Facilities Session March 16, 2005

6:00 p.m. Horace O. Porter School at College Hill


Chairman Daniels called the meeting to order, followed by the Pledge said in unison, after which a moment of silence was observed. The following members were present: Shaw Daniels, Whitney Seaton, Chet Rhodes, Greg Ladd, Talvin Barner, Bill Muehlbauer, Ricky Sims, Judy Vick, and Richard Thompson. Vince Springer arrived at 6:30 pm and Hoyt Gardner was absent.


Upon a motion by Mr. Sims, seconded by Ms. Vick, Board approved the Agenda with the following changes:

Chair’s motion to move VII New/Unfinished Business B Finance # 2 to immediately following VI was seconded by Mr. Sims but failed upon a roll call vote. Ms. Seaton, Mr. Ladd, Mr. Sims, Ms. Vick and Mr. Daniels voted yes and Mr. Rhodes Mr. Barner and Mr. Thompson voted no. Mr. Thompson asked that this item be deferred to April regular agenda but did not receive a second. Mr. Sims asked the Board to consider moving the March 23 Zoning Meeting to an alternate date and the Board agreed to add Zoning to the April 10 Work Session/Special Called Meeting to begin at 5:30 pm provided facilities are available at Central High School. Mr. Thompson made a motion to add VII New/Unfinished Business B Finance # 2 to the next regular meeting but withdrew the motion. Mr. Thompson’s motion to move VII New/Unfinished Business B Finance # 2 to immediately following VI was seconded by Mr. Sims and carried.


The Director recognized and commended Culleoka Unit School student athlete DeMario Williams on his selection as a Class A Mr. Basketball candidate and one of the 3 top players in Class A in Tennessee.


Minutes of the March 9, 2006 Regular Meeting and March 16, 2006 Facilities Meeting will be on April Agenda.

State Comptroller of the Treasury Preliminary Audit Findings and Recommendations were discussed. After Mr. Thompson’s line by line analysis of the findings, he concluded the Director was hard-working, honest

and perhaps had “given the extra mile” to employees who required additional training. He stated he regretted we had findings and that the Board should accept some blame for them.


A. Facilities

Naming the new wing at Hampshire Unit School was discussed. Hampshire Unit School Principal Stan Curtis read a statement from the committee selected to make this recommendation. Upon a motion by Mr. Sims, seconded by Ms. Vick, Board approved dedicating the new wing at Hampshire Unit School in the name of Mack Whiteside because of the outstanding dedication Mr. Whiteside had shown for Hampshire School and the Community. Hampshire School will fund the plaque and reception through community donations.

There was discussion regarding property on Cleburne Road near Spring Hill. The builder, Mr. Crutcher, has offered to donate 35 acres of land for a school. Most Board Members agreed this site would be ideal for a 5-8 Middle School. Upon a motion by Mr. Rhodes, seconded by Mr. Sims, Board agreed to pursue a contract option similar to the one with Mr. Evers and should this prove viable, the Board would let Mr. Evers know they no longer have an interest in his property. Motion carried. Mr. Sims suggested all Board Members look at the property.

After discussion regarding the CD/CI-001 for Wright Elementary and upon a motion by Mr. Sims, seconded by Ms. Vick, Board approved.

An update on Roadway to Serve Wright Elementary School was discussed. The Director stated he is hopeful that the City of Spring Hill and the County Road Superintendent will be able to work this out.

TN Code Annotated Amendment was provided to the Board for their information.

New Building Projects were discussed with SSOE Representative Dwain Hibdon; specifically preliminary discussion of the 5-8 Middle School.

Maintenance Department storage building was discussed. The facility is needed for storage of bulk items, etc. This facility is included in the budget when approved.

Central High Home Economics Wing HVAC was discussed at length. Upon a motion by Ms. Sims, seconded by Ms. Vick, Board established a budget of $140,380 for the project with a PO already issued for the design fees. Mr. Rhodes voted no. The Director stated any savings on this project would be requested later for systemwide ceiling tile.

Santa Fe Unit School Kitchen Renovation was discussed. Mr. Rhodes made a motion to ask for rebids but

withdrew the motion. A motion by Ms. Vick, seconded by Mr. Ladd to free up $251,825 (prior year roof repairs) of capital outlay major maintenance item carried. Upon a motion by Ms. Vick, seconded by Mr. Ladd, Board approved a budget of $1,115,315 for the Santa Fe Kitchen Project with an additional $185,315

to come from capital outlay maintenance, denoting that the $67,865 is a reserve not a contingency. The base bid amount from Robert Biscan & Company totaled $969,500. Mr. Rhodes’ motion to amend the motion to reduce the contingency from 7 to 5% failed to receive a second.

Upon a motion by Ms. Vick, seconded by Mr. Ladd, Board approved a budget for SHHS Band Room Project in the amount of $437,941 with an additional $76,266 to come from capital outlay maintenance, denoting that the $25,000 is a reserve not a contingency. The base bid amount from Saliba totaled $409,000.

There was lengthy discussion regarding the Deferred Roofing Projects but that issue will be readdressed at the March 23, 2006 Continuation Facilities Meeting. The following items will also be discussed at that meeting:

Review-Cost of Changes to Culleoka, Hampshire & Santa Fe

SHHS Masonry Wall Issues

SHES Masonry Cracks

Discussion-2006-07 General Purpose Budget


A.  Chairman

B. Director

C. Board Members


Upon a motion by Ms. Vick, seconded by Mr. Sims, Chairman Daniels adjourned the meeting at 10:20 p.m.





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