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Yahrzeit List

From 4/1/17 to 4/30/17

NameObserved on (civil)Jewish

Maurice “Dutch” BernsteinSaturday, 4/1/17Nissan 5, 5763

Note 1: Tablet: 4-H-22

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Ruth BernsteinHusband

Ben BernsteinFather

Joe BernsteinFather

Lillian BreckerSaturday, 4/1/17Nissan 5, 5731

Note 1: Tablet: 3-Z-12

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Bertha Smith (dcd)Mother

Mrs. Frank Sigal (dcd)Mother

Donald DennisSaturday, 4/1/17Nissan 5, 5746

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Steve KravitzMaternal uncle

Rebecca PushkinSaturday, 4/1/17Nissan 5, 5703

Note 1: Tablet: 2-G-20

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Yaacov PushkinPaternal grandmother

Rebecca PushkinPaternal grandmother

Willard's mother

Bessie SunshineSaturday, 4/1/17Nissan 5, 5713

Note 1: Tablet: 2-E-1

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" YahrzeitMrs. Max Roth's mother (dcd)

Zelda WeinerSaturday, 4/1/17Nissan 5, 5715

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Allan Weinergrandmother

Tobi BradshawGreat grandmother

Susan MuckGreat grandmother

Rebeccah WeinsteinSaturday, 4/1/17Nissan 5, 5708

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" YahrzeitMrs. Norman Posen's mother

Gerald AppleSunday, 4/2/17Nissan 6, 5777

Note 1: Tablet: 3-B-4

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Melvin AppleFather

Tillie MogillSunday, 4/2/17Nissan 6, 5734

Note 1: Tablet: 3-G-20

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Ruby PeckMother

Harold NewmanGrandmother

Sara B. FranksGrandmother

Stephen NewmanGrandmother

Herman Mogill (dcd)Mother

Betty Stierer

Note 1: Tablet: 2-B-14Sunday, 4/2/17 Nissan 6, 5711

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Morton Stierer (dcd)Mother

Herbert AaronMonday, 4/3/17Nissan 7, 5719

Note 1: Tablet: 2-C-21

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Albert Aaron (dcd)Brother

Paul Aaron (dcd)Uncle

Etta BankMonday, 4/3/17Nissan 7, 5733

Note 1: Tablet: 1-H-19

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Gail BankMother

David LopinskyMonday, 4/3/17Nissan 7, 5777

Note 1: Tablet: 1-F-4

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" Yahrzeit

Jacob MeyerMonday, 4/3/17Nissan 7, 5688

Note 1: Tablet: 3-F-29

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Stephen MeyerGrandfather

Joan WeisbergGrandfather

Mary SelmanMonday, 4/3/17Nissan 7, 5777

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Elliott UreckiAunt

Jacob G. StiererMonday, 4/3/17Nissan 7, 5707

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Morton Stierer (dcd)Father

Rachel WolpertMonday, 4/3/17Nissan 7, 5723

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" YahrzeitMilton's mother (dcd)

Manya BindermanTuesday, 4/4/17Nissan 8, 5725

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

William Binderman (dcd)Mother

Moshe EllinTuesday, 4/4/17Nissan 8, 5675

Note 1: Tablet: 2-H-23

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Jeff SilverbergGreat grandfather

Janie StutzmanGreat grandfather

Julie SilverbergGreat grandfather

Barbie SilverbergGreat grandfather

Sarah FriedmanTuesday, 4/4/17Nissan 8, 5724

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

William Friedman (dcd)Mother

Harry GalinskyTuesday, 4/4/17Nissan 8, 5757

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Ellen Galinsky WrightFather

Marty GalinskyFather

Louis RuffnerTuesday, 4/4/17Nissan 8, 5682

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" YahrzeitMrs. Appelstein’s Father (dcd)

Pauline Deutsch SchumannTuesday, 4/4/17Nissan 8, 5704

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Morton Schumann (dcd)Mother

Jacob SteigerTuesday, 4/4/17Nissan 8, 5714

Note 1: Tablet: 1-D-1

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Jimmy SteigerGreat grandfather

Stephanie SteigerGreat grandfather

Abraham ZimbalistTuesday, 4/4/17Nissan 8, 5748

Note 1: tablet: 4-J-3

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Marilyn UreckiFather

Rivka BabayevWednesday, 4/5/17Nissan 9, 5777

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Benzakina BabayevSister

Harry BartonWednesday, 4/5/17Nissan 9, 5728

(Naftali Hirsch Ben Shimon Ha-Cohen)

