Regular Session July 10, 2003

6:00 p.m. College Hill School Complex


Vice Chair Morrison called the meeting to order, followed by the Pledge led by Hampshire Unit School principal, after which a moment of silence was observed. The following members were present: Whitney Seaton, Charles Morrison, Talvin Barner, Bill Muehlbauer, Walter Dycus, Judy Vick, Ricky Sims, Richard Thompson and Vince Springer. Shaw Daniels arrived at 7:15 and assumed the role of Chair. Libby Skillington was absent.


Upon a motion by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Sims, Board approved the Agenda with a roll call vote with the following additions:

Remove Mike Sharpton from Public Delegations at his request,

Add under Unfinished Business Culleoka Project Presentation and Cox Easement discussion,

Add under Instruction approval of $195,000 Early Childhood Grant, and

Discussion of Low Bids prior to approval.



Delores Blankenship, Past President of MCEA, speaking for MCEA President Molly Hulen, on behalf of the MCEA membership, stated the Association is pleased to recognize the partnership between the Association and the Board as they work together as a team to promote common goals in focusing on the needs of the students. She further stated that our future will be determined by the investment that we are willing to make today in our schools and our students.


No action was taken in regard to the out-of-zone request by Buddy Duke for his child.

After discussion and upon Mr. Thompson’s motion, with Mr. Dycus seconding, to have a professionally prepared written report from an outside psychologist regarding the out-of-zone denial of Christy Mash for her children and to allow her children attend out-of-zone until such investigation is made, motion failed with a roll call vote. Dr. Muehlbauer, Ms. Seaton, Ms. Vick and Mr. Springer voted no. Mr. Barner, Mr. Morrison, Mr. Dycus, Mr. Thompson and Mr. Sims voted yes. A motion was made by Mr. Sims, seconded by Mr. Thompson to allow the children of Christy Mash attend out-of-zone as requested. Motion failed with a roll call vote with Mr. Dycus, Mr. Sims, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Springer voting yes and Dr. Muehlbauer, Mr. Barner, Mr. Morrison, Ms. Seaton and Ms. Vick voting no.

Upon a motion by Mr. Sims, seconded by Mr. Thompson, Board approved with a roll call vote the request from Pam McDonald regarding out-of-zone for her child. Dr. Muehlbauer, Mr. Morrison, Ms. Seaton voted no and Mr. Barner, Mr. Dycus, Mr. Sims, Ms. Vick, Mr. Thompson and Mr. Springer voted yes.

Upon a motion by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Ms. Vick, Board approved out-of-zone request by Donna Heninger for her child.


Upon a motion by Mr. Dycus, seconded by Ms. Vick, Board approved: Minutes (May 12, 2003 Regular Meeting), Executive Committee Report approving request from Class of 1993 Central High School to use the front lawn of Central High September 26, 2003 from 5:30 until 8 pm for Ten Year Reunion Cookout with all use of facilities fees waived, request from Central High Girls Basketball to use the main gym at Central High July 7-11, 2003 from 8 am until 2 pm for basketball camp with all use of facilities fees waived, request from Child Nutrition Supervisor to declare surplus items with a value of less than $250 and have maintenance pick up, request from St. Paul A.M.E. Church to use the auditorium, gym and 7 classrooms at Central High June 28, 2003 from 8 am until 4 pm for District Sunday School Convention with the following Use of Facilities Fees to apply: Custodian/Supervision $15 per hour x 8 hours = $120 due and payable to Maury County Public Schools on or before the event, request from Mt. Pleasant American Legion to use the MPHS baseball field, concession and parking area May 27-July 31, 2003 for summer league baseball games with all use of facilities fees waived, request from Santa Fe Boys Basketball to use the gym at Santa Fe School July 21-25, 2003 from 8 am until 12:30 pm for basketball camp with all use of facilities fees waived, request from Santa Fe Girls basketball to use the gym at Santa Fe School June 3-6, 2003 from 8 am until 12 noon for basketball camp with all use of facilities fees waived, request from Cumberland Valley Girl Scouts to use one classroom at Cox Middle School semimonthly from 2:45 until 4 pm for Troop meetings with all use of facilities fees waived,

Attendance Report, the following student trips:

1.Central High Cheerleading Camp-Knoxville, TN-July 18-21, 2003,

request from Culleoka Principal for cellular phones for 2003-04SY for Crisis Management Plan, request for the following volunteer coaches:

Culleoka School-Justin Snoblen-Boys’ Basketball

Hampshire School-Brandon Voss-Junior High Boys’ Basketball

Mt. Pleasant Middle School-David Dailey, Scotty Nance-Football

Central High School-Rick Sykes-Assistant Football, Crystal Smith-Cheerleading,

Mike Ransom-Head Bowling Coach, Deline Dendy-Head Swim Coach (supplement),

Charlie Norman-Assistant Boys Soccer, Chad Moore-Assistant Girls Basketball

Santa Fe School-Dawn Scott-Varsity Cheerleading, Kathy Gardner, Connie Diehl-Bowling,

request from SHHS and Santa Fe High School to participate in a sports program cooperative for boys and girls soccer, track and football, request from Culleoka and Central High to participate in a sports program cooperative for bowling, football, cross country and boys and girls soccer and request from Committee to Name Culleoka Facility to name the Culleoka community softball field “Culleoka Memorial Field”.

