MITA project is the most comprehensive trial of its kind ever undertaken in the UK and is now entering the final phase of recruitment.
This is the final opportunity for schools to participate – schools need to have signed up by 28th May. The MITA project gives primary schools an unparalleled opportunity to work with a team of national leaders of education and leading researchers to review and improve TA deployment. The intervention comprises a coherent package of consultancy, CPD for school staff and high-quality resources at a heavily subsided rate. This package would normally cost over £7,000 and is available to intervention schools for just £1,300 as part of the project.
We are aware of the challenges schools currently face in relation to budgets, and know this is very likely to have implications for how schools structure their staffing into 2017/18 and beyond. MITA is not about staff rationalisation, but many schools which have been worked with have used it as a platform for rethinking and re-energising their TA workforce - leading to more efficient and effective ways of working.
This is opportunity for schools to transform the way teaching assistants are deployed. If you would like your school to be involved, please go to submit anEOI form as soon as possible.
If you have any questions please email or call 020 7612 6385.