Note 1: tablet: 4-B-16

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Barbie SadolfFather

Alma GoldbergWednesday, 4/5/17Nissan 9, 5749

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Jerry GoldbergMother

Deidre DoriaMother

Scott GoldmanGrandmother

Mrs. HorowitzWednesday, 4/5/17Nissan 9, 5777

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Richard MasinterGreat grandmother

David IsacoffWednesday, 4/5/17Nissan 9, 5717

Note 1: tablet: 2-G-21

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Steven IsacoffGrandfather

David IsacoffGrandfather

Judy IsacoffGrandfather

Marcia JaffeGrandfather

Rebecca IsacoffWednesday, 4/5/17Nissan 9, 5720

Note 1: tablet: 2-H-21

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Steven IsacoffGrandmother

David IsacoffGrandmother

Judy IsacoffGrandmother

Marcia JaffeGrandmother

Mrs. KahnWednesday, 4/5/17Nissan 9, 5777

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

David Kahn (dcd)Mother

Leo Kopelman (Lev ben Shmuel)Wednesday, 4/5/17Nissan 9, 5743

Note 1: tablet: 3-E-31

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Larry KopelmanFather

Debbie Stowers (dcd)Brother

Annie BloomThursday, 4/6/17Nissan 10, 5777

Note 1: tablet: 3-K-2

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Jerry BuffGrandmother

Charlotte BraunThursday, 4/6/17Nissan 10, 5744

(Shpritze Tamara bat Yosef Aharon)

Note 1: tablet: 3-C-32

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Barbara Braun TweddleMother

Rose CohenThursday, 4/6/17Nissan 10, 5732

Note 1: tablet: 3-J-18

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Melvin Scherr (dcd)Aunt

Stanley KravitzThursday, 4/6/17Nissan 10, 5743

Note 1: tablet: 3-D-31

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Marilyn SchechterBrother

Steve KravitzCousin

Aaron MeyerThursday, 4/6/17Nissan 10, 5763

Note 1: tablet: 2-D-19

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Mrs. Larry Glick (dcd)Father

