This document outlinethe minimum requirements that have to be adhered to when anAgriSETA aligned entity embark onan Apprenticeship or Recognition for Prior Learning (RPL) in pursuit of a qualifying trade test. These guidelines are in accordance with:
Demarcated trades in terms of Section 14. And Section 18.(3) of the Manpower Training Act No 56 of 1981
Conditions of Apprenticeship – Relevant Sections of the Manpower Training Act No 56 of 1981
Exemption toN2 criteria for a qualifying trade test which is subject to endorsement by the Registrar
Directive from the Registrar of Manpower Training for SETA’s when issuing qualifying trade test certificates
MOU between the AgriSETA and the applicable SETA in terms of managing apprenticeships
3. Demarcated Trades
Category A
Category B
4. Registration of Apprentices and RPL Candidates
4.1 Considerations
4.2 Requirements to register a Section 13 Apprenticeship
4.3 Requirements to register a Section 28 Trade Assessment
5. Upon Confirmation of Registration
5.1 The role of the AgriSETA
5.2 The role of the Employer
6. Monitoring and Verification of Apprenticeships
7. Upon Application for a Qualifying Trade Test
7.1 Minimum requirements when submitting a Section 13 Application for Trade Test
7.2 Minimum requirements when submitting a Section 28 Application for a Trade Evaluation
8. Upon Receiving the Statement of Results From the Decentralised Trade Test Centre
9. Not Yet Competent trade Test Results
10.Exemption Criteria pertaining to Item 6.1 iv. Of the Minimum Exit Academic Requirements to Apply for a
Qualifying Trade Test
11.Guidelines When Registered Apprentices of an Employer Does Not Attend Practical Intuitional Training at
an Accredited Provider / FET
12. Artisan to Apprentices Ratio’s
3. Demarcated Trades
Category A
In terms of Section 2(1) of the Education and Training Quality Assurance Regulations (Goverment Gazette No. 19231 published on 8 September 1998)the AgriSETA has ownership of the trades listed here below. AgriSETA has full autonomy to register apprenticeships, conduct quality assurance, schedule trade tests, and issue trade test certificates for Section 13 Apprentices and Section 28 Candidates.

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Designated Trade / Section 13 / Section 28
Automotive Mechanic / Full Autonomy by AgriSETA / Full Autonomy by AgriSETA
Electrician / Full Autonomy by AgriSETA / Full Autonomy by AgriSETA
Instrument Mechanician / Full Autonomy by AgriSETA / Full Autonomy by AgriSETA
Fitter / Full Autonomy by AgriSETA / Full Autonomy by AgriSETA
Fitter and Turner / Full Autonomy by AgriSETA / Full Autonomy by AgriSETA
Turner / Full Autonomy by AgriSETA / Full Autonomy by AgriSETA
Plater / Welder / Full Autonomy by AgriSETA / Full Autonomy by AgriSETA
Mill Wright (Electromechanician) / Full Autonomy by AgriSETA / Full Autonomy by AgriSETA
Category B
AgrISETA entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the MerSETA to extend its scope of trades. The AgriSETA as a result have full autonomy to register apprenticeships, conduct quality assurance, schedule Trade Tests, and issue Trade Test certificates for Section 13 Apprentices for non-designated trades tabled here below. The AgriSETA manages Application for Trade Tests and scheduleTrade Test dates for Section 28 Candidates via the MerSETA. MerSETA is responsible for issuing Section 28 Trade Test certificates for Category B trades.
Designated Trade / Section 13 / Section 28
Diesel Mechanic / Full Autonomy by AgriSETA / MerSETA Directed
Diesel Fitter / Full Autonomy by AgriSETA / MerSETA Directed
Tractor Mechanic / Full Autonomy by AgriSETA / MerSETA Directed
Boilermaker / Full Autonomy by AgriSETA / MerSETA Directed
Refrigeration Mechanic (Com. & Ind.) / Full Autonomy by AgriSETA / MerSETA Directed
Rigger / Full Autonomy by AgriSETA / MerSETA Directed
There is absolutely no difference between the Section 13 and Section 28 Trade Tests. It is a condition of the MoU between the AgriSETA and MerSETA that Trade Test components, time allocated for Trade Tests and Quality Standards (mark sheets) areexactly the same. Trade Tests Certificates displaying the AgriSETA Logo have the same validity and the bearerof such certificate will get the same national recognition.
