Meeting Minutes

Meeting: / BSHP Executive Board Meeting
Meeting date: / 13 May March 2015
At: / Circle Housing Mercian, Gee Business Centre, Birmingham B7 5JR
Apologies: / Jonathan Driffill (Chair)
Amanda Nicholls
Henrietta Brealey
Annette Homer
Peter Richmond
Michelle Pierce (admin)
Martyn Hale
Tony Clark
Sue Murray
Lucy Hales
Jean Templeton
Anne-Marie Powell
Martin O’Neill
Abi Davies
Dan Jackson
David Taylor
Helen Marson / Friendship Care and Housing
Accord Group
WM Housing Group
St Basils
Midland Heart
Birmingham Civic
Minute No / Action
1. / Welcome, introductions and apologies
Jonathan welcomed everyone to the meeting and listed apologies received.
2. / Minutes of last meeting
Minutes accepted.
3. / Chair’s Report
chairs items – no report, verbal update as follows:
KD has now stepped down from the executive due to promotion; MP will source new exec venues and communicate these via calendar invites to all shortly
JD spoke about the Equalities and Social Inclusion meeting at BCC advising that Peter and Mashuk do not need to work on a new strategy however there is a need to map processes around how the city manages this. As such Adrian and Mashuk would like to engage exec assistance with this in due course.
4. / Treasurer’s Report
Treasury report – noted – EOY accounts will be signed off by AN’s team, once KD has authorised. / SF to sign off
5. / BSHP Delivery Plan
The plan (item 5) was distributed prior to the meeting was discussed point by point for each of the following areas:
·  Homelessness and housing need
·  Housing Supply and regeneration
·  Financial inclusion
·  Employment and skills
·  Health care and support.
Points to note were:
H&HN update tabled as DT offered apologies today – group reviewed and discussed.
FI – Francis attended 2nd meeting with a few claims now coming through – profiling has started and modelling and analysis of trends being undertaken to look at hardship cases, identify funding concerns & advice services needed.
E&S Next meeting is due to take place on 18/5, ESF bid discussed – benefits and commitment to submitting an EOI along with time vs cost discussed – Gail – previously midland heart will be supporting BCC and at this time BSHP is not a preferred partner however, in later stages we may have opportunities.
Health LH & AMP discussed Centre of excellence / people directorate – with the centre to be in place early Oct 2015 – AMP advised that this will be discussed at the next CHF meeting.
6. / Web Discussion
MP to send link to what Class creative have done to date – PJ at NHF is in final design stages with web to be up and running shortly.
7. / HCA Update
No Official stats available till June however the Midlands is doing well with Birmingham having very good statistics. An update will be available in time for the next Executive meeting in July. Briefly discussed were the 3 current funding programmes: 1) the second round of the Department of HealthCare & Support fund (supported housing for older people/ physical and/or mental health – mixed tenure schemes). Deadline for this is 29th May, likely to be oversubscribed (£25m available outside of London) applicants could also bid under the Affordable Homes Program. 2) Homelessness Change Programme (focused on hostels, deadline 12th June) and Platform for Life (youth homelessness). 3) Affordable homes program (focused on affordable rents) looking for advanced schemes with land and planning permission.
8. / BCC Housing Update
AMP updated the group – Sharon Lea, Strategic Director – Place Directorate is leaving BCC after 40 yrs - recruitment of her post will be undertaken. RJ is absent at present after having successful knee surgery.
Allocations scheme discussed now with the sign off for delivery being complete for Jan 16, with go live March 16’.
9. / BCC Benefits Update
MON attended to update the executive – currently 5000 items per week TAT with an average of 22 days to pay – team are performing exceptionally well. DHP reduced down by 1m, bearing in mind that the full 3.5m budget of last year was spent by Jan 15 policy review over payment of DHP is being done to identifyhow to help themost needy.
UC Live – up and running with tracking being done since its inception. Fraud detection incentivised-MON explained that the fraud targeting is being undertaken with the aim of detecting those that are high risk via DWP real time information. BCC are looking into impacts of HB changes as previously the DWP data did not correlate with the BCC actual data. They are receiving support from Guy Chaundy who is the link between BCC and DWP.
10. / NHF update
Henrietta told the executive about post GE work being done at the NHF. This includes the likes of a RTB analysis and enforced sales and discussion around enforcement of sale, affordability, mortgages, interest vs actual data and also the viewpoints of this to debate this further, including plans to end the housing crisis and a core offer covering freedom, flexibility, 80k new homes, funding streams and land at the right prices. HB will provide update brief for circulation with minutes. There is also a breakfast planned for 28/5 at Clarke Willmott to discuss local issues.
12. / Abi Davies – Minerva Knowledge
Abi at Minerva spoke about the work that she is currently undertaking with BSHP, impacts, ways of working, interviewed a number of the Exec plus members & staff, establishing the social and economic context of the partnership and relations with district panels, housing and growth – including structure, balance and stakeholder involvement. Exec and AD will be meeting in Early June and MP has circulated a calendar invite to the Exec and members at CE Level. Discussion ensued by AD questioning how to drive roles and engagement, managing structure and strategies by focussing effort and also spoke about growth & development plus appetite to sustain /remain vs growth / influencing and risks associated. AD to message key topic questions to exec in order that they respond as time was limited.
Treasury vacancy Peter Richmond has agreed to take this role for the coming year.
Date of Next Meeting:14 July – Midland Heart – Bath Row
BSHP Exec pre meet 10:30am with the main meeting at 11am

Matters arising summary

Action Required / Lead / Progress

AN to get SF to ratify accounts for AGM AN