Joseph SchwartzmanThursday, 4/6/17Nissan 10, 5745

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Zel LewisUncle

Sam ShorThursday, 4/6/17Nissan 10, 5730

Note 1: tablet: 1-H-13

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Mrs. William Friedmanfather

Charlotte WaterstoneThursday, 4/6/17Nissan 10, 5732

Note 1: tablet: 4-K-2

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Robert WaterstoneMother

Doris ZagonMother

Ray MaxAunt

Stephen MaxAunt

Sophie KagenFriday, 4/7/17Nissan 11, 5741

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Herbert KagenMother

Murray LewisFriday, 4/7/17Nissan 11, 5745

Note 1: tablet: 3-C-33

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Sandy EdisonHusband

Marci YunesFather

Susan PortnoyFather

Jimmie LewisFather

Zel LewisBrother-in-law

Nettie SilverbergFriday, 4/7/17Nissan 11, 5742

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Marsha AlbertAunt

Barry DiznoffAunt

Lee DiznoffAunt

Jack WeinerFriday, 4/7/17Nissan 11, 5744

Note 1: tablet: 3-F-32

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" YahrzeitHyman's brother

Simon BartonSaturday, 4/8/17Nissan 12, 5711

Note 1: tablet: 2-A-10

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Barbie SadolfGrandfather

Patricia CarterSaturday, 4/8/17Nissan 12, 5766

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Bill CarterMother

Sophia GoldmanSaturday, 4/8/17Nissan 12, 5730

Note 1: tablet: 1-G-2

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Nancy NewfeldGrandmother

Betsy RockGrandmother

Margie DenverGrandmother

Scott GoldmanGrandmother

Alan & Rodgin CohenBertie's sister-in-law

Jane Neurman RabinovitzAunt

Donn NeurmanAunt

Bruce Cohen & Gail GinsbergAunt

Gary CohenAunt

Norris KantorAunt

Stanley Deutsch & Barbara SchusterHelen's aunt

Jimmie LewisGreat-aunt

Steven MesserGreat-aunt

Ben HarrisSaturday, 4/8/17Nissan 12, 5728

Note 1: tablet: 3-H-13

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" Yahrzeit

Lillian KesslerSaturday, 4/8/17Nissan 12, 5736

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Fred KesslerMother

Sanford LewisSaturday, 4/8/17Nissan 12, 5773

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Zel LewisHusband

Milton LiebmanSaturday, 4/8/17Nissan 12, 5791

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights “Nissan” Yahrzeit

Anne G. MarksSaturday, 4/8/17Nissan 12, 5756

Note 1: Tablet: 4-J-13

Note 2: CK: 2-B-4

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Martin Goldfarb (dcd)Mother

Mrs. Robert HornMother

Frank SimonSaturday, 4/8/17Nissan 12, 5766

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Susan Hark SimonHusband

Israel SimonSaturday, 4/8/17Nissan 12, 5729

Note 1: Tablet: 1-G-6

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Mrs. William SmargonUncle

Milton SpiegelSaturday, 4/8/17Nissan 12, 5742

Note 1: Tablet: 4-F-2

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Sally SpiegelHusband

Richard SpiegelFather

Edwin BankSunday, 4/9/17Nissan 13, 5724

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

George MatzUncle

Gail BankBrother

Clara DrasninSunday, 4/9/17Nissan 13, 5729

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Paul GordonAunt

Samuel K. Hartz Sunday, 4/9/17Nissan 13, 5712

Note 1: Tablet: 3-A-18

Observing this yahrzeit Relationship

Sandra CohenGreat-grandfather

Sheldon KingstonSunday, 4/9/17Nissan 13, 5767

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Mike KingstonFather

Ida MaslowSunday, 4/9/17Nissan 13, 5705

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" YahrzeitNathan's mother

Mary SlutskySunday, 4/9/17Nissan 13, 5732

Note 1: Tablet: 3-G-18

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Michael HymanAunt

Wilderness SarchildAunt

Sam WallaceSunday, 4/9/17Nissan 13, 5753

Note 1: Tablet: 4-A-10

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Myles S. WallaceFather

Manuel WallaceFather

Joe David BraunMonday, 4/10/17Nissan 14, 5724

Note 1: Tablet: 3-K-17

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Barbara BraunGrandfather

Hannah CaplanMonday, 4/10/17Nissan 14, 5725

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Betty CaplanGrandmother

Joseph CoganMonday, 4/10/17Nissan 14, 5727

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Marty GalinskyGrandfather

Joseph FinkelsteinMonday, 4/10/17Nissan 14, 5653

Note 1: Tablet: 3-B-26

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" YahrzeitMrs. Oscar Fair's mother (dcd)

Nathan HarrisonMonday, 4/10/17Nissan 14, 5730

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Arthur AaronGrandfather

Paul Gordon?

Samuel K. HartzSunday, 4/9/17Nissan 14, 57

Note 1: Tablet: 3-A-18

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Sandra CohenGrandfather

Jacob HearstMonday, 4/10/17Nissan 14, 57

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Leslie LevensonGreat grandfather

Cary LevensonGreat grandfather

Louis K. LandauMonday, 4/10/17Nissan 14, 5736

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights “Nissan” yahrzeitUncle of Estabella Landau (dcd)

Barbara LernerMonday, 4/10/17Nissan 14, 5741

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

William “Bill” DruckmanSister

Fay FligmanTuesday, 4/11/17Nissan 15, 5749

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Mia BroomeMother

Esther FrankelTuesday, 4/11/17Nissan 15, 57

Note 1: Tablet: 2-B-9

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" YahrzeitW's father

Sidney JaffeTuesday, 4/11/17Nissan 15, 5713

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" YahrzeitMrs. Lou Walter's brother (dcd)

Harry LevensonTuesday, 4/11/17Nissan 15, 5686

Note 1: Tablet: 3-A-11

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Shirley LevensonFather-in-law