4. Registration of Apprentices and RPL Candidates
4.1 Considerations
SETA’s have an obligation to report to the Department of Higher Education (DHET) on the subject ofApprenticeship training and the number of persons qualifying as Artisans in its particular sector. This emphasises the importance to register Apprentices with the AgriSETA whether fundedor not.
Application to fund apprenticeships is optional. Employers may apply for funding from the AgriSETAby means of the 2Discretionary Grant Application for Bursaries, Internships, Workplace Experience, and Apprenticeships Application (BIWA) Form. Complete Sections A., B.2 and C. of the BIWA document and return to; The Manager: Apprenticeships, AgriSETA House, 529 Belvedere Street, Arcadia, 0083 or P O Box 26024, Arcadia, 0007, RSA. The process for funding from this point onwards is outlined in the 3Discretionary Grant Notification For Apprenticeships.
4.2Requirements to register a Section 13 Apprenticeship
i.The employer conduct a self evaluation against; 8Workplace Provider Criteria, 9Workplace Readiness, and upon compliance complete and prepare a9Workplace Readiness Report for submission to the AgriSETA;
ii.The candidate must be at least 16 years of age, all trades; Minimum of Standard 8 or Grade 10 with mathematics and science or a full N1;
iii.Candidates must be declared 10Medically Fit before engaging into a Apprenticeship Contract;
iv.The candidate must be aSouth African Citizen and in possession of a valid National Identity Document (ID);
v.Complete and adhere to Part A., B., C. (if applicable) and D. of the 4Contract of Apprenticeship.
Take cognizance that an Apprenticeship Contract must be registered with the AgriSETA within 30 days upon signing by the respective parties.

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4.3 Requirements to register a Section 28 Trade Evaluation (Registration is only compulsory when funded by the AgriSETA)
  1. The candidate has to comply with one of the following entry requirements:-
  1. A minimum of 6 (six) years relevant on the job practical experience should the candidate hold a qualification other than N2 trade theory;
  2. A minimum of 5(five) years relevant on the job practical experience and relevant N2 theory;
  3. A minimum of 4(four) years relevant on the job practical experience and N2 with a four subjects certificate (with relevant trade theory);
  1. Confirmation from a MerSETA accredited Training Provider / FET that the candidate had been subjected to a practical skills level evaluation to identify current skills level and recommendation for further training interventions in pursuit of a6Qualifying Trade Assessment against the designated trade;
  2. Proof of highest qualification or Letter of Oath of highest qualification inclusive of a list of subjects
  3. A detailed breakdown reporting on previous and current practical experience aligned with the designated training schedule on company letterhead (Separate letters from each previous and current employer in terms of item 4.3 i. are required).7Samples Letters reporting on detailed breakdown include:-
  • 7aAutomotive Mechanic
  • 7bElectrician
  • 7cInstrument Mechanician
  • 7dFitter
  • 7eFitter and Turner
  • 7fTurner
  • 7gPlater / Welder
  • 7hMill Wright (Electromechanician)
  • 7iDiesel Mechanic
  • 7jDiesel Fitter
  • 7kTractor Mechanic
  • 7lBoilermaker
  • 7mRefrigeration Mechanic (Com. & Ind.)
  • 7nRigger
  1. Complete and adhere to Part A., B.and C. of the 5RPL Agreement For Section 28 Evaluation.
5. Upon Confirmation Of Registration:
5.1 The role of the AgriSETA
  1. Submit the 4Contract of Apprenticeship/ 5RPL Agreement For Section 28 Evaluationfor approval by the duly authorised of the AgriSETA;
  2. The employer is informed about non-conformances if applicable and allow reasonable time for corrections;
  3. The BIWA Administrator issues a unique AgriSETA Apprenticeship Contract number;
  4. Notify the employer that the Apprenticeship had been approved and issue all relevant guidelines / supporting documents:-
  • Signed copy of the 4Contract of Apprenticeshipor if applicable5RPL Agreement For Section 28 Evaluation
  • 11Workplace Logbooks
11aAutomotive Mechanic
11cInstrument Mechanician
11eFitter and Turner
11gPlater / Welder
11hMill Wright (Electromechanician)
11iDiesel Mechanic
11jDiesel Fitter
11kTractor Mechanic
11mRefrigeration Mechanic (Com. & Ind.)

