/ Waverley Council Precincts /

Penkivil Precinct Minutes.
Chairperson: Kerrie Lee
Acting Secretary: Nicholas Newton
In Attendance: Councillor Ingrid Strewe (7.30pm – 8.50pm), Councillor Richard Davidson (7.30pm – 8.50pm), Constable Jane Heffernan (7.45pm – 8.40pm), Community Liaison Officer Nicole Stevens.
The meeting commenced at 7.30pm.
The chairperson welcomed and thanked everyone for coming.
Apologies: Gersha Shteyman, George Copeland, Bob & Elleen Lidden.
13 names in the attendance book.
  1. Matters arising from the last meeting.
  2. Yeshiva – Nicole will chase up for the next meeting. It was mentioned that people sleep in the Flood Street properties, when they are not zoned residential.
Generally, if you have a complaint about someone’s conduct, ring Waverley Police Station or Council directly. Councillor Strewe suggested if you complain to Police you should also ask for an event number. If you contact Council you should keep written records such as an email.
  1. Abandoned shopping trolleys. Nothing further to say.
  2. Bed Tax Proposal - Nicole said Geoff Reinhard – Director of Beach and Recreational Services is investigating proposals for Council to raise revenue from visitors. Councillor Strewe mentioned that Council will pick up a ute load of rubbish for $50. Recently illegal dumping has decreased, and the number of people making use of the Council’s rubbish service has increased.
  3. Traffic Lights at Paul Street - Councillor Davidson mentioned the lights on the corner of Paul Street are linked to lights on the corner of Bondi Road and Council Street, and this is the reason for delays of the pedestrian crossing. The RTA is trialling the linkage
  4. Parking Survey - A survey should be taken after the completion of the Westfield complex. It is not off the agenda, but the residents will need to raise it again at a future precinct meeting. It was suggested that any survey be handed out at a precinct meeting.
  5. Bus Service on Bondi Road - Nothing to report.
  6. Angle parking in Ocean Street – This is being looked at again at Traffic Committee. Traffic engineer says that it has slowed traffic down.
  1. Thanks
One member of the meeting thanked Nicole Stevens for organising the filling up of a hole in Gowrie Avenue.
  1. Police Report
  2. Thieves removed a flyscreen on a ground floor unit in Paul Street and used a broom to "unsuccessfully" attempt to rob the unit.
  3. Last Friday, 6 August 2004, a garbage bin was set alight on Bondi Road. Other than the bin there were no injuries. The arsonist was not caught.
  4. Friday, 3.30pm, a local surfer lost a wet suit from the windowsill of his ground floor apartment.
  5. Drink driving incident on Old South Head Road. A 33 year old Bronte man was mid-range PCA when he reversed into a car and then crashed into another.
  6. No news on the pit bull attack.
  7. There are allegedly squatters living at 37-53 Anglesea Street, Bondi. Police will attend.
  8. Noise Complaints - If noise is offensive when police attend following a complaint:
  9. The police will issue a noise abatement direction.
  10. If there is further noise within 28 days, the police can issue the offender with a fine.
  11. Several members of the meeting expressed concerns about security guards harassing people in Bon Accord Avenue. If you wish to make a complaint contact Inspector Adam Purcell of Waverley Police.
  12. Traffic
  13. New traffic arrangements on Paul Street are not working. The "No Entry" sign is being ignored.
Penkivil Precinct resolves that Council Traffic Committee reinvestigate the traffic arrangement at the new traffic lights at the corner of Paul Street and Bondi Road. The particular concerns are:
  1. The lack of adequate signage;
  2. Poor placement of the signage;
  3. Traffic flow.
Proposed: David Libter
Seconded: Alan Sullivan
Carried: With 1 vote against.
  1. Black spot at Flood Street and Old South Head Road.
Penkivil Precinct thinks it is a black spot but the RTA does not agree. Tabled letter from Tony Stewart MP to Peter Debnam MP, dated 26 February 2004.
  1. Roads
  2. Closure of Bon Accord Avenue
  3. Motion:
That streets not be closed at any time for anybody.
Proposed: Sam Spitzer.
Not seconded. Motion lapsed.
  1. Motion:
During the closure of Bon Accord Avenue on High Holy Days, Council’s traffic officers patrol parking on surrounding streets.
Proposed: Steven Vineburg
Seconded: Chris Bertinshaw
  1. Times of closure
The report to Traffic Committee dated 29 July 2004 was tabled, which among other things lists the dates and times it is proposed Bon Accord Avenue will be closed:
16 September 2004 10.45am - 1.45pm
17 September 2004 10.45am - 1.45pm
25 September 2004 10.30am - 7.15pm
27 September 2004 3.15am - 9.30pm
  1. At the top of Bon Accord Avenue and Old South Head Road, it says: "Do Not Queue Across Intersection". It doesn’t work. We need road to be painted to make it clear that you cannot queue across it.
  2. There was no news re progress on Ocean Street carpark.
  1. General Business
  2. Rezoning land on Ben Eden Street
Councillor Strewe said that the owner of land on the corner of Ben Eden Street and Bondi Road (site of the proposed temporary synagogue) has been lobbying the Mayor to rezone the land to allow higher development.
Councillor Davidson mentioned that this is a "gateway site".
There was concern expressed at the meeting that high rise should be confined to the western side of lights at junction of Syd Einfeld Drive and Bondi Road, and that any rezoning might set a precedent for the rest of the Penkivil Precinct.
There was also concern expressed that Council should not rezone a property merely because an owner allows it to get into a state of disrepair.
To be considered at next precinct meeting.
Meeting closed at 9.10pm.
Next Meeting: Monday, 11 October 2004.
This page maintained by Waverley Council Community Liaison Co-ordinator (Ext.8139)
last updated.