Deborah LevensonGrandfather

Leslie LevensonGrandfather

Cary LevensonGrandfather

Zelda RosenthalTuesday, 4/11/17Nissan 15, 5721

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Joel ZacksGrandmother

Benjamin ZacksGrandmother

Leonard ZacksGrandmother

Richard EisenGrandmother

Sam EisenGrandmother

Benjamin SwillingerTuesday, 4/11/17Nissan 15, 57

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Donna HarkGreat-grandfather

Esther BlumenthalWednesday, 4/12/17Nissan 16, 5759

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Harold BlumenthalMother

Gary BorsteinAunt

Linda ToborowskyAunt

Frederica CohenWednesday, 4/12/17Nissan 16, 5731

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Eric GordonGrandmother

Scott GordonGrandmother

Pershing GoodmanWednesday, 4/12/17Nissan 16, 57

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

David GoodmanBrother

Rita RothenbergWednesday, 4/12/17Nissan 16, 5730

Note 1; Tablet: 1-D-15

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights “Nissan” Yahrzeit

Harry SchatzWednesday, 4/12/17Nissan 16, 5688

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights “Nissan” YahrzeitSidney J. Schatz’ Father (dcd)

Ilyhm Babayev (Ilyhu ben Markiel)Thursday, 4/13/17Nissan 17, 57

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Benzakina BabayevCousin

Stephen BennetThursday, 4/13/17Nissan 17, 5764

Note 1: Tablet: 4-F-23

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Mary Ann BennettHusband

Donn NeurmanFriend

William FrankelThursday, 4/13/17Nissan 17, 5720

Note 1: tablet: 2-H-9

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" YahrzeitIda Frankel's uncle (dcd)

Joseph GalperinThursday, 4/13/17Nissan 17, 57

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" YahrzeitSimon's father (dcd)

Edith HallamThursday, 4/13/17Nissan 17, 5741

Note 1: Tablet: 3-F-1

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Louis “Duke” BloomGrandmother

Esther KatzThursday, 4/13/17Nissan 17, 5714

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Roselyn Baum Great aunt

Ilene RaubvogelGreat aunt

Sharon JubelirerGreat aunt

Mrs. ScherrThursday, 4/13/17Nissan 17, 5694

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" YahrzeitMelvin's mother (dcd)

Edith SheffThursday, 4/13/17Nissan 17, 5777

Note 1: Tablet 1-F-10, Note 2: CK 1-A-1 (right)

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Susie Gross Grandmother

Patty PulsiferGrandmother

Florence SheffMother-in-law

Ivor SheffGrandmother

Robert SheffGrandmother

Gary SheffGrandmother

Ada AbramowitzFriday, 4/14/17Nissan, 18, 5776

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

David AbramowitzMother

Celia HubbermanFriday, 4/14/17Nissan 18, 5733

Note 1: Tablet: 2-F-22

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Charlotte KersteinAunt

Alan PreiserAlex's sister

Joseph KleinFriday, 4/14/17Nissan 18, 5707

Note 1: Tablet: 1-G-24

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Mary KolberFather

Alan PreiserMrs. Preiser's father

Philip LandauFriday, 4/14/17Nissan 18, 5736

Note 1: Tablet: 3-K-23

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights “Nissan” YahrzeitEstabella Landau’s Father (dcd)

Dorothy PreiserFriday, 4/14/17Nissan 18, 5777

Note 1; Tablet: 4-L-20

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Alan PreiserCousin

Clara Schwartz SternFriday, 4/14/17Nissan 18, 5751

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

David SternMother

Harry WeinerFriday, 4/14/17Nissan 18, 5695

Note 1: tablet: 1-A-15

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" YahrzeitJack's father

Allen WeinerGrandfather

Sarah BassSaturday, 4/15/17Nissan 19, 5718

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Joel, Amiel, Jonathan CooperMother

George BlanksteinSaturday, 4/15/17Nissan 19, 5729

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Ellen Kay Bastron

Norman FellenderSaturday, 4/15/17Nissan 19, 5736

(Naham Moishe Ben Avraham)

Note 1; Tablet: 3-L-33

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights “Nissan” YahrzeitPearl Kagen’s Brother (dcd)

Lillian LevineSaturday, 4/15/17Nissan 19, 5772

Note 1: Tablet: 4-F-29

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Robert LevineMother

Ken LevineMother

Linda BrownMother

Pearl MoyseSaturday, 4/15/17Nissan 19, 5747

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" YahrzeitDaisy Michaelson's sister (dcd)

Stella SimkinSaturday, 4/15/17Nissan 19, 5719

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" YahrzeitHarry's mother (dcd)

Minnie WalderSaturday, 4/15/17Nissan 19, 5714

Note 1: Tablet: 3-D-5

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" YahrzeitBen's mother

Max WoolSaturday, 4/15/17Nissan 19, 5686

Note 1: Tablet: 3-C-9

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights “Nissan” YahrzeitMrs. Isadore Lashinsky’ Father (dcd)

