Math 8Mr. Stonitsch
Room 1292015 - 2016
Performance Expectations
- Students will receive a homework assignment (worksheet) every day except on chapter test days. There is no text book for math.
- Homework reinforces the concepts covered in class.
- Completing daily homework will help teach responsibility.
- Homework is used for part of student assessment.
- The excuse, “I didn’t know there was an assignment,” can not be used.
- Homework assignments will be posted in 2 places:
- On the homework board by the classroom door
- Mr. Stonitsch’s Classroom Page (can access via
Extra copies of every homework assignment can be printed from website
which is updated daily or obtained from the folders in the back of the room. All homework assignments can be made up for full credit.
- Students who are absent for class are expected to make up assignments/tests in a timely fashion. Assignments that are not made up will be counted as a zero.
- Tests, quizzes, projects, and some assignments should be taken home by students to be reviewed by parents.
- Students who are having difficulty should ask for extra help. Extra help will be available every day before school8:00-8:40a.m., during free periods, lunch, and after school (when available).
- Students are expected to prepare for all tests & state test April13-15.
- If a student has a music lesson during class, they must let me know 24 hours in advance. Not all students will be able to miss math class to go to a music lesson due to the topic being covered that day or because the student can not afford to miss the class due to grades. Students are responsible for all missed work.
- Behavioral
- Rules of conduct
- Be on time and seated before the bell with required materials:
sharpened pencil, notebook, homework, positive attitude.
- Follow directions the first time.
- Be quiet while the teacher is speaking or others are working.
- Remain in your seat.
- Respect the property and feelings of others.
- Raise your hand to ask or answer questions.
- Follow safety rules & keep hands and feet to yourselves.
- Absolutely no food or drinks(except water) are allowed in the classroom including gum sunflower seeds.
- Cell phones and any type of music players should be off and away during the day or they will be confiscated if used or heard.
- First/Second Offense - Verbal warning
- Third Offense - Phone call or email home
- Fourth Offense - Office referral
- Any severe infraction will result in an immediate office referral
- Grades
Grades will be determined by homework, notebook checks, projects, quizzes, and tests. Homework is collected daily and counts for 25% of the total grade. Notebook checks are done at the end of each chapter to insure that students have taken all of the notes for the chapter and count for 5% of the total grade. Quizzes count for 20%, tests count for 40% and projects count for 10% of the total grade. Chapter tests will be about every 3 weeks.
- Supplies
- Notebook specifically for math only (can be spiral, composition, or loose leaf paper in a binder or folder)
- Loose leaf paper only if using a binder or folder for a notebook
- Folder to keep past quizzes and tests in
- Pencils – lots lots of pencils – math shouldn’t be done in pen so students can erase mistakes
- Calculator to keep useat homeon homework –it should have square root ,, , and negative ( - ) buttons.
We use the TI-30XIIS in class ($8-$12 at Walmart).
V. Communications for PARENTS!!!
If you would like to make an appointment to meet with me, please call the school at 735-3101. You can also email me directly anytime at with any concerns.
I use a computer grade book to do my grades and can send home grade sheets which list current averages and all graded assignments including missing assignments. They can be quickly and easily printed out to be taken home by students at any time when requested. You can also access your student’s grades via the ECSD Parent Portal at any time.
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What is your preferred method of contact? ____ email: ______
____ phone: ______
I email home a weekly math newsletter every Monday morning about what we are doing in class (topics, homework assignments, dates of upcoming quizzes/tests, other important items/dates) throughout the year. If you would like to receive them, please provide an email address(es) that you would like them sent to. Email: ______
I reviewed these performance expectations with my child.
Parent/Guardian SignatureStudentName
Math 8 Honors Extra Supplemental Information
What is Math 8 Honors?
The Math 8 Honors course that your son/daughter is taking is a very unique course that is designed to challenge honors students at a 9th grade level. It is a hybrid course that covers all of the 8th grade curriculum plus many additional 9th grade topics. It is a preparatory class for the Integrated Algebra Course that students take in 9th grade and is not for high school credit. It is very difficult for most students as at least 80% of the curriculum is brand new to them and we move at a good pace.
What topics are covered that aren’t in the regular Math 8 class?
1. Solving equations that have more steps in them (7-8 steps vs. 3-4 in regular)
2. Consecutive integer problems with sums and products
3. Mixture problems
4. Points, lines, planes, rays
5. Add, subtract, multiplying rational expressions
6. Quadratic formula
7. Converting decimals to fractions including repeating decimals
8. Adding irrational numbers
9. Simplifying radicals
10. Adding, subtracting radicals
11. Dividing square roots
12. Solving inequalities involving fractions and proportions
13. More complicated problem solving questions with tons of word problems
Do I need to buy a graphing calculator?
No!!! When we use them during the year, the school has a class set and no homework assignments will be given that require one.
Is extra help available?
Yes. I am available for extra help every morning starting at 7:00am. When arriving in the AM, yell up to my room and I will come open the back door. You do not have to schedule an appointment. I would strongly suggest coming in to review before all quizzes and tests and if you don’t understand any homework questions.
What if a student is struggling in the honors class?
I have extremely high expectations for all students in this class. This course requires a very hard work ethic and is very challenging. If a student is struggling, they can be switched into the regular 8th grade math class at any time during the year with parent permission and will not be behind in the regular course. Students were recommended for this course by their 7th grade math teacher. As per building policy, students must maintain an 85% average to remain in the honors class at the end of each marking period. Sometimes students were placed to give a student a chance to challenge themselves at a higher math level and it just doesn’t work out.
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I understand that my child will be automatically removed from the honors class if he/she does not have an 85% average in honors math at the end of each marking period as per building policy. There are no exceptions.
Parent/Guardian SignatureStudent Name
Math 8 Honors Extra Supplemental Information
What is Math 8 Honors?
The Math 8 Honors course that your son/daughter is taking is designed to challenge honors students at a higher level. It is a course that covers all of the 8th grade curriculum plus a few additional 9th grade topics. The honors class delves a little deeper in class on 8th grade topics and does more challenging examples. It is a preparatory class for the Integrated Algebra Course that students take in 9th grade and is not for high school credit. It is very difficult for most students as at least 80% of the curriculum is brand new to them and we move at a good pace.
Do I need to buy a graphing calculator?
No!!! When we use them during the year, the school has a class set and no homework assignments will be given that require one.
Is extra help available?
Yes. I am available for extra help every morning starting at 7:00am. When arriving in the AM, yell up to my room and I will come open the back door. You do not have to schedule an appointment. I would strongly suggest coming in to review before all quizzes and tests and if you don’t understand any homework questions.
What if a student is struggling in the honors class?
I have extremely high expectations for all students in this class. This course requires a very hard work ethic and is very challenging. If a student is struggling, they can be switched into the regular 8th grade math class at any time during the year with parent permission and will not be behind in the regular course. Students were recommended for this course by their 7th grade math teacher. As per building policy, students must maintain an 85% average to remain in the honors class at the end of each marking period. Sometimes students were placed to give a student a chance to challenge themselves at a higher math level and it just doesn’t work out.
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I understand that my child will be automatically removed from the honors class if he/she does not have an 85% average in honors math at the end of each marking period as per building policy. There are no exceptions.
Parent/Guardian SignatureStudent Name