“Rotary: Making a Difference”
April 26th,2018
Maternal & Child Health Month
Sanala Playground/Garden Project Update
Apr 28th – Breakfast at 7-10 Club
Apr 30th– Monthly Board Meeting
May 3rd – 1 month to the Golf Tournament
May 7th – Golf Committee Meeting
May 10th– Chief Rukus, LVF Dept
May 17th – Brent Barootes, Sponsorships?
10 of us made it to Simon Holt for some very pleasant Rotary fellowship…
…and 4 spouses joined us.
Vojto – another year wiser on May 2nd.
Last week – our 3rd Anniversary of providing a monthly hot breakfast to some of Nanaimo’s less fortunate citizens. The date was April 24th, 2015!
As far as we know – we’re healthy…??
Joining in fellowship to support growth and development in education and health for those less fortunate in our local and international communities.
“Presidential” Observations
Have you completed President Lorie’s survey? Remember to bring it to our meeting next week.
Further donations this year will be directed to the Annual Fund – unless you tell Barry otherwise.
In case you were wondering where all that cash you put into the Sgt’s box each morning goes…
…$10 comes out for the winner of the draw.
…the remainder is earmarked as the Sgt-at-Arms Fund – to be used to offset the costs of major fellowship events, e.g. Christmas Dinner and our annual Installation Evening.
Installation – of Pres Jan and her Board for 2018-2019 will be held Wednesday, June 27th at the Nanaimo Golf Club. More details i.d.c.
Breakfast at the 7-10 ClubThanks for your support!
What more can I say – Mom is always right!
Next breakfast – Saturday, April 28th.
News, Updates & Reminders
2018 Golf Tournament (our 22nd)DATE. Friday, June 1st.
BENEFICIARY. Vancouver Island Compassion Dogs will be the major beneficiary [25% of net proceeds, up to $5,000].
It’s never too late to start thinking about (and doing something about) prizes and sponsors, after all, it is our biggest [only] fundraising event of the year.
We have a few golfers registered, a few prizes collected, and a few sponsors signed up – but we NEED some more of all of the above.
Rotary Minute
Why did you join Rotary?
Why have you stayed in Rotary?
How have you benefited from being a Rotarian?
Sanala Playground/Garden Project
This is our District Community Grant Project for 2017/2018 and comprises two parts: building a natural playground and building/planting several raised garden boxes at the Sanala Housing Project on 5th Street.
The Natural Playground. Dave E has been in contact with Maxx Contracting and we plan to have a work party at Sanala before mid-May where we will use some boulders and logs provided by Dave E ▼…
…to convert this…▼
…into something like this ▼
Don’t we wish. But, hopefully you get the idea.
Raised Garden Boxes. James and Jodie have built four. The last two boxes showed up Friday, so didn’t make Thursday’s photo op ▼.
We will be filling them with (lots of) dirt from Sharecost (more work in May) and planting some green things that will thrive and survive. Suggestions gratefully accepted.
Rotary in Nanaimo
Rotary Club of Nanaimo (Daybreak)
Paper Shredding, Nanaimo North Town Centre, May 5th.
Rotary Club of Nanaimo (Oceanside)
Bond Night, Coast Bastion Hotel, June 2nd.
You can find out where and when all the Clubs in District 5020 meet on the 5020 website:
Rotary International:
Member’s access:
District 5020:
Our website:
Our Facebook Page:
Check it out – you might be surprised…
Churchillism #9
Two Irishmen were waiting at the bus stop when a truck went past loaded up with rolls of turf.
Jimmy said, “Dat’s what I’m gonna do when I win da lottery!”
“What's dat den?” asks Mikey.
"Send me lawn away to be mowed."
Friends – right??