just a dream


Matthias Pentke

Matthias Pentke

Vahlkamp 1

33719 Bielefeld


 0049-521-5573102


© 2004 Matthias Pentke


1.ext. – wood-path – day

TINA goes along a wood-path. Suddenly she hears STEPS behind her. She turns around. GIRL 1 goes up to her.

girl 1

Hello Tina. You should better turn round. Before he detects you.



Who are you? And how do you know my name?

girl 1

Perhaps he already has detected you. Turn round, otherwise it’s too late.


Who do you mean?... Hey, I know you from somewhere!

Suddenly a NOISE sounds behind Tina. Frightened she looks round. Nothing is to see. She turns back, but Girl 1 has disappeared.


Hello! Where are you?

Unsecured Tina looks round.


I cannot turn round now. Not yet.

Tina goes deeper into the forest.

2.ext. - forest – day

Tina sees a person with a yellow raincoat behind the trees in a distance.


Hello! Who’s there?

The person disappears. Tina goes farther. She now recognizes the raincoat behind a tree and goes on to it. She grasps at the coat, but it falls to the ground. Tina picks it up. At this moment she is taken hold of her shoulder by a hand. Frightened she turns round. GIRL 2 stands next to her.

girl 2

Thanks for picking it up.

Tina gives the coat to Girl 2.


You look familiar to me. Do we know each other?

girl 2

Don’t know. Perhaps. I must go home now!

Girl 2 removes a bit.

girl 2

I think it’s already too late.


What do you mean?

girl 2

I am very sure that he has already detected you, Tina.

Girl 2 runs away.



Tina wants to run after her, but her sleeve becomes entangled at a branch. When she has freed herself, Girl 2 is not more to be seen. Tina goes further into the forest. She reaches a road fork.

3.ext. – forest/road fork – day

From the left side GIRL 3 comes up to Tina.


Hello. To what place does it go in this direction?

girl 3

This way? Hmmm... Don’t know...


But you are coming from there.

girl 3

Really? May be...


Tell me... Do you know my name?

girl 3

Of course.


And what’s my name?

girl 3

Tina. How else?


And... Do you have anything to say to me?

girl 3

Hmmm... Don’t know... Could be.


Let me guess. HE, who ever that may be, has detected me. Correct?

girl 3

Now it again occurs to me.


And? Am I right?

girl 3

No, not exactly... He is on the hunt now... On the hunt for you!

Girl 3 wants to go away. Tina grasps her at her arm.


Stop! Stay here! I now want finally know what this all is about!

Suddenly Girl 1 and Girl 2 stand behind Tina. Girl 2 wears her raincoat.

girl 1

Let her off!

girl 2

It is not her fault. She is a victim, too.

Tina lets Girl 3 off.


A victim? Why a victim?

girl 2

We all are victims.


Victims whereof?

girl 1



Who is HE?

girl 3

He will get you, too.

Tina exactly looks at the three girls. Her eyes are opened now.


Hey, now I recognize you! Wait...

Tina thinks over strained. Suddenly the scales fall from her eyes.


(loudly, shocked)

Now I know it! You are... (gets interrupted)

Girl 1 presses her hand on Tina’s mouth.

girl 1

Quiet! Else he hears you.

Tina horrified stares at the three girls.


No. This cannot be!

Now the NOISE is to hear again. Tina looks round.

girl 3

You hear... HE is coming!

Tina gets in panic.


He won’t get me. Not me!

Tina flees. She runs. The forest takes no end. It is getting dark.

4.ext. – forest – night

Tina slows down. She is out of breath. She stops. She turns round. Except her own HEARTBEAT there is nothing to hear. The heartbeat slows down.


It’s just a dream... I will wake up shortly and then all is well again.

Suddenly a CRACKLE is to hear. Tina frightens. She looks to the side. She sees a rabbit. It seems to be harmless. Tina turns her view back. A tall creature in a dark coat with hood now stands in front of her. Its face is not perceptible. It holds a knife in its hand. It stabs at her.


5.int. – tinasroom – day

Tina opens her eyes wide. Fearful they stare to the ceiling. When Tina realizes where she is, her face begins to smile relieved. She lies in her bed in her room. Slowly she stands up and goes to the door. She opens the door and goes along a corridor to another door. She also opens it and steps into the room. There is a bed with a white blanket. It goes over the pillow, but the outline of a human body is clearly perceptible under it. Tina gets near the bed.



Tina lightly jogs at the person. Nothing happens. Then she grabs at the blanket. With a fast jerk she pulls it down. The dark creature from Tina’s dream lies in the bed, its face opposite to Tina. Then the creature suddenly turns to Tina. Now the face of JACK is perceptible.


6.int. – prison cell – day

Jack starts up of his sleep. Sweat pearls drip from his forehead. Unsecured he looks round.


Tina... Tina? (now loudly) Tinaaaaa!!!

Jack starts to cry. Just now we see that Jack is in a prison cell. A jailer goes on the cell and beats at the cell door with a nightstick.


Shut up in there! Or I’ll get in and beat your dirty teeth out, you damned son of a bitch!

7.int. – police department/office – day

In an office two police officers are talking. OFFICER 1 has a file on his table and turns over the leaves.

officer 1

These poor girls.


You see two photos of Girl 1: One photo of her face and one of her lying on the forest ground in a crime scene. Officer 1 turns over the leave. Two photos of Girl 2 appear. On the crime scene photo she wears her yellow raincoat.

officer 2

Fortunately this has come to an end. But why has the killer given himself up?

officer 1

His last victim was his own daughter. Perhaps she got behind his secret and he saw no other way out... Later then he realized what he has done... She was his only child. Her name was Tina.

Officer 1 turns over the leave.


Tina’s two photos appear.