Language Arts: We will be working a new English curriculum called Benchmark, Houghton-Mifflin’s English curriculum. Students will be authoring different kinds of writing, which include but are not limited to: Opinion, Informative/Explanatory and Persuasive essays. Students will also participate in Independent Reading on a daily basis with Response Journals.

Math: Students will use the enVision Math Common Core.

Science: We will be using Scott-Foresman’s Science. Our students will be tested in Science this year, along with Math and Language Arts. We will cover Physical Sciences, Life Sciences and Earth Sciences this year. It is a very interesting and extensive curriculum. Astronomy is up first!

Social Studies: In Social Studies we will study American history from the First Americans to the development of the United States as a free and independent nation. In addition to our Scott Foresman curriculum, we will be watch several PBS videos (full movies or excerpts).

Español: En español, we will be using the book ¡Qué chévere! 1A. Our students will be tested at the end of the school year in order to place them in Spanish 1B at either Folsom Middle or Sutter Middle School. Please, encourage them to study every day.



To act in a manner that makes one worthy of trust and confidence


To be honest about things and feelings with oneself and others


To listen with the intention of understanding what the speaker intends to communicate


To never use words, actions, and/or body language that degrade, humiliate, or dishonor others


To do one’s best given the circumstances and available resources




ClassDojo.com: This positive reinforcement program enables students to earn individual and class points toward rewards in class. Parents are encouraged to participate in the app so they may see their student’s behaviors in real time. Class-generated reward list is posted in class.

  • Verbal warning (twice for now, but as the year progresses one should suffice).
  • Class Dojo message to parent, loss of Dojo point(s).
  • Notes home (behavior reports and communication with parents).
  • Severe disruption: Visit to Mr. Lundberg’s office.


Homework is a powerful tool for learning and a necessary part of any student’s successful mastery of skills and knowledge. Students have time to do part of their homework at school, especially Math and Spanish homework. Since I am here, I can help them clarify any doubts they might have. The students have the district Reading Log for English, and Math is further problems from the Independent Practice page.

The recommendation is about 50 minutes total daily for homework depending on testing, etc. If this is too cumbersome, let me know so that we can talk about it and see what can be done. Are they struggling with Math homework? Let them struggle. I will be here the following morning, and have Reteaching resources.


When your child is absent, the assignments will be written down and sent home with another student if possible. Or, the parent or a sibling may stop by after school and pick up the work. Please request work in the morning in order for us to gather it by the end of the day. It is very difficult to gather the work when a parent drops in unannounced. It is very important that the work be made up as soon as the student is able. This prevents the student from getting behind in their studies. Usually a student has a day to make up the work for each day he/she is absent. Make sure your child has the contact information of one of his or her classmates. Also, students need to check their mailbox to check for any work they missed during their absence. Google classroom will also contain the day’s homework.

In the case of a student missing school due to a vacation, or for some other planned activity, many days advance notice is required if the parent desires work to be sent ahead of time. Please, let the office me and know as soon as possible if you are taking a vacation during school months. If a student is on vacation and is given the work for his/her extended absences, the student is expected to have the completed work when he/she comes back to school. Contact the office to complete an Independent Study form.

NOTE: Daily homework will be posted on the classroom board, written down in the students’ agendas, my classroom website (most of the time you will get a daily email), and finally, on Google Classroom.

Dear Parents and Students:

Welcome to Room 30’s Back to School Night. I hope you all had an enjoyable and exciting summer! All hands on deck for 5th grade!

Teaching your child is a privilege as well as a tremendous responsibility. I will do my best to ensure that each student has a motivating and safe learning experience. However, I also need your help to become partners in your child's learning process. I encourage you to motivate your child at home by helping to ensure that they have completed their assignments, and help them study for tests/quizzes, if necessary.

In order to maintain home and school communication, the district has set up a classroom website where you can check the day’s homework and the school calendar. The website also includes links the students can access to further their studies at home. Google Classroom will also contain the daily homework.

If you have further questions/concerns, please contact me at: . Email or Class Dojo is the best way to communicate with me.

I am looking forward to a great school year!

Grading Policy

100 - 97 = A+

96 - 93 = A

90 – 92 = A-

89 – 87 = B+

86 – 83 = B

83 – 80 = B-

79 – 77 = C+

76 – 73 = C

72 – 70 = C-

69 – 67 = D+

66 – 63 = D

63 – 60 = D-

59 – 00 = F

¡Bienvenidos a la noche de regreso al colegio!

Señora Ducat

Room 30



Donations are always welcome. The classroom is always in need of Kleenex, hand soap (no antibacterial soap), white letter size paper, lined letter-size paper, and reading books!

Thank you!