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  • 12Apprentice Development Plan
  • 13Guidelines Applicable To Record Keeping
  1. A duly authorised representative of AgriSETA schedule a physical site visit to verify Workplace Provider compliance;
5.2 The role of the Employer
Deploy the candidate in the workplace
  1. Institute 9support systemsin the workplace;
  2. Orientate designated Training Coordinator, Mentor, Workplace Coach and Apprentice(s) about 9roles and responsibilities;
  3. Guide apprentices and workplace coach to 14maintain logbook and supplementary notes;
  4. Maintain a safe work environment in accordance with Health and Safety practices;
  5. Conform to 8Workplace Provider Criteriaguidelines as workplace provider;
  6. Proof of sufficient and appropriately qualified persons that may serve as workplace coach / mentor for the apprentice;
  7. Submit a signed 12Apprentice Development Plan for each apprentice;
  1. Submit proof of a signed Fixed Term Conditions of Employment for each Apprentice or RPL Candidate if unemployed of Contract of Employment if employed.
6. Monitoring and Verification of Apprenticeships
The AgriSETA in terms of good governance of Apprenticeships require written progress reports at intervals of six months.
The 15Monitoring and Verification Report (MVR)may serve as reporting instrument and has to be completed by the either the employer or a duly authorised AgriSETA representative. The duly authorised from AgriSETA conduct a physical monitoring and verification site visit (at least) once in a period of 12 months for the duration of the Apprenticeship. The 15Monitoring and Verification Report (MVR)may be completed by a duly authorised AgriSETA representative or the employer. The 9Workplace Readiness Reportserves as first report. The AgriSETA designed 15Monitoring and Verification Report (MVR)template may be used by the employer when having to report on the learning progress. Alternatively the employer may use its own progress report provided that it covers the minimum information as required for example:
  1. Location of the apprentice(s);
  2. Names of the apprentices and indication of progress against the designated training schedule;
  3. Company representative details and name of designated workplace coach (journeyman);
  4. Verification of Logbooks and supplementary notes;
  5. Verification of attendance records, leave records, accidents and incidents recorded, disciplinary matters, staff welfare, transgressions, recommendation, progress against plan, scheduling of further training interventions;
  6. Access to tools and equipment;
  7. Feedback from the journeyman;
  8. Feedback from the apprentice.
7. Upon Application for a Qualifying Trade Test:
The employer prepares the Application for Trade Test and conduct a16Application for Trade Test Self Checkfor each application. Original hard copies of the application may upon compliance against the qualifying criteria be submitted to the AgriSETA. The AgriSETA acknowledges receipt of the application and screen the contents and attachments for compliance. The AgriSETA BIWA Administrator processes the application upon approval and issue a unique systems generated serial number for each application. The AgriSETA notify the designated Decentralised Trade Test Centre to issue Trade Test dates. The Decentralised Trade Test Centre issues a trade test date and notify the employer and the AgriSETA accordingly.
7.1 Minimum requirements when submitting a 17Section 13 Application for Trade Test
  1. Complete 2 x original signed copies of this application form;
  2. Attach 2 x original certified copies of the 11Workplace Logbooks (apprentice ensure that 100% are signed);
  3. Attach 2 x original certified copies of the national ID;
  4. Attach 2 x original certified copies of a valid N2 certificate with Mathematics, Relevant Trade Theory, plus two

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relevant subjects as prescribed by the designated training schedule or19Exemption Letter for N2from an accredited training provider as stated in Item 9. of this document;
  1. Attach 2 x original 18Signed Letters on Company Letterhead declaring that the Apprentice:-
  1. Had been/are employed and received workplace exposure at the company under mentorship of a qualified artisan for the designated trade
  2. Completed all the practical and theoretical training in accordance with the MERSETA training schedule for the designated trade
  3. Is trade test ready either from the employer or from an accredited training provider if the apprentice attended practical institutional training.
  4. Completed the minimum period 85 weeks practical workplace exposure
  1. Enclose a copy of previous Trade Test Statement of Results (NYC declaration);
  2. Attach proof of payment of Trade Test fee at the designated Trade Test Centre.
7.2Minimum requirements when submitting a 20Section 28 Application for Trade Evaluation
  1. Complete 2 x original signed copies of this application form;
  2. Attach 2 x certified copies of the national ID;
  3. Attach 2 x certified copies of highest qualification or affidavit of highest qualification including a list of subjects;
  4. Attach 2 x originally 21Signed Letters on Company Letterhead:-
  1. Declaring that the Candidate is employed / unemployed
  2. Giving a detailed a breakdown of practical workplace experience (previous and current employer on separate letterheads) against the designated training schedule
  3. Recommendation that the apprentice is Trade Test Ready; also attach a Trade Test Readiness declaration from an accredited Training Provider / FET