After discussion and upon a motion by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Dycus, Board approved the following

Low Bids:

1. Irwin Painting Co. - Painting canopies at Santa Fe, McDowell & Baker and

ceiling at Santa Fe $86,860.00

2. Edulog – Additional components and training for zoning/routing software 27,150.00

3. Pomeroy Computer Resources – Server for implementation of Edulog 6,297.42

4. Software Plus – Office XP licenses for Intel Teach 6,808.00

5. Scientific Learning – Implementation of Fast ForWord software 63,250.00

6. Pomeroy Computer Resources – Additional servers for implementation of Plato 34,305.29

7. Plato Learning, Inc. – Software upgrades 35,944.00.


Facilities Committee Report was provided by Committee Facilitator John McAdams. The next scheduled meeting will be July 30, 2003. Upon a motion by Mr. Dycus, seconded by Ms. Seaton, Board approved text of plaque for the lobby of MPMS.

Policy Committee Report was provided by Committee Facilitator Jerry Wilson with a number of policies

discussed. The next meeting is scheduled for July 23, 2003 at 4:30 pm.

Budget Committee Facilitator Kip Reel stated that committee had not met since the previous Board Meeting.

Mr. Sims asked that Policy 6.310 be voted on apart from others posted and Dr. Muehlbauer asked that Policy 4.706 be considered separately also. Upon a recommendation by the Director, with a motion by, Ms. Vick, seconded by Mr. Barner, Board approved revisions to Policy 6.405 (Medications), Policy 4.401 (Class Size) and Policy 5.202 (Suspension/Dismissal of Non-Certified Employees),. They have been posted the required time.

After discussion and upon a motion by Mr. Sims, seconded by Mr. Morrison, to refer Policy 6.310 (Dress Code) back to Policy Committee for further input from principals, motion failed with a roll call vote. Dr. Muehlbauer, Mr. Barner, Mr. Morrison, Ms. Seaton, Mr. Dycus, Ms. Vick, Mr. Springer and Mr. Daniels

voted no and Mr. Sims and Mr. Thompson voting yes.

Upon a motion by Ms. Vick, seconded by Mr. Dycus, Board approved revisions to Policy 6.310 (Dress Code) as posted with a roll call vote. Mr. Morrison, Mr. Sims and Mr. Springer voted no with Dr. Muehlbauer, Mr. Barner, Ms. Seaton, Mr. Dycus, Ms. Vick, Mr. Thompson and Mr. Daniels voting yes. It has been posted the required time.

After discussion and upon a motion by Dr. Muehlbauer, seconded by Ms. Vick, Board approved Policy 4.706 (Graduation Requirements). It has been posted the required time.

Hart-Freeland and Roberts Architects gave a presentation regarding the Culleoka Project. After discussion and upon a motion by Ms. Vick, seconded by Mr. Thompson, Board approved having this architectural firm make this same presentation along with their projected 5-year Plan to the County Commission at a date to be scheduled.

Since Mr. Larry Vick was unable to attend this meeting, Board agreed discussion regarding the Cox easement should be deferred to the July Facilities Committee and then to the Board.


A. Policies and Planning

Upon a recommendation by the Director, and a motion by Mr. Morrison, seconded by Ms. Vick, Board approved posting the required time Policy 4.601 (School Volunteers).

Upon a recommendation by the Director, and a motion by Ms. Vick, seconded by Mr. Morrison, Board approved with a roll call vote with Dr. Muehlbauer, Mr. Barner, Mr. Morrison, Ms. Seaton, Mr. Dycus, Mr. Sims, Ms. Vick and Mr. Daniels voting yes and Mr. Thompson and Mr. Springer voting no waiving Policy 1.700 (Policy Development and Adoption) in order to immediately adopt revisions to Policy 6.300.

After discussion and upon a recommendation by the Director, and a motion by Dr. Muehlbauer, seconded by Mr. Dycus, Board approved revisions to Policy 6.300 (Code of Behavior and Discipline) to include the text extended learning rather than Saturday School.

B. Personnel

The Director's report on personnel was presented to the Board as follows:

Appointment of personnel


Brett Bauer, Spring Hill High Business teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Preston Brooks, Spring Hill Science teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Timothy Burger, Spring Hill High Science teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Minnie Burnett, Howell Elementary teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Katherine Crews, Hampshire Elementary teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Scott Gaines, McDowell Principal, effective July 28, 2003

Rachael Gobble, Columbia Central PE Health teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Loretta Goodloe, Whitthorne Middle teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Christopher Graves, Columbia Central PE teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Misty Grooms, Columbia Central Science teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Deborah Harris, part – time Culleoka Math teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Cara Henson, Santa Unit Math teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Sheri Hoeldtke, Mt. Pleasant High English teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Laura Holley, Whitthorne Middle teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Priscilla Jennings, Columbia Central Special Education teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Matthew Jones, Columbia Central Science teacher/Assistant Football Coach, effective July 28, 2003

April Johnson, Baker Elementary teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Sharon Kinnard, Whitthorne Middle teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Laurie Love, Baker Elementary teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Mike Lyle, Mt. Pleasant High English teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Cathy Matyskiela, Culleoka English teacher, July 28, 2003

Macie McKee, Columbia Central Health Science/ Technology teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Debbie Moss, Culleoka Unit Librarian, effective July 28, 2003

Christy Neas, Howell Elementary teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Laura Sandrell, Howell Elementary teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Walter Smith, Mt. Pleasant High Social Studies teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Patricia Vaughn, Whitthorne Middle teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Nancy Wisker, Howell Elementary teacher, effective July 28, 2003


Andre’ Baker, Mt. Pleasant Middle part – time substitute custodian, effective June 9, 2003

Helen Baker, Mt. Pleasant Middle Special Education educational assistant, effective July 24, 2003

Lloyd “Rip” Baxter, Santa Fe Unit part – time substitute custodian, effective June 2, 2003

Tom Anna McClain, College Hill Alternative educational assistant, effective July 28, 2003

Monica Mikkleson, Howell Elementary educational assistant, effective July 28, 2003

Rebecca Shultz, Howell Elementary Secretary, effective July 7, 2003

Dawn Scott, Spring Hill Elementary educational assistant, effective July 28, 2003

Bridgett Stuart, College Hill Alternative social worker, effective July 28, 2003

Robin Thompson, County – wide part – time substitute food service associate, effective June 6, 2003

Juanita Warner, Santa Fe Unit, part – time substitute custodian, effective June 2, 2003

Transfers and Assignments:


Sandra Chappell, from College Hill Transitional Academy teacher to College Hill Alternative teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Jonathan England, from Baker Alternative teacher to Baker Elementary teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Garry Hannah, from College Hill Transitional Academy teacher to College Hill Alternative teacher, effective

July 28, 2003

James Hardison, from College Hill Transitional Academy teacher to College Hill Alternative teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Dave Horton, from College Alternative Guidance Counselor to Cox Middle Guidance Counselor, effective

July 28, 2003

Mark Lovvorn, from System – wide Teacher of the Gifted to Cox Middle Special Education teacher, effective

July 28, 2003

Amy Perryman, from Cox Middle teacher to Whitthorne Middle teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Melissa Todd, from Baker Elementary teacher to Whitthorne Middle teacher, effective July 28, 2003

Michael Dewitt Whitaker, Spring Hill High Science teacher to Columbia Central Health/PE teacher, effective

July 28, 2003

Kristy Wilson, from Howell Elementary teacher to Whitthorne Middle teacher, effective July 28, 2003


Mirian Joy Blanchard, from Transportation assigned transitional bus driver to Transportation assigned bus driver, effective June 9, 2003

Joe D. Brooks, from Transportation assigned bus driver to Transportation assigned Special Education bus attendant, effective June 9, 2003

Rebecca B. Chaffin, from Central Office 11 – month Special Education clerk to Central Office 12 – month Special Education clerk, effective July 1, 2003

Brenda S. Church, from Riverside Elementary Educational Assistant to Riverside Elementary Attendance Clerk, effective July 21, 2003

Orlando Cox, from Culleoka Unit ISS assistant to Culleoka Unit educational assistant, effective June 23, 2003

Barbara A. Holmes, from Columbia Central Clerk to Columbia Central educational assistant, effective June 9 thru June 20, 2003 (summer only)

Barbara A. Holmes, from Columbia Central educational assistant to Columbia Central clerk, effective June 23, 2003

Judy Johns, from Transportation assigned driver to Transportation assigned Special Education bus attendant, effective June 9, 2003

Julie Lynn Lillard, from Woodard Elementary educational assistant to Woodard Elementary attendance clerk, effective July 1, 2003

Lee Roy Nicholson, from Riverside Elementary full – time custodian to Riverside Elementary part – time custodian, effective July 21, 2003