Materials needed for class everyday:

1. 3 ring binder with loose paper for math ONLY

2. Calculator – There will be a TI-Nspire graphing calculator provided for you to use during

class. It will be returned each day at the end of class. This calculator is school

property and should be treated with care. You will need a scientific calculator for

homework. I suggest Texas Instruments because I am familiar with how they work.

If you have questions, please ask before you purchase one or keep your receipt.

3. Textbook

4. Pencil

Grading Scale

A93 – 100

B85 – 92

C74 – 84

D66 – 73

F 0 – 65

Grades are calculated based on the following:

I. Homework – 20% of nine weeks grade

1. Daily assignments: Grade based on completion – 5 points

If homework is not finished by the beginning of class, you will receive a 0

or a 1 for that day. You may complete the homework and show me any time

after that class period and before the test over that assignment. I will change

your grade to a 3.

2. Homework checks: Grade based on work shown and correct answer – 20 points

Homework checks will be done at random. I will choose four problems from

ANY assignment given since the beginning of the semester. You must use

only your notebook, write the problem, show your work, and give the correct

answer. Each problem is worth 5 points. There will be a limited amount of

time to complete the homework check.

II. Tests, Quizzes, Notebook, Writing assignments and Projects – 70% of nine weeks grade

1.) Basic Skills Quiz: 20 points

Basic skills quizzes will be given on designated days throughout the semester.

The number of problems will vary depending on the topic. A practice sheet will

be provided at least one week in advance. You will be responsible for preparing

for the quiz. You may NOT USE A CALCULATOR on the quiz.

2.) Quizzes and Tests: Quiz points vary/All tests worth 100 points

3.) OPTIONAL: Math Notebook: 100 points each 9 weeks

Your math notebook will be graded the last week of each nine-week period.

Your notebook will include:

* a list of the formulas on the first page of your notebook.

* daily notes with the date and section number at the top right corner of each

page. Your notes should include all notes and problems that are put on the


* daily homework, with all work shown, should follow the notes that were

taken for that section.

* homework checks and basic skills quizzes.

* daily review problems in the back of your notebook. Include the problem,

steps to solve, and the answer.

Your notebook will be graded as follows:

Formula Sheet20 points

Daily Notes20 points

Homework Problems20 points

Correct Order and Neatness20 points

Review problems20 points

Your notebook is a cumulative project throughout the year. Do not throw anything away!!

4.) Writing assignments and Projects: Points vary based on assignment

III. Class Participation – 10% of nine weeks grade

* You will receive 2 points per day when you are present, at a school event, have a

doctor’s excuse or a principal’s excuse.

*You will receive 0 points per day for any other absence.

*The percentage will be based on the number of days in each nine weeks times 2.

*Extra participation points may be earned by volunteering to put problems on the

board correctly, showing exceptional insight during class discussion, or

coming in for extra help.

*Participation points will be subtracted for excessive talking, disruptive behavior,

sleeping, or rudeness to others.


Good attendance is expected and necessary to maintain quality learning. When you are absent, you are responsible for making up review problems, notes, homework, homework checks, quizzes and tests.

Classroom Rules

1. Be in your seat before the bell rings and remain seated until dismissed.

2. Be courteous and respectful.

3. Take care of the school’s technology.

4. Rules for personal electronic devices will comply with those in the student handbook.

5. If you have a question, ask!! GET HELP if you need it!!! I am available before school,

after school and during tutorial.

6. Expect to be successful.

7. Never forget – MATH IS FUN!!!

I understand a TI-Nspire Calculator will be available for my use during class. I will be responsible for its appropriate use and care. I will be responsible for any damage caused while it is in my possession. If my calculator is used inappropriately, my privilege of use will be revoked. I will also need my own calculator to use at home.

A laptop will also be available for my use during class. I will be responsible for its appropriate use and care. I will be responsible for any damage caused while it is in my possession. If my laptop is used inappropriately, my privilege of use will be revoked.

I have read and understand the classroom procedures. If I have more questions, I will ask Mrs. Butts at a convenient time.




Parent SignatureDate

Parent’s best email address to receive progress reports, important dates and reminders.

Email address

Is there anything I should know about your son/daughter that will help me teach more effectively?