Matthias Spitzmuller
Matthias Spitzmuller
The EliBroadGraduateSchool of Management
N475 North Business Complex
East Lansing, MI48824
Phone: 517 775-0126
EDUCATIONDoctor of Philosophy, Organizational Behavior
MichiganStateUniversity, East Lansing, MI
Dissertation Title: Team structure as precursor of individuals’ self-construals and performance –
A multidimensional and multilevel investigation. /
Expected Graduation:
May 2010
Master of Business Administration
University of St. Gallen (HSG), St. Gallen, Switzerland
Major: Organizational Behavior /
September 2003
Exchange semester
Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada /
August 2002 – December 2002
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
University of St. Gallen in St. Gallen, Switzerland /
September 2000
Ilies, R., Fulmer, I., Spitzmuller, M., & Johnson, M. (2009). Personality and citizenship behavior: The mediating role of job satisfaction. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95, 945-959.
Spitzmuller, M., & Ilies, R. (in press). Do they [all] see my true self? Leader’s relational authenticity and followers’ assessments of transformational leadership. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.
Spitzmuller, C., Naumann, E., Tunstall, M., Spitzmuller, M., Keeton, K. E., & Manzey, D. (in press). Assessing the influence of pre-application mentoring on organizational attractiveness. International Journal of Selection and Assessment.
Matthias Spitzmuller
BOOK CHAPTERSSpitzmuller, M., Van Dyne, L., Ilies, R. (2008). Organizational Citizenship Behavior. A critical review and extension of its nomological network. In: C. Cooper & J. Barling (Eds.), Handbook of Organizational Behavior, Sage Publications.
Hollenbeck, J.R., & Spitzmuller, M. (in press). Team design: Tight versus loose coupling in task-oriented groups. Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology,London, England: Oxford Press.
Spitzmuller, M., Van Dyne, L., Wagner, D. T., & Lanaj, K. Consequences of helping on well-being: The role of the social context of helping. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Spitzmuller, M., & Sin, Hock-Peng. Investigating the uniqueness and usefulness of proactive personality research in organizational research – A meta-analytic review. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Nahrgang, J. D., DeRue, D. S., Hollenbeck, J. R., Spitzmuller, M., Jundt, D. K., & Ilgen, D. R. Goal setting in teams: The impact of learning and performance goals on process and performance. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Morgeson, F. P., Spitzmuller, M., & Campion, M. The role of experience in job analysis judgments. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Ilies, R., Curşeu, P. L., Dimotakis, N., & Spitzmuller, M. Leader Emotional Expressiveness and Relational Authenticity: Effects on Followers. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Trait configurations in teams.
With John Hollenbeck, Chris Barnes, Dustin Sleesman, Brady Firth.
Performance trajectories in teams. With Brent A. Scott, John Hollenbeck, Rob Davison.
A status characteristics theory explanation for the contrasting well-being outcomes among minority versus majority helpers. With David T. Wagner and Linn Van Dyne.
Antecedents and consequences of role-breadth self efficacy.
With Fred Morgeson and Jennifer Nahrgang.
Diversity in goal orientation in teams. Together with Anne Nederveen-Pietersee, John Hollenbeck, Dustin Sleesman, Liz Peterson.
To do the right deed for the wrong reason – does it matter? A motivational approach to helping behavior. With Linn Van Dyne.
Spitzmuller, M. & Van Dyne, L. (2008, August). OCB: Going beyond traditional models of social exchange. Symposium co-chair person at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Francisco, CA.
Spitzmuller, M. & Van Dyne, L. (2008, May). Beyond Performance: Non-traditional consequences of helping behavior for the helper. Symposium co-chair at the 68th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA.
Spitzmuller, M., Van Dyne, L., & Lanaj, K. (2009, August). Consequences of helping on psychological well-being – The role of the social context of helping. Paper to be presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL.
Spitzmuller, M. & Sin, Hock-Peng (2009, August). A quantitative review of the nomological network of proactive personality. Paper to be presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL.
Dimotakis, N., Spitzmuller, M., & Ilies, R. (2009, August). Leaders’ emotional expressiveness and relational authenticity: Effects on followers. Symposium presentation at the 69th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL.
Spitzmuller, M. & Van Dyne, L. (2008, August). Expanding the criterion-domain: Consequences of helping on individual well-being and adjustment. Symposium presentation at the 68th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA.
Spitzmuller, M. & Van Dyne, L. (2008, May). To do the right deed for the wrong
reason – does it matter? A motivational approach to helping behavior. Symposium presentation at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Francisco, CA.
Nahrgang, J. D.,Spitzmuller, M., Morgeson, F. (2008, May). Empowering Employees: The impact on job satisfaction and job performance. Symposium presentation at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Francisco, CA.
Nahrgang, J. D., Derue, S. D., Hollenbeck, J. R., Spitzmuller, M., Jundt, D., & Ilgen, D. R. (2007). Goal Orientation in Teams: Examining the impacts of state goal orientations. Symposium presented at the 67th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA.
Spitzmuller, M., Morgeson, F. P., Campion, M. P. (2007). Decomposed and holistic job analysis judgments: Experience as a moderator. Paper scheduled to be presented during a dynamic poster session at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New York, New York.
Spitzmuller, M., Fulmer, I., Ilies, R., & Johnson, M. (2006). Personality and citizenship behavior. The role of affect and satisfaction. Part of the symposium: Examinations of mood and extra-role behavior, Fulmer, I., & Barnes, C. M. (chairs). Presented at the 66thAcademy of Management Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
Spitzmüller, C., Neumann E., Tunstall, M.M., Keeton, K.E. & Spitzmuller, M. (2006). Assessing the influence of pre-application mentoring on organizational attractiveness. Poster presented at the 21st Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Dallas, TX.
Spitzmüller, C., Borg, I., Sady, K., Barr, C.D. & Spitzmuller, M. (2006). Does demographic item nonresponse relate to job attitudes? Poster presented at the 21st Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Dallas, TX.
Spitzmüller, C., Spitzmuller, M., Chee, S., & Borg, I. (2005). Justice and trust as moderators of the satisfaction turnover relationship. Poster presented at the 65thAcademy of Management Conference, Honolulu, HW.
Summer fellowship, Eli Broad Graduate School of Management (7’500$)REHAU-prize for outstanding master thesis in Central Europe in Management (2003).
Decision Making in Teams;Prosocial Behavior/Organizational Citizenship Behavior;Cognitive and affective processes underlying perceptions of work; Job Analysis.
Matthias Spitzmuller
Academy of Management (AOM)Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)
Human Resource Management (MGT 315), Instructor, MichiganStateUniversityUndergraduate introductory course to HRM
Received mean ratings of 1.6 and 1.4 out of 5 (1=far above average).
Organizational Behavior (MGT 325), Instructor, MichiganStateUniversity- Undergraduate introductory course to OB
- Received mean rating of 1.4 (1=far above average)
Prior to pursuing his academic career, Matthias worked for Kienbaum Management Consultants/Hewitt Associates as assistant to CEO, Dr. Walter Jochmann, and as consultant. In his work for Kienbaum/Hewitt, Matthias consultedorganizations on SHRM issues and on realigning / reorganising their HRM.In his work as assistant to Dr. Walter Jochmann, Matthias helped prepare sales proposals for consulting projects, mostly in the field of SHRM. Also, he prepared and attended monthly management meetings and annual strategic planning cycles for the Kienbaum group.
After his bachelor degree and during his MBA, Matthias completed a number of internships, mostly in the field of management consulting and HRM consulting, in Germany, Switzerland, Singapore and the UK.