Any student who misses the first day of class will be dropped from the course immediately. To re-enroll, the student must report to the Math Lab in Joyner Library.
Plan to implement policy:
1) Meet with academic advisors to explain the new attendance policy. (We are modeling our redesign after the program at LSU. They found that only 45% of students who missed the first day of class were successful in the course compared to 75% of students who were present on the first day.)
2) Include a course comment stating this policy in the registration system.
3) Attend orientation sessions to explain this policy to incoming freshmen.
4) Provide all course information in a link on the Math Department website which freshmen will be given during orientation. (on the orientation flash drive)
5) Send an email explaining this policy to all students enrolled in Math 1065 two days before the first class meeting.
6) During the drop/add period of each semester, Gwen Hardin (Administrative Support Associate in the Mathematics Department) will set the enrollment maximum to 1 student thirty minutes prior to the start of each section of Math 1065. This will close registration to that section so that no student will be able to add.
7) During the first class meeting, the instructor will take attendance and send a list of all absent students to Mrs. Hardin. She will manually drop each student and send an email stating that he/she has been dropped from the course due to nonattendance and must report to the Math Lab in order to re-enroll. The email will also state that there is no guarantee that the student will be able to add back the same section.
8) The student who needs to add back the course will report to an “add station” in the Math Lab. He/she will have to sign-in, read a written copy of the course syllabus, watch a video of the material covered during the first class meeting, and receive a form stating that all of these requirements have been satisfied. Then the student will have to take this form to Mrs. Hardin in the math office to add back the class.
***LSU has used this policy for several years. During their first semester, one hundred students were absent the first day. During the last registration period, a total of 48 students were absent. They have found this policy to be very effective and believe it has increased student success in this course.