Math 7 Course Outline


Room Y-6

Welcome to 7th grade Math!! Here is the important information you need to know for Math 7CC and Math 7/8CCA with Mr. Lubbes

We will use the district adopted Go Math! Consumable, Write-In Textbook in school and at home. Students will be required to bring their book to class each day. I encourage you to separate your book into individual units, and put them in a 3-ring binder as we use them in class. This will lighten your backpack tremendously!

ONLINE TEXTBOOK ACCESS The student book is also available online, and log-in information will be provided to students at the beginning of the school year.

Find my web pageon the Fisher Website!

I will communicate with you weekly through updates to my webpage each Monday afternoon. Click on your class period for assignments and information about your class.


1. Arrive on time, prepared with materials, and ready to learn.

2. Follow directions the first time they are given.

3. Listen carefully to whomever is sharing a mathematical idea.

4. Respect our classroom and each other’s property and space.

5. Be polite; never use put-downs.

6. Follow the same guidelines with substitute teachers or other classroom guests.

The following Rewards and Consequences are aligned with the student Behavior Expectations listed above.

Rewards / Consequences
The Joy of Learning
Verbal Praise
Positive email or Phone Call Home / Verbal Warning
email or Phone Call Home
Discipline Referral to Administration

ORGANIZATIONAL EXPECTATIONS In addition to your textbook, you will need a 1-subject spiral notebook or composition bookfor your math journal and a math folder for handouts. It is your responsibility to come to class prepared with your textbook, math journal, math folder and materials each day.

Your MATERIALS include all the materials you need for this (and other) classes. You must have the following materials in math class daily. I will provide you with any materials you need with a note from a parent. *With a note from home, I don’t need a reason! Just tell me what supplies you need! 

  • Several sharpened pencils, a small pencil sharpener with lid, AND/OR
  • Several mechanical pencils with extra lead
  • A large eraser
  • At least 2 highlighters and color pencils
  • Calculator (used heavily in S2, but at times during S1). Any type.

(a scientific calculator with exponent & square root keys is recommended but not necessary. I use the Ti 30X).

A pencil box, large pencil case, or heavy-duty ziplock freezer bag are all acceptable containers for your materials. Plastic pencil cases may need to be secured with a rubber band in your backpack.



Quarter and semester grades are determined by scores on tests and quizzes, completion of assigned work (homework, classwork, warm-ups, quick checks, online work, etc.), and performance on extension work.

Tests and Quizzes: 60%

Assigned Work: 35%

Extension Work: 5%

Bonus points are offered occasionally. You should always take advantage of these opportunities! They will never hurt your grade. No other “extra credit” will be offered.

I am here for you; to help you succeed in math and to enjoy this class! I am available to students for extra help after school most Mondays.



Homework(5 points): Please complete part A. Have your parent or guardian complete part B. Detach this page, and turn it in by Thursday, 8/20/14.

A. STUDENT please complete the following:

YOUR NAME ______PERIOD ______

(Please Print Name Here)

1. Read and sign below:

I understand the grading policy, expectations, rewards, and consequences for Mr.Lubbes’ Class. I will do my best to meet these expectations, or accept the consequences for my actions.


Student Signature Date

2. Use this space to draw me a picture or to tell me something wonderful about yourself.

B. PARENTS please complete the following:

1. Read and sign below:

I understand the grading policy, and my child’s behavioral/organizational expectations and consequences for Mr.Lubbes’ Class. I will do my best to help my child meet these expectations, and I agree with the consequences set forth, should my child not meet these expectations.


Parent/Guardian Signature Date

2. Use this space to draw me a picture or to tell me something wonderful about your child.