MATES Summer Grade 10 Spanish Assignment

To prepare for your next course of Spanish at MATES, we recommend that you complete a series of exercises that coordinate with the textbook you will be using (i.e. Avancemos 2 if you are going into Spanish II or Avancemos 3 if you are going into Spanish III). You will find these exercises on line at the internet site maintained by the publisher, Holt McDougal: Your first challenge is to type this website address correctly. Once you get to the site, follow this path: > World Languages, High School, NJ, Go > Avancemos 2 or 3 > Home Tutor.

Click “Home Tutor” (the link next to the oval) and wait for program to load. Then enter your name, select "Level A" and click the link for "Lección preliminar." To learn the vocabulary, click on the electronic "Flashcards" first. The audio component of your computer should be turned on so that you can hear the word pronounced. After you have mastered the vocabulary, complete the "Práctica" exercises for Levels A, B, and C. When you are finished, click the link at the bottom for "Session Report." Then click the printer icon at the bottom right to print your report (Do not e-mail your report).

Repeat the same process for Unidad 1, Unidad 2, Unidad 3 and Unidad 4. Each Unidad is divided into Lección 1, Lección 2 and the Repaso Inclusivo. Use the flashcards and complete the exercises for each lección and for each repaso. Print a report after each session. Submit the session reports to your homeroom teacher on the first day of school in September. You will receive up to 10 extra points on a Spanish test grade if you have completed all of the exercises from the Lección preliminar through Unidad 4. To accomplish this task, you should devote approximately 90 minutes a week this summer to the Home Tutor. If you were unable to complete all of the exercises, submit what you have done and the extra credit you receive will be adjusted accordingly.

We look forward to seeing you in September!

Very truly yours,

MATES Spanish Department