Electronic Supplementary Material 1
Article title: Ecosystem-scale rates of primary production within wetland habitats of the northern San Francisco Estuary.
Journal name: Wetlands
Author names: Risa A. Cohen1, 2*, Frances P. Wilkerson2, Alexander E. Parker2 and Edward J. Carpenter2
Affiliation and email of corresponding author:
1Department of Biology
Georgia Southern University
PO Box 8042
Statesboro, GA 30460, USA
2Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies
San Francisco State University
3152 Paradise Dr.
Tiburon, CA 94920, USA
ESM 1. Statistics output
A. Two-factor ANOVA results for phytoplankton primary production.
df F p
Phytoplankton production
Site 5 199.65 <0.0001
Time 7 49.33 <0.0001
Site x Time 35 40.92 <0.0001
B. Kruskal Wallis with the Scheirer-Ray-Hare extension results for water column nutrients, and phytoplankton chlorophyll a concentration.
df H p
Nitrate (NO3-)
Site 5 62.58 <0.001
Time 7 35.08 <0.001
Site x Time 35 45.04 0.1<p<0.5 (n.s.)
Silicate (Si(OH)4)
Site 5 67.16 <0.001
Time 7 39.01 <0.001
Site x Time 35 36.49 0.1<p<0.5 (n.s.)
Orthophosphate (PO4-)
Site 5 75.80 <0.001
Time 7 15.80 0.025<p<0.05
Site x Time 35 48.06 0.05<p<0.1 (n.s.)
Ammonium (NH4+)
Site 5 32.02 <0.001
Time 7 31.44 <0.001
Site x Time 35 75.10 <0.001
Phytoplankton Chlorophyll a
Site 5 35.43 <0.001
Time 7 78.46 <0.001
Site x Time 35 97.34 <0.001
C. Nested ANOVA results for microphytobenthos production and chlorophyll a concentration, and low marsh vegetation production and chlorophyll a concentration.
df F p
Site 5 33.62 <0.0001
Plot[Site] 12 0.78 0.67
Component Variance Component Estimates Percent of Total
Site 227.42 27.14
Plot[Site] -5.91 -0.71
Residual 616.37 73.56
Chlorophyll a
Site 5 11.70 <0.0001
Plot[Site] 12 1.33 0.20
Component Variance Component Estimates Percent of Total
Site 3147.40 16.94
Plot[Site] 217.36 1.17
Residual 15217.03 81.89
Low Marsh Vegetation
Site 4 41.07 <0.0001
Plot[Site] 10 0.45 0.92
Component Variance Component Estimates Percent of Total
Site 1232700 16.99
Plot[Site] -113695 -1.57
Residual 6137334 84.58
Chlorophyll a
Site 4 9.31 <0.0001
Plot[Site] 10 1.04 0.40
Component Variance Component Estimates Percent of Total
Site 1048.88 8.77
Plot[Site] 15.74 0.13
Residual 10893.45 91.10