Samuel BassSunday, 4/16/17Nissan 20, 5724

Note 1; Tablet: 3-A-24

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Dolly BrombergGrandfather

Kenny BassDave's father

Sylvia GordonSunday, 4/16/17Nissan 20, 5764

Note 1; Tablet: 4-G-25


Scott GordonMother

Eric GordonMother

Dorothy KandelSunday, 4/16/17Nissan 20, 5762

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Zel LewisMother

Charlotte KersteinSunday, 4/16/17Nissan 20, 5770

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Phyllis SopherMother

Leon LevySunday, 4/16/17Nissan 20, 5735

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" YahrzeitMrs. Lewis Rubin's brother (dcd)

Max LopinSunday, 4/16/17Nissan 20, 5734

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights “Nissan” YahrzeitLottie Wells’ Brother (dcd)

Rabbi & Mrs. RubenovitzSunday, 4/16/17Nissan 20, 57

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Ed RubenGreat Aunt & Uncle

Severna SeltzerSunday, 4/16/17Nissan 20, 5737

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" Yahrzeit Dr. Edwin & Maxine Stabins - Maxine's sister (dcd)

Sarah CohenMonday, 4/17/17Nissan 21, 5677

Note 1: tablet: 2-F-11

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" YahrzeitSam's mother (dcd)

Max CramerMonday, 4/17/17Nissan 21, 5714

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Mark OgrinGreat-grandfather

Barry OgrinGreat-grandfather

Joseph SeltzerMonday, 4/17/17Nissan 21, 5755

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights “Nissan” YahrzeitMaxine Stabins's brother-in-law

Chester SwillingerMonday, 4/17/17 Nissan 21, 5739

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Donna HarkGreat uncle

Sophie WestrichMonday, 4/17/17Nissan 21, 5718

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Betty Westrich DiznoffGrandmother

Kalman MelmanTuesday, 4/18/17Nissan 22, 57

Note: 1 Tablet: none, Note 2: CK C-7

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" YahrzeitMrs. Morris Abramson's brother (dcd)

Benjamin NewmanTuesday, 4/18/17Nissan 22, 5745

Note 1: Tablet: 3-E-33

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Ruby PeckHusband

Harold NewmanFather

Sara B. FranksFather

Stephen NewmanFather

Faye ZinnTuesday, 4/18/17Nissan 22, 5734

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" YahrzeitWanda Sherman's mother

Miriam CohnWednesday, 4/19/17Nissan 23, 5695

Note 1: Tablet: 2-E-23

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Jeff & Janie, Barbie, Julie SilverbergGreat grandmother

Janie StutzmanGreat grandmother

Barbie SilverbergGreat grandmother

Julie SilverbergGreat grandmother

Morry H. GoldmanWednesday, 4/19/17Nissan 23, 5739

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Ruth BloomBrother

Herman KannerWednesday, 4/19/17Nissan 23, 5738

Note 1: Tablet: 3-G-26

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Debbie EbnerFather

Robert SheffCousin

Flora KrebsWednesday, 4/19/17Nissan 23, 5730

Note 1: Tablet: 3-E-15

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights “Nissan” YahrzeitDolores Miller’s Mother (dcd)

Rebecca ToovyWednesday, 4/19/17Nissan 23, 5698

Note 1: Tablet:1-H-20

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Jackie Artz?

Louis GlasserThursday, 4/20/17Nissan 24, 5750

Note 1: Tablet: 4-J-6

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Cookie GlasserFather-in-law

Brian GlasserGrandfather

Michael GlasserGrandfather

Kristi ShulmanGrandfather

Joseph LopinThursday, 4/20/17Nissan 24, 5731

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights “Nissan” YahrzeitLottie Wells’ Brother (dcd)

Cary LevensonRelative

Caron LopinskyThursday, 4/20/17Nissan 24, 5759

Note 1: Tablet: 4-D-17

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Ellen Lopinsky WolfBrother

Leslie LevensonCousin

Cary LevensonCousin

Corrine LopinskyThursday, 4/20/17Nissan 24, 5751

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Sherman NearmanAunt

Faye Tuvin MervisThursday, 4/20/17Nissan 24, 5724

Note 1: Tablet: 1-H-7

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Alvin PreiserAunt by marriage to his uncle

