Green Middle School 2012-2013

Health Course Outline

The following will outline the rules, procedures, topics and grading expectations the student must follow to be successful in Health this grading period.

Materials needed for Class:

Students must come prepared with their own paper, a writing utensil and a folder. The folder will be kept in the room (class file) and used for storage of class notes, group work and study materials needed to review for quizzes and the final test. Text books will remain in the classroom at all times.

Class Rules:Grading Scale:

Pay attentionA+98 – 100C73 - 76

Participate dailyA 93 – 97C -70 - 72

Exercise Personal ResponsibilityA -90 – 92D +67 - 69

Respect yourself, others and the teacherB + 87–89D63 - 66

Come to class preparedB 83 – 86D -60 - 62

B - 80 - 82FFailing C + 77 - 79

Discipline Chart:

Hall Passes, Behavior Problems and Late to Class:

The chart will be posted on the back side of the classroom door. The three areas of the chart will each have three marks totaling 9 that the student can use before discipline will take place. Discipline will include a call home and/or time spent with me during their activity. If the marks continue to accumulate an office meeting will be necessary. At the end of the term, the marks not used on the chart will turn into some form of extra credit. The points will be added to the final grade.

Graded work will consist of:

Lesson Reviews – A quick assessment on the previous lesson for purpose of review

Unit Assessments – an assessment will follow each unit covered in class

Group Project (s) – Each grade level will be researching a topic to be presented in class (disease 7th grade, drug 8th grade). More details to follow at a later date.

Pre and Post Test – There will be a test given at the beginning and at the end of the term. The pretest will not be scored but the post-test will be scored.

Topics to be covered by grade level:

7th grade8th grade


7th grade continued8th grade continued


Bullying/Internet SafetyDrugs (group project)

Mental Health DisordersHIV/AIDS

Disease (group project)Dating Violence

StressCyber Safety

Healthy RelationshipsDARE

Grade Development (80/20):

80 % of the student’s grade will be based on three items:

-Drug and Tobacco or Disease Presentation

-Unit Assessments

-Final Course Test

20% of the student’s grade will be based on two items:

-Lesson Reviews

-Class worksheets

  • Student Growth will be shown by comparing the pre and post course tests.

Retesting Policy

In the event that a student has not demonstrated mastery of material on 80% assessment, he or she may request to retest but only up to two times during the course. Upon receiving the graded assessment, the student must notify the teacher that he or she wishes to be retested within 24 hours. To be eligible, the student may not have any missing or incomplete work for that unit. The teacher will determine what reteaching and/or relearning should take place, and arrangements on where and when he or she will retake the assessment. The student can earn up to 50% of what he or she missed and it will replace the original grade in Progress Book.


  1. DO NOT throw away any assignments or notes; keep them in the class folders! They will come in handy for lesson reviews, quizzes and the final test.
  2. If there is something unclear, ask questions. I am available before and after school for any extra help needed.
  3. Participation is key! The more the student participates, the more they will gain in the classroom. This class is highly discussion based and all the concepts and major key points will be talked about and reviewed daily.

Contact Information:

I would like to keep the lines of communication open to promote success of every student. I can be contacted either by email at or by phone ext. 615028.

Joseph Grigas

Green Middle School Health