  4. Declaring that the apprentice acquired practical experience in the designated trade
  1. Attach 2 x certified copies of previous trade test results (NYC declaration) if applicable;
  2. Attach proof of payment of trade test fee at the designated Trade Test Centre.
8. Upon Receiving the Statement of Results From The Decentralised Trade Test Centre
The Decentralised Trade Test Centre notifies the employer and AgriSETA about the outcome of the Trade Test; issue a copy of the Trade Test Statement of Results to the Employer and the original signed document to the AgriSETA. AgriSETA print a Trade Test Certificate and prepare supporting evidence for endorsement by the duly authorised AgriSETA designate and the Registrar of Manpower Training. The following evidence is attached for perusal by the Registrar of Manpower Training:
  1. Original Trade Test Certificate signed by the duly authorised AgriSETA designate;
  2. Original application for a qualifying trade test
  3. Original registered contract of apprenticeship (only section 13 Apprentices) for the designated trade signed by all stakeholders
  4. Original signed Medical Examination of the candidate
  5. Original certified copy of the logbook / modules (only section 13 Apprentices)
  6. Original certified copy of the national ID
  7. Original signed declaration of employer on company letterhead
  8. Original Competency Declaration (Statement of Results) signed by the Accredited Trade Test Centre and the candidate
  9. Previous Trade Test Results should it be the 2nd or 3rd attempt to pass the qualifying trade test
  10. Proof of accreditation of the decentralised trade test centre
The AgriSETA hand the original signed Trade Test Certificate to the employer.
9. Not Yet Competent trade Test Results
A candidate will be allowed three Trade Test attempts. The following conditions and time line applies between the first unsuccessful Trade Test attempt and the second (or subsequent) attempt.

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  1. The employer submit evidence that remedial training took place;
  2. The employer submit evidence that the apprentices received supplementary workplace experience to redress the skills gap;
  3. An Application for trade test may not be furnished within 3 months from date of issuing the last Trade Test Results;
  4. That the employer submits a full Application for a Qualifying Trade Test which conforms to all the requirements of such an application.
10. Exemption Criteria Pertaining To Item 6.1. Iv. Of The Minimum Exit Academic Requirements To Apply For A
Qualifying Trade Test
The entry academic requirement to registeras Section 13 Apprentice isStandard 8 or Grade 10 with mathematics and science or a full N1. The candidate may be exempted from holding a full N2 academic qualification at exit level upon successful completion of Competency Based Modular Training (CBMT) demonstrating that the Mathematical-, Engineering Science-, Technology-, and Trade Theory components had been sufficiently covered during the practical institutional phase.
a) A candidate that is holding a qualification higher than N2 but without N2 trade theorymust have a full technical qualification (N3 or better) including mathematics and relevant subjects.
b) A candidate with minimum N2 without relevant trade theorymust obtain an exemption letter issued by an accredited institution.
c) A candidate with one N2 subject which is not a relevant trade theorymust obtain an exemption letter certificateissued by an accredited institution.
A candidate may however qualify for exemption from a full N2 qualification when holding a relevant Learnership at NQF Level 2 for the designated trade.
11. Guidelines When Registered Apprentices Of An Employer Does Not Attend Practical Intuitional Training At
An Accredited Provider / FET
Read in conjunction with Item 10. an Exemption Letter does not replace a N2 qualification.
Deciding against practical institutional training at an FET / Accredited Provider other than trade test preparation when a candidate complies to the exit academic qualification place an enormous responsibility on the employer to support the apprentice in preparing for a qualifying trade test. This approach does not allow any room for error against the designated training schedule, Item 7.1v.C. and 7.2v.C. applies.
12. Artisan to Apprentices Ratio’s
The physical environment of some workplaces has an appetite for risk aggravating the Artisan to Apprentices ratio. The following guidelines may be considered subject to a physical workplace compliance site inspection.
A ratio of 1:2 qualified Artisan to Apprentices for the same designated trade is manageable. The Artisan to Apprentice ratio may increase to 1:4 when each Apprentice is assigned to a competent Semi-skilled person with 5 years experience for the same designated trade.
For Electricians and Mill Wrights a ratio of 1:1 in the first year applies which may expand to 1:2 in the second year provided that the apprentices completed 50% of the modular training against the designated training schedule at an accredited training provider.

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