Chaim Simiryan (Haim ben Zion)Thursday, 4/20/17Nissan 24, 5755

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Josef SimiryanFather

Arthur BraunFriday, 4/21/17Nissan 25, 5760

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Barbara BraunFather

Hyman CohenFriday, 4/21/17Nissan 25, 5707

Note 1: Tablet: 2-A-12

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Barbie DiznoffUncle

Samuel ShapiroFriday, 4/21/17Nissan 25, 5712

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" YahrzeitDr. H.S.'s father

Harry SisserFriday, 4/21/17Nissan 25, 5743

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Marc SisserUncle

Rosalie ApelzinSaturday, 4/22/17Nissan 26, 5729

Note 1: Tablet: 3-G-14

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Burton JaffeAunt

Joseph HorowitzSaturday, 4/22/17 Nissan 26, 5726

Note 1: Tablet: 1-B-1

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Richard MasinterGrandfather

Mae NearmanSaturday, 4/22/17Nissan 26, 5717

Note 1: Tablet: 1-G-4, Note 2: CK

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Sherman NearmanMother

Henry NearmanGrandmother

Florence SchwarzSaturday, 4/22/17Nissan 26, 5765

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Bob SchwarzMother

Dora ShapiroSaturday, 4/22/17Nissan 26, 5717

Note 1: Tablet: 3-K-31

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Essi KandelMother

Jacob SilvermanSaturday, 4/22/17Nissan 26, 5716

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Martin KosminUncle

Norris KantorUncle

Sidney TarshishSaturday, 4/22/17Nissan 26, 57

(Zalman Tarshish ben Shoshono)

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Vicki RosensteinFather

Shelia BarrackSunday, 4/23/17Nissan 27, 5735

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Gary BarrackCousin

Harmon MarksHarmon's sister-in-law

Wilbur HoffmanSunday, 4/23/17Nissan 27, 5723

Note 1: Tablet: 3-A-14

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

David HoffmanFather

Irene R. MoksaySunday, 4/23/17Nissan 27, 5755

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Betty CaplanAunt

Jesse MyersSunday, 4/23/17Nissan 27, 5749

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Sam MyersFather

Morris SchiffSunday, 4/23/17Nissan 27, 5777

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" Yahrzeit

Gussie Kallman WeisbergSunday, 4/23/17Nissan 27, 5777

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Weisberg?

Jennie Mildred GraffMonday, 4/24/17Nissan 28, 5710

Note 1; Tablet: 3-C-8

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" YahrzeitNathaniel's mother

Chaye Frumme PushkinMonday, 4/24/17Nissan 28, 57

Note 1: Tablet: 3-H-4

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Helen Pushkin?

Sadie FairTuesday, 4/25/17Nissan 29, 5737

Note 1: Tablet: 3-C-25

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" Yahrzeit

Edith LevyTuesday, 4/25/17Nissan 29, 5688

Note 1: Tablet: 1-D-23

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Nissan" Yahrzeit

Mary PragerTuesday, 4/25/17Nissan 29, 5720

Note 1: Tablet: 1-E-15

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lauren NewmanJan's aunt (dcd)

Mollie RubenTuesday, 4/25/17Nissan 29, 5718

Note 1: Tablet:1-D-20

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Elizabeth FriedmanGrandmother

Rachel RubenMother-in-law

Marilyn DiznoffTuesday, 4/25/17Nissan 30, 5766

Note 1: Tablet: 4-G-27, Note 2: CK

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lee DiznoffMother

Jeannette LazarusWednesday, 4/26/17Nissan 30, 5751

(Shayna Rochel bas Shoftol Gotel)

Note 1: Tablet:4-G-7

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Allen LazarusMother

Charles LazarusMother

Dorothy LovettWednesday, 4/26/17Nissan 30, 5728

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Joe LovettChester's aunt

Rachel MoskowitzWednesday, 4/26/17Nissan 30, 57

Note 1: Tablet: 4-I-29

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Michelle MillerPaternal grandmother

Rose OlikerWednesday, 4/26/17Nissan 30, 5712

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights “Nissan” YahrzeitEd Ruben’s Great aunt

Charles D. WestWednesday, 4/26/17Nissan 30, 57

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Steve SlomanStephanie's friend

Moshe CohenThursday, 4/27/17Iyar 1, 5671

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Marci YunesGreat-great-grandfather

