Max and Jake

By Joan Jarden

Illustrated by Richard Hoit

Comprehension Quiz

1. How do think Max felt about Jake teaching him how to swim?

a. scared

b. excited

c. mad

d. shy

2. The purpose of the title, “Max and Jake,” is to tell the reader the

  1. sequence of the passage
  2. topic of the passage
  3. people in the passage
  4. numbers in the passage

3. What is Max’sMAJOR conflict in the passage?

  1. Max cannot ride a bike.
  2. Max cannot swim.
  3. Max cannot write his name.
  4. Max does not know how to drive.

4.The author’s purpose for writing the passage is to ?

  1. entertain the reader about a story with many different people
  2. inform the reader about why it isn’t good to have pets
  3. persuade the reader to go swimming with friends
  4. describe to the reader how to learn to swim
  1. What is the mainsetting in the passage?
  1. at Jake’s house
  2. at school
  3. at the park
  4. at the pool
  1. Max has helped Jake out in a different reading passage. What did Max help Jake do in that passage?
  1. Max helped Jake learn to drive a car.
  2. Max helped Jake learn to write his name.
  3. Max helped Jake learn to ride a bike.
  4. Max helped Jake learn to build a bird’s nest.
  1. CircleALL the things that Jake does while Max is standing on the side of the pool…

Swims up and downSwims over to Grandpa

Kicks other peopleSwims over to Max

Kicks his feetJake can swim fast but cannot run fast

Makes big splashesdives off the board

  1. Which BEST retells the passage?
  1. Max goes to Jake’s house and plays in the pool.
  2. Max goes over to Jake’s house and rides to the swimming pool with Jake’s mom. While at the pool, Jake teaches Max how to swim. Max learns to swim.
  3. Max and Jake go over to their neighbor’s house to swim.
  4. Max and Jake go to the park to play.

Vocabulary Quiz:

  1. Read the passage below.

“Put your hands on here,” said Jake, “and kick your legs like this.”

In the passage, the word kick means…

  1. Stop moving around
  2. moving your legs side to side and back and forth
  3. sit down
  4. move in circles
  1. Knowing the meaning of the prefix –ed helps the reader understand that the word “kicked” means…
  1. not kick
  2. to kick again
  3. kick now
  4. did kick