Algebra II

2011-2012 Mr. Rush Room 124


Math Webpage-

Course Description

Algebra II is a challenging course intended to help students prepare for higher-level math and science classes as well as college. The course builds upon the foundational knowledge students acquired in Algebra I. Students will solve and graph various types of equations, work with exponential and logarithmic relations, and discover how sequences and series can be used. When possible, real world problems will be used in the learning process. Pacing guides can be found at the above webpages.

Algrbra II is a required class for an advanced diploma and is a SOL course which will involve a SOL test at the end of this semester. We will address the SOL’s throughout the semester and will be well prepared for the test.

Materials- to be brought to class everyday

Binder to keep an organized notebook with paper to do homework

Pen or Pencil

Graphing calculators (available in class or your own – you can check one out daily from the library)


Assignments and Assessments

Students will be given a variety of assignments both inside and outside the classroom. Homework can be expected every night. All homework assignments and upcoming tests/quizzes will be posted on my website (). Grades for the class will be based upon tests (40%), quizzes (30%), and Classwork/Homework (30%). Homework and daily assignments are expected to be completed on time. Credit will only be given for assignments that are fully complete. Assignments will be accepted before the next test for half credit. Notebooks may be checked periodically. Student’s grades can be accessed online anytime. Students can also ask me for an update whenever needed.

Tutorial Times

Any question about homework or tests may be asked during any free time - before school, lunch, after school every day. I try to make myself readily available to students and parents. There may also be an after school tutorial (Power Hour) on Mondays and Wednesdays with bus transportation. Please take advantage of these times if needed. Please give me a call or email me anytime and I will get back to you ASAP.

Expectations and Guidelines

1. Be on time to class, get your calculator, find your seat and begin your warm-up

2. Bring all required books and materials

3. No cursing or swearing (automatic referral to office)

  1. Respect all individuals and their belongings
  2. Complete all homework
  3. Try your hardest in everything you do

7. Ask any and all good questions


1. Warning

2. Detentions

  1. Office referral
  2. Other discipline deemed appropriate

**Students are responsible to take care of their textbook and calculator issued to them. **

My son / daughter and I have read the included information and we understand the importance of following these guidelines.

Date ______

Phone Number (during school hours) ______

Phone Number (after school hours) ______

Parental E-mail address (if available)______

Home address ______

______Student’s Signature Parent’s Signature

*** If you would like to keep this copy, just return another sheet of paper that says that you have read this and sign it, including the above information. Thanks.

If there are any concerns about the course or your student please give me a call at the school (540-433-2651) or e-mail me at .