Susan PortnoyGreat-great-grandfather`

Alan R. & H. Rodgin CohenLouie's grandfather

Jimmie LewisGreat-great-grandfather

Nancy NewfeldGreat grandfather

Gary CohenGreat grandfather

Norris KantorGreatgrandfather

Steven MesserGreat great-grandfather

Jane Neurman RabinovitzGreatgrandfather

Zel LewisGreat grandfather-in-law

Donn NeurmanGreat grandfather

Sydney GreismanThursday, 4/27/17Iyar 1, 5766

(Shimon Yossel ben Nafloli Herlzl)

Note 1: Tablet: 4-H-26

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Bernard GreismanBrother

Ruth HeinerThursday, 4/27/17Iyar 1, 5722

Note 1: Tablet: 3-E-V

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights “Iyar” Yarzeit Joseph Lopin’s Sister (dcd)

Albert AaronFriday, 4/28/17Iyar 2, 5737

Note 1: Tablet: 3-D-25

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights “Iyar” YarzeitDonald Aaron’s father (dcd)

Harriet SchulbergFriday, 4/28/17Iyar 2, 5770

Note 1: Tablet: 4-H-29

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Arnold Schulberg

Lena SnyderFriday, 4/28/17Iyar 2, 5777

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Draza PeckAunt

Minnie BlumbergSaturday, 4/29/17Iyar 3, 5703

Note 1: Tablet 3-D-17, Note 2: CK C4

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Iyar" YahrzeitLewis's mother (dcd)

Birdie CohenSaturday, 4/29/17Iyar 3, 5770

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Alan CohenMother

Rodgin CohenMother

Jimmie & Nancy LewisGreat aunt

Nancy Neufeld & Margie, Bob, Betsy RubinGreat aunt

Bruce Cohen & Gail GinsbergAunt

Gary CohenAunt

Norris Kantor, Frank RosenbergAunt, Great aunt

Greg, Scott, Goldman & Kim MichelGreat aunt

Steven Messer & Frank, Jack, Nancy, LindaGreat aunt

Jerry & Jane Neurman RabinovitzAunt

Zel LewisAunt

Donn NeurmanAunt

Richard HermanSaturday, 4/29/17Iyar 3, 5747

(Reuven ben Chaim Yaacov)

Note 1; Tablet: 4-K-4

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Barbie DiznoffFather

Goldie KoslowSaturday, 4/29/17 Iyar 3, 5731

Note 1: Tablet: 3-H-6

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Mr. & Mrs. Ted KannerFriend

Samuel NussbaumSaturday, 4/29/17Iyar 3, 5676

Note 1: Tablet: 2-A-8

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Lights "Iyar" YahrzeitSidney's father (dcd0

Mollie WellsSaturday, 4/29/17Iyar 3, 5737

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Ronnie WellsLeon's mother (dcd)

Louis W. CohenSunday, 4/30/17Iyar 4, 5759

Note 1: Tablet: 4-k-17

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Alan CohenFather

Rodgin CohenFather

Stanley Deutsch & Barbara SchusterHelen's uncle

Jimmie LewisGreat uncle

Nancy Neufeld & Margie, Bob, Betsy RubinJudy's uncle

Bruce Cohen & Gail GinsbergUncle

Gary CohenUncle

Norris KantorUncle

Steven MesserGreatuncle

Jane Neurman RabinovitzUncle

Donn NeurmanUncle

Morris KersteinSunday, 4/30/17Iyar 4, 5708

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Charlotte Kerstein's father-in-law (dcd)

Phyllis SopherGrandfather

Sam LopinskySunday, 4/30/17Iyar 4, 5739

Note 1: Tablet: 3-A-27

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Ellen Lopinsky WolfFather

Leslie LevensonUncle

Cary LevensonUncle

Hirsch Isaac SheffSunday, 4/30/17Iyar 4, 5711

Note 1: Tablet: 1-C-10

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

Susie Gross & Patty PulsiferGreat grandfather

Patty PulsiferGreat grandfather

Ivor SheffGreat grandfather

Robert SheffGreat grandfather

Gary SheffGreat grandfather

Sophie ZipkinSunday, 4/30/17Iyar 4, 5719

Observing this yahrzeitRelationship

"Iyar" YahrzeitMrs. Herman Bernstein's mother