Spring 08
MATLAB Project #3 (10%)
- Due date: 5/19/2008 4-5:00 pm (RVR-5025C).
- Please include all three MATLAB projects in a single folder.
- The project reports should include all necessary printouts and plots for the numerical work as well as all necessary equations and derivations for the analytical work.
- Organize the materials in an easy-to-follow manner.
- A professional quality report is expected for project #3.
- You are allowed to share ideas but do not let anybody copy your work.
Mathematical models of the thermal processes of a typical water heater are given. Your task is to obtain the solution using both analytical and numerical techniques.
Problem Statement:
Most modern water heaters are controlled by a thermostat so that the water temperature is cycled betweentwo preset temperatures. In this project you are required to compute the water temperature during the heating and cool-down of a typical water heater and from the resultsdetermine the duty-cycle of the heater.
Mathematical model:
Two competing thermal processes, heat generation from the heating elements and heat loss through the insulation of the heater walls, are considered and the corresponding one-dimensional ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are developed.
Heater off: (1)
Heater on: (2)
where:t– time
T– Water temperature
Tam– Ambient temperature = 20 C
A– Total surface area of the tank 1.42 m2
P– Power consumption = 5000 Watts
– Heating efficiency of the heater 70%
L– Thickness of the insulation of the heater 0.25 inch
k– Thermal conductivity of the insulation material 0.024 J/secmC
c – Specific heat of water = 4213.3 J/kgC
M– Mass of the water in the tank 80 kg
Solving the ODEs we will obtain the water temperature as a function of time for both the cool-down (heater off) and the heating+cool-down processes (heater on).
- MATLAB solutions:
- Assume Tmax= 95 C and Tmin = 90 C.
- Use MATLAB(ODE23 or ODE45, p. 771 of the text) to solve equation (1)numerically and plot the water temperature as a function of time when the heater is off.
- Use MATLAB (ODE23 or ODE45, p. 771 of the text) to solve equation (2) numerically and plot the water temperature as a function of time when the heater is on.
- From the solutions determine the heating time and cool-down time.
- Compute the duty-cycle of the heater.
- Repeat the above computations for Tmax = 95 C andTmin = 85C.
- Compare the duty-cycle for the cases:
(Tmax = 95 C and Tmin = 90 C vs. Tmax = 95 C andTmin = 85 C)
Which case is more efficient?
- Analytical solutions:
- Solve the ODEs analytically – you can solve them by hand or use the dsolve command from the Symbolic Mathematics Toolbox in MATLAB.
- From the solutions derive the formulas for the heating and cool-down times as functions of Tmax and Tmin.
- Compute the heating and cool-down times for Tmax = 95 C and Tmin = 90 C.
- Compute the duty-cycle of the heater.
- Repeat the above calculations for Tmax = 95 C andTmin = 85C.
- Compare the analytical results to the numerical results.
- Do the analytical results and the numerical results match? If not, speculate the reason(s).
- Conclusion:
- What did you learn from this project?
- Future work (MS project using MATLAB???)
- Anything else you would want your instructor to know?
Appendix: The MATLAB dsolve command
To solve the above ODE analytically you can type:
EDU» y=dsolve('Dy=-a*(y-ymin)','y(0